1. Don't bitch if you see a dick, or if a character with tits and a dick, or whatever, it's all fair game in that department.
2. One Character at a time. This is a request thread, not a commission line. The artists are doing this for free. (Not that you can't suggest more but no guarantees that anyone will get to them until your first request is finished)
3. Be more descriptive of what you want. Anyone can ask for "X with Y Fetish" but it's more likely that your request will be more interesting if you go into some extra detail (But not too much, please.)
4. Inflation stuff only. Make a thread in the other forums if you want fats. (Blueberry bonus color edits allowed)
5. Be decent human beings.
6. Don't ask for kids, ffs.
7. If you want furry content, the current inflation drawthread for /bbfurries/ is over at
>>>/bbfurries/4737. Give the mods a break so that they don't have to banish this thread to the shadow realm if there's a sudden influx of furry requests or whatever.
8. Respect global rules, follow basic common sense, also for artists feel free to make bonus memes or jokes while your making balloons if you like (a good meme or 2 never hurt anyone)
(It was an interesting quality in the last thread that I kind of wanted to bring over for this one)
Anyways those be da rules for draw Thread round 3..
Enjoy yourselves you degenerates let's blow some people up!
(shamelessly copy n pasted from last thread)
Draw Thread 3: