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Weight gain after gallbladder removal? Anonymous Fri 25 Aug 2023 15:22:01 45a225 GB No.34306 Original
Gf just got her gallbladder removed thankfully after having a load of trouble with gallstones. Anyone have any experiences with weight gain because of it? Can’t seem to get an answer online so I’d thought Id ask.
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Feeding GF with Allergies Anonymous Tue 22 Aug 2023 00:46:01 080746 US No.34080 Original
Hey /gen/, I had a question for some of you as to what you may do in this situation.

I recently got a gf, and currently she's chubby at about vaguely 200 pounds. We had a long talk about my feederism, and I recently got the green light to try and make her gain weight. We have some pros & cons to this thing though.

Pros: She wants to do it, she's already chubby, she wants the bigger ass, we believe this will improve her relationship with food, if we don't like it we'll stop immediately, she's beginning to desire me actually touching her stomach/stretchmarks and is getting over the negativity of it all.
Cons: She's got a little bit of some odd eating habits, she is lactose intolerant, she is allergic to coconut.

Does anyone have any advice or resources for folks who are new into feeding? Also maybe some alternatives for her allergies?

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Can we do an OnlyFans review thread? Anonymous Sun 11 Jul 2021 19:17:04 726ce4 US No.8544 Original
Not sure if this is something you guys would be interested in, but I thought it might be helpful if we had a thread to share experiences subscribing to models' OnlyFans. See who's worth their price and who isn't, things of that nature. I've only ever subbed to a few pages of lesser-known models mostly for curiosity's sake and had pretty okay experiences. And Amatrix who mostly just posts excuses for not putting out content. Celia was fine for the free month but didn't do enough to rope me in when she went paid.

I'll get the ball rolling by asking if Roxxie and CaitiDee are worth 15 a month? I've been circling their pages for a while but I feel like I get enough of their content through other channels that I don't need to shell out the cash.
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Polyamory feedism? Anonymous Sat 12 Aug 2023 06:12:03 1dcda6 US No.33552 Original
me and my girlfriend want to start a polycule of feedists and I'm honestly really excited but also nervous

any advice?

what we're mainly stuck on is where to find people. I'm on feebie already, she's looking into a couple sites, but since we're lebians, finding other female feeders aside from myself for financial stability is going to be key but also the hard part
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Stuck in a relationship Thu 17 Aug 2023 13:56:25 7e3b36 RU No.33843 Original
I would like to confess about my so-called relationship with a girl. It may sound like a beginning of some weird story from /elite, but right now I am stuck in it with no idea about the future.
We first met in the summer camp where I was a 18 y/o coach assistant and she... well, she was a lonely 15-year-old bullied girl from a clearly poor family with low self-esteem. At first, I was asked to look after her by my mentors since she often wandered alone away from the groummup in the free time, even going outside the camp territory. No one knew where she was, and it was just dangerous to leave her on her own. So I organized her activity to keep her around, asking her to help in some stuff. This included us being together alone for hours, and I started noticing that she was interested in me. During the boat trip, she asked to make a photo of her on her camera, and I agreed without a second thought. Then she asked me to pose and took a couple of photos of us together 'to keep the moment'. She often came to my place asking for help but it was clear that she just needed to chat and has nowhere else to go. By the end of the season, we were a couple in the eyes of her roommates (and also in her eyes, as I realized later), 5 I did my best to keep cool to prevent her from falling in love. Nevertheless, she insisted on holding my hand at the farewell party and inserted a paper with her phone and address into my palm. Our group was close, so it was OK for us to exchange mails and keep in touch in the social media. We all communicated innocently for some time in the group chat, but the years went by, the boys and girls grew older, some got married, some moved, and the messenger went silent.
Seven years later, she suddenly called. We had a long talk, and in the end she invited me to come visit her someday. I broke with my GF recently, so I accepted her offer. We have not seen each other for long time, and I noticed that she has grown into a more womanly shape compared to a thin girl I knew. She showed me her town, we dined at some local fast food restaurant and then she invited me to her place for a dinner. While I was already full, she somehow managed to eat two large burgers, a portion of fries and then a large plate of gravy and cake an hour later. I wondered at her appetite, but refused from commenting on the now-obvious origin of her newfound curves. From the small talk at dinner I was surprized to know that she was unemployed and lived with her mother and her disabled grandmother. No boyfriend, no close friends, all communication seemed to be limited to messengers. I returned home with mixed feelings. She was appealing but something was clearly wrong in her.
Since then, she wrote me almost daily in Viber, sending girly gifs and romantic stickers. When I asked her about what she was doing, the answer usually was 'just relaxing', or 'watching TV', or listening to music in her phone, or sometimes going outside. She used to do sports at school: ski, swimming, arching, but she did not seem interested in practicing it anymore. She often reposted me videos from cooking and fashion blogs, though I have never seen her with makeup on or in trendy clothes, or heard that she cooked something by herself. When I asked her about her college drop she confessed me one day that she has a documented health disability, and any hard or prolonged physical or mental activity cause her major headaches. She asked me to never talk about job or education, or her diagnosis. She quickly found that I am interested in bigger girls but made no further moves towards me since then.
We met a couple more times for the next two years during my vacations. Every time she asked me to bring her something tasty. We kissed a couple of times, and she does not complain when I hug her but apart from this our relations are more friend-like. Of course, her lazy lifestyle and unrestricted appetite showed on the scales. She was swelling at a steady pace from about 150 lbs at the beginning to 180 lbs a year later. Now, after the second year of our closer relationship, I think she is close to 200 or even heavier. She has grown from B to full saggy D cups, has a prominent potbelly, love handles, wobbly thighs and a huge rack. Her arms are thicker than mine, and her thighs are so thick they rub together when she walks. She is quickly out of stamina for her size, avoiding stairs or uphill roads. Last time I saw her she had troubles walking, conversating and breathing at the same time, as she often stopped mid-sentence to catch breath. Her mother is aware of the situation but can't do much aside from poking the poor girl for her size. For some time, her mother and I convinced her to attend the swimming pool, but she abandoned it as too expensive, and the handrails were uncomfortable for her at her weight.
I am attracted to her physique even more as she grows but at the same time I am scared by her sedentary lifestyle, her disability (which can be mental as well) and decreasing mobility. For a while I suspected her and her mother in feeding her intentionally as a honey trap for me but she is not interested in any serious relationships and prefers to live her whole life with her mother. We both see no future in becoming a couple but I feel myself unable to break and leave her alone in her numb state. So we continue as friends. She sends me recipies and online postcards, mostly with food displayed on them. I learned to reply her the same way, notasking much about her personally. 'What are you doing today? Did you go out somewhere?' - 'No, I'm just lying around, mom is cooking dinner'.
This whole thing is hot in stories but IRL it is weird as hell.
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Old Content Vs. New Content Anonymous Thu 10 Aug 2023 10:46:40 3e90ea DE No.33475 Original
Is it really true there are more models now than in past eras, especially SSBBWs? As someone who actively started collecting porn this decade, I wish I began a decade earlier cause the content from that time seems way more appealing to my tastes.

I don't think people realize how many models have come and go since so many of it has been memory-holed. I'm guessing the most prominent multigirl sites SBBBWs Gone Wild, MercedesBBW, BigCuties and Bombshells singed upwards of 100 models. The latter 2 sites were exclusively non-explicit which probably pulled in many women-next-door types you don't see these days who don't want to associate themselves with porn (some were Christians!).

Some of the unavailable content from that time includes prime BBBXL, Asshley, Jenni and Cajun.

Brianna, Courtney, Roxxie and Adeline started when they were right out of high school and neatly documented their gains year-in-year-out, do these have equivalents now? Hayley, that model who gained a ton off camera who just films herself eating every 2 months? In an earlier era we would have 1000 pics and 50 clips by now (for one subscription price), shot in horizontal portrait by an experienced woman or man who knows what we like, lol.

I'd say some models produce content that is still up to earlier standards, DoughBellyGirl, Lisa Lou and ImmobilleSoon who shows potential. Can yall see where i'm coming from?
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Anonymous Thu 24 Aug 2023 11:19:07 0989ab No.34210 
See you there!
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Why no /belly/ board? Anonymous Fri 14 Jul 2023 23:29:47 b77ae9 US No.32156 Original
Equalized fat distribution - /bbw/

Breast focused fat distribution - /tits/

Butt focused fat distribution - /booty/

Belly focused fat distribution - ???
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Feederism Discords Anonymous Mon 01 May 2023 22:42:18 86de3d GB No.29281 Original
Gimme some recommendations for feederism discords.

All the ones on disboard seem to be full of trannies posting their dicks in the bbw channels, cringey as hell, and/or completely dead.
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What's the origin of this edit/morph? Anonymous Sat 19 Aug 2023 01:14:27 da6d25 HN No.33932 Original
Random Facebook Hispanic group posts this “meme" of an edited version of Lana del Rey, making fun of her for being “fat". This is the original post: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cv8QZHLuZ9G/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==

I couldn't help but notice how extremely well made that edit was? It's very convincing. Makes me wonder if it was AI generated or if it's a montage of a BBW model pic.
Accidental fetish fuel
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