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Welcome back, again LtBarclay##vOgLqq Fri 30 Jun 2023 06:23:48 e7143d US No.31413 Original
if you are still seeing the maintenance mode image where the captcha should be, clear your browser cache or shift+f5

OK Anons. It's make or break time.

Here's where we are at. We are never trying to get by on cheapo servers again.
In order to prevent this incessant downtime, I cashed out any remaining crypto donations we received in 2018-2019 to purchase 6 months on a pristine, Ryzen Processor, Raid 1 server.

I must make this clear: we cannot afford this. Our ad payout rate from a-ads.com has been absolutely BATTERED by this downtime and will take months to recover even back to our pitiful ~$150/month level. As of now, due to payout slashing, we will make about $100/month for the next few months until we get our uptime back to 99.9%. Our new server costs just over $200 a month. This is all math that does not add up.

Here's the deal. I hated begging for crypto donations and wondering every month if we would make it. It sucked. As soon as we could fully pay our bills with just the ad campaign, I stopped taking donations entirely. The time has come again to beg.

I need help making up the difference. I have other ideas for generating revenue, but for now, I am re-opening crypto donations. After all, it gave us this 6 month extension on life, perhaps it can again. Since the last time I had to e-beg, crypto has become even more mainstream. The friggen paypal app even has crypto now. So, if you're willing to buy and send crypto via the Paypal App, CashApp, or already have a coinbase or other exchange account, the option is here again if you feel like helping bbw-chan live a little longer.

BTC: bc1qnhrx0r7q9ywg5ag3m4w9lm64cqj2e97pdz3j25

ETH: 0x1b455C7EbcE203c7Bb45fc58A1ABed66ec70Cb4f


USDC: 0x1b455C7EbcE203c7Bb45fc58A1ABed66ec70Cb4f

I know based on the past few months you might hesitate to donate to a site with downtime issues like this, but please understand where I was coming from. Since 2016 I have taken whatever steps were necessary to continue this chan. Whether it's changing hosts, changing servers, changing chan software, changing mods, taking/restoring/losing backups, the server downgrade 6 months ago WAS necessary. We went from making double what we needed each month in crypto to less than half what we required to maintain a 1gbps server. Was I an idiot for not cashing out our ad-revenue bitcoin to a stable coin month after month as crypto crashed? Yes. Absolutely.

Had I done that we would have easily weathered this crypto winter, but keeping BTC as BTC,and being forced to use btc month after month to pay our bills, quickly turned our surplus into a negative. The cheapo servers kept us within budget, but I did not fully anticipate HOW shitty they would be. Two hard drive failures, one in a server THAT HADN'T EVEN RUN A FULL MONTH, just blows my fucking mind. The odds of it must be astronomical.

I have never been willing to associate my personal identity in any way with this site, ever. It's simply not worth risking my personal safety (or any other moderator for that matter) or legal liability. That means I CANNOT pay for this site via traditional debit/credit/ach/etc. It's how we've always operated, and it's the only way I will do it.

I'm really sorry about being an asshole about this. I simply won't pay out of pocket for this. Not just for safety's sake, but also, this is already a big responsibility managing server changes, hosting providers, front-end updates, backups, mods, CP filters, sha256 bans, it just goes on and on. To expect me to also pay for the privilege of doing it... yeah nah. I'm also at a point in my life where I can't really afford to spend money on it anyway.

You might recall, if you've been here long enough, people eventually got so sick of not being able to donate without using crypto I handed the site over to a new operator who was willing to take on the mantle and take traditional donations, with the hope that it could keep the site going. He paid for a few months of hosting and ghosted before he ever put his name on anything.

It's not worth risking ANYONE'S personal safety or exposing themselves to legal liability for this site. He figured that out just like I did. This is just supposed to be funsy-wunsy. So it's going to stay this way. This certainly smells like a death spiral, but we'll see. If it comes down to it, I'll make the offer to hand the site off again a few weeks before the deadline, and someone else can put their name on it.

Anywho, I need some sleep.
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Advice for frugal and secret porn storage? Anonymous Wed 02 Aug 2023 15:57:36 8199c7 US No.33071 Original
Let's say that I'm a poorcel and my mom/dad/wife/brother/husband might snoop on my computer. I currently reside under a totalitarian anti-coomer regime who will not respect our way of life. I might not be able to buy any harddrives if I can't explain a purpose for it that passes heavy scrutiny, but I have plenty of old/small ones.

I used UTM for a secret debian VM, but one day randomly it does not boot. I can do some debian ISO magic and see the files are probably still there, but I'm going to figure out how to fix the VM or move the files later. Right now I'm focused on what to use instead of UTM.

Right now I'm wondering, what kind of random things are yall doing, for those who need to hide their secret stashes? I'm worried about computer illiterate snitches, not state-level actors.

I'm willing to consider a variety of directions to go in, I just want to hear a variety of ideas.
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Question for Feedees Anonymous Tue 08 Aug 2023 00:37:17 ca7754 US No.33358 Original
I know most people on here are feeders (at least in theory, I know I would identify as that even though I've never fed anyone irl) but I know for a fact there are a few feedees both male and female lurking around here.

My question: what do you look for in a feeder? Ie, what makes or breaks a feeder for you in their mannerisms, attitude etc. I'm curious
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Suck these toes! Tue 08 Aug 2023 17:40:13 f1f8ac US No.33392 Original
Sexy blue toes!!
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How to search on here? Anonymous Mon 07 Aug 2023 19:36:37 931cd9 US No.33345 Original
I’m looking for any posts of a specific model. How do I search for their username or name on here? I’m new to this. Not super technology savvy
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Questions about Italian fatties Anonymous Sun 06 Aug 2023 21:46:51 e15501 US No.33232 Original
>Where in Italy is the best place to go to see Fat girls?
>how big was the biggest girl you’ve ever seen in Italy?
>Is it really true that Italy is one of the thinnest Euro countries? Even with their food culture?
>Online it says ~1/3 Adult Italian females are overweight. Does this seem true?
>Is there more scrutiny for being with a bigger girl in Italy?
>Is it true that Southern Italy is fatter than the North?

Yes, I copied the Dutch guy
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@hellomonsterzero on TikTok Anonymous Fri 30 Dec 2022 17:11:47 4b836f US No.24542 Original
There is this woman on TikTok claiming to be a former feedee and is now advocating against it. She claims her boyfriend tried to make her famous on Curvage. Anyone knows her name? https://www.tiktok.com/@hellomonsterzero
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Closet feeder/feedee couples Anonymous Mon 31 Jul 2023 19:51:20 140a24 CA No.32980 Original
Lay out the suspects.

Lena Dunham's husband has got to be feeder because she has gotten fucking huge and is unrepentant.
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Anonymous Fri 04 Aug 2023 20:07:37 773152 US No.33147 Original
Whoever called it a nothingburger is stupid, it should just be nothing. A nothing BURGER would still have buns, meaning every time you've ever said some hullabaloo was just a big nothingburger, you were actually saying the commotion had a big sexy ass.
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Medicine related weight gain Anonymous Tue 25 Jul 2023 05:26:14 5b5533 US No.32652 Original
So, at the risk of being told I’m larping I’d like to see if anyone else had had a similar experience to me. I’m turned on and also troubled.

two months ago my girlfriend was started in Zyprexa(olanzapine) by her doctor. As soon as she told me I kind of got excited because I’m well aware that it can cause some fantasy level weight gain. She was out of town and I spanked it to the thought of her losing control and gaining 200lbs etc. After about a week went by she actually did lose control. She has gained probably 5-7 pounds a week every single week and just continues to eat more and more, wakes up at night to eat and then goes back to sleep etc.

I’m into some dark shit and a pretty hardcore feeder but even I am getting a little concerned. I’ve never seen someone gain this fast or eat this much in person. She is also not a feedee and is not happy about the gain or the stretch marks (crying when we have to go clothes shopping) etc.

I’m so turned on by it but also very very disturbed by it and I don’t know. Has anyone else had anything else like this happen?
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