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Fat Fetish Awakening Anonymous Tue 12 Sep 2023 22:43:37 a79065 US No.35338 Original
Did anybody else have their awakening from the FG episode where Lois gets fat?

I swear the FG writers were projecting with this episode, between "fat sex is the hottest sex" and Peter force(?) feeding Lois.
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What’s the most cringe shit you’ve seen on BBW Chan? Anonymous Tue 14 Sep 2021 06:10:22 bc5409 AU No.10049 Original
For me it’s that dude on /inflation/ who calls himself “The Babylonian”, refers to himself in the third person and addresses other users as “mortals”. Inflation isn’t really my thing, but he seems to share a LOT of content, which makes him better than most people here, but I just can’t read his posts without cringing myself to death.

Also, the excessive use of the words “wins” and “legendary”
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Morbid question time Anonymous Fri 15 Sep 2023 17:54:09 625e2b HN No.35500 Original
After a model dies, which a lot of the heavier ones might eventually do soon enough, what do you do with their content?

Preserve it, but never touch it like a museum artifact?
Preserve it and appreciate it like a rare Pokemon card?
Delete it in respect?
Or still wank off to it to honor her memory?
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This fetish can be so annoying. Wed 06 Sep 2023 23:53:49 0cb27c US No.35000 Original
I don't TL:DR someone else can do it.

I'm pushing 40 so to late in life with to few propects or any disire to start over. I have had this fetish all my frucking life. Had to hide this shit most my life because the 90's and 00's was not set to bursting with fat bitches everywhere you turn. Life really sucked back then when so few women where fat as fuck and internet as least for me was unheard of. To get onto things I met this women online, was not even looking at the time. We hit it off though as we have a very common way of thinking on many things. We have been togather about 5 years now. Fucked idk how many times as well. She was over 270 at first and it was fucking amazing huge tits, big ass with thick thighs, love handles, pillow belly flab hanging over the thighs and hams for upper arm. I found her very atractive. Wanted her to gain much more and she knew I did. She gained up to over 350 something with no plans to stop. We both have many commen ways of thinking, both very based. We are a perfect match mentally and physically for each other. But then out of no where she got a health problem not some common weight related shit but some fuck shit a person at any weight or age can get. Came totally out of now where and derailed everything. Shes not dieing or nothing but what are the odds it just happen to be the same shit my many years beforehand X's mom had. No one in my womans family has this shit just her so we don't know why this fuck it happen. At 350 she had no breathing problems, was very active for someone her size and had little problems getting around and then as if over fucking night still at 350 she started gettign out of breath very easy, having no energy amoung many other health problems I wont say as I don't want to say from keeping her identy private incase one of her fat lovering X's lurks here. Shit was all fucked now. Docs pushed weight lose hard as fuck they didn't really know what else to do but there mind set was "oh shes fat there for its only because shes fat". It had fuck all to do with her weight it has to do with this bullshit health problem I am very familer with it and weight has fuck all to do with how bad or good someone can deal with it. Its just a matter of finding the right cocktail of meds and there fine. So now shes lost 70 or so pounds, she still looks fat but just not the same.I guess I should be like a fucking normie should be all "but your health is what really matters" "its just a fetish" blah fucking blah. No I want her fat as fuck, My whole fucking life I've wanted a women so fucking fat she can barly waddle around being housebound from her weight borderline immoble. I had an X that was borderline housebound fucking loved the hell out of every sceond of that lard ass struggling to breath and get around, dick was diamond 24/7, she had massive sagging tits at lest an M cup and a belly apron past her fucking knees with upper arms dripping with lard rolling over her elbow.s As I said diamond dick for her body 24/7 but it didn't last as sexy as she was she was dumb as a fucking box of rocks and could not hold the simplest of conversations to save her life. Not in a cute anime type way, just a stupid as fuck annoying way. It got old and we split. The woman I'm with now smart as fuck. Can hold any kinds of conversation you throw at her and always has the perfect reply to any question. But now I'm unsure if she can ever gain the weight back much less till being a fucking cellulite ridden blob of my dreams. We won't split but shit fucking sucks beyond words this bullshit health problem happened out of no where and the fucking docs got her to get weight lose to fix shit even though it cured fucking nothing after the weight lose. She still has every fucking health problem from this shit so wtf was the point of her even getting weight lose if it cured fucking nothing. Now do I have to give up on my fucking fat fantasy? Will she forever not eat more then a fucking tea cup a day? Will her gut ever sag past her thighs again?

Dreams taken from me by weightlose when my womens weight lose fixed none of the underlying problems of her health. Fuck those fucking docs for making my women lose fucking weight to cure her health problems when all it did was kill my fucking boner and cure fucking none of her health problems.
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Asian body positivity Anonymous Thu 14 Sep 2023 07:29:38 c19223 SE No.35436 Original
I may be misremembering something but I swear that there was some greentext or something along those lines that was pretty much just some guy explaining how they had chatted up chubby Asian girls on social media who would post things under body positivity related tags. I have no idea where to even start to look for either the post I’m looking for, or to actually try out what that post was talking about. I just hope I’m not completely stupid and not making shit up but I swear I saw something about it somewhere, probably on Reddit tbh

pic unrelated
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Anonymous Sat 16 Sep 2023 20:27:21 1a2a77 IE No.35549 Original
>be me at the pub last night
>sitting outside with friends
>group of girls comes and sits beside us
>turns out they're friends of one of the girls in my group
>one of them is a 9/10 ssbbw
>tall, blonde, tanned, good hair/makeup/dress, easily 400+
>i perk up when i see her
>but i don't get a chance to talk to her
>after a while they go inside
>ssbbw puts her hand on my shoulder and gives it a little squeeze as she walks past (making me think she must have noticed my reaction when she came in lol)
>my friends say we should go in to join them
>i keep waiting for this to happen but it never does
>i thought it would be sus if i went in by myself cos i don't know these girls and didn't actually talk to her
>eventually decide "fuck it" and go inside to look for her
>can't find her
>go home
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help on healthily becoming very, very fat? Anonymous Sat 16 Sep 2023 08:09:13 6e2a7f US No.35527 Original
i’ve read that if you do things right, you don’t get health problems from becoming obese. i need healthy ways to only gain subcutaneous fat. i know to snack constantly, i just need to know what’s best to eat in order to become a massive fucking hog without risk of my liver calling it quits.
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Despair Posting Donnie Draco Thu 07 Sep 2023 01:46:10 e3e6b1 US No.35008 Original
Let’s her it old chaps. Post your saddest fat stories.
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Fatter In Person Anonymous Wed 06 Sep 2023 17:18:26 5a8786 US No.34980 Original
Tell about encounters you've had with girls who ended up being way fatter in person than they looked in their pics. Can be models you've met, girls from online dating, etc.

I'll start - last year I met a girl on Bumble, she looked like she had a fairly average build. If I had to guess, she looked like she was maybe 175-180lbs in her pics. So we made plans for a coffee date. When I went to pick her up, she opened the door and the first thing I noticed was how much bigger her belly was. I was unsure if she was the same person at first, but it was indeed her and she had to have put on at least 75 pounds since she took the pictures she used on bumble. Of course, it was a very pleasant surprise lol. Unfortunately, we only saw each other once more and decided it wasn't a good match, but it's still hot to think about how much fatter she actually was
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WHEN THE TREND ENDS! Forbiddensubjects Fri 15 Sep 2023 02:27:16 bea27b US No.35468 
I don't know if anyone else will agree with me but im quite tired of seeing all these thick white girls with phat asses (whether that be in real life or on onlyfans/do porn) that only mess around with BBC/black guys.

It seems like it's just a trend and I was hoping to God that it would come to an end because I've said on numerous occasions that white girls who get pregnant by black guys 90% of the time they end up single mothers.

It's also annoying with fucking onlyfans/IG models too, most of the good looking big booty white bitches that make content only make BBC content (and don't get me started on the ones that don't) because most of the time the ones that don't do BBC content have their weak ass fans asking them to do bbc content and I'm tired of it.

It seems like a trend because some of these girls will do bbc once and then go back to fucking their normal person, and to me I say "why did you even need to try bbc at all" it's like most of these weak ass men on this planet think that "all bitches have to try bbc once" when they really don't.

I'm probably gonna get hate but I'm curious to see if anyone is tired of this weak ass trend of all these fine ass big booty white bitches only fucking with bbc.
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