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Lost in a fantasy? Or some shit like that Anonymous Fri 18 Aug 2023 05:33:58 7eda36 US No.33890 Original
I’ve always loved big girls. Ive always been wanting to experience the struggles of obesity and that give me an idea. Now I’m far from obese, I’m 5’10 142. I have a fat skinny built tho mostly skinny more so than fat. I had the idea of me gaining weight and trying it out. But then my fantasies got even larger. I love reading stories on fantasy feeder of obese hogs struggling to walk, get up, and get the fed by a feeder. So that’s where my next thought came from. Would it be possible to become someone’s feeder and live by her side? Second question, are there even any female feeders out there? I would love to just sit in my bed all day being feed by a hot chick while I stay home all day and she cares for me, sends me food, tests my mobility, teases me, and more. Not sure if I’m going mentally insane but I’m still on the edge of actually deciding to go in on this. I think if would be hot asf and I would be living a fantasy but I’m not sure. I also know of all the health risks and I’m completely fine with that aspect.
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Anonymous Thu 17 Aug 2023 22:27:19 5ccafd No.33872 
free speech or whatever
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Seeing hot stuff happen right in front of you? Anonymous Wed 01 Dec 2021 02:30:56 5f5052 US No.11534 Original
Have you ever seen any of the things we fantasize about out in the wild?

Huge stuffings, wardrobe malfunctions, sweaty out of breath at physical activity, big burps, people talking about their weight gain. Those are favorite!
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Looking for a particular scene from a movie or TV show Anonymous Sat 12 Aug 2023 18:56:22 5f8388 IE No.33576 Original
As the title says I've been trying to find this specific scene. I am 90% sure I didn't dream it.

The details:
I think it may have been in that show "Rescue Me". Apparently slim and attractive woman is dating a fit jock. He invites his friends around to meet the mystery girl he's been seeing. They're all sitting around the kitchen table while she finishes preparing the meal behind the kitchen island. When she moves from behind the counter, she reveals she is crazy pear shaped with super wide hips. All the jock's friends cringe and are embarrassed for the fit jock to learn she isn't the apparently slim and conventionally attractive woman she appeared to be.

pic unrel
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question for Dutch&Flemish anons Anonymous Sun 25 Jun 2023 11:58:35 9a1738 DE No.31223 Original
>have you ever dated a BBW? what were the reactions like of people in your circle and did your GF take your liking for her being fat well?
>how frequently do you see BBWs in your area? name the province or town if you're OK with that
>how big was the heaviest woman you ever saw? compare her with a model if you can't guess weight. personal pics with perhaps anonymization may be shared as well
>for those who are into SSBBWs was the attraction there before looking up content on the internet? personally I think it would be really hard to visualize most of the girls on /ssbbw without reference material which is harder to come by in Europe
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Auto Ban Triggered / Flooding Anonymous Sat 08 Jul 2023 21:59:20 af3ca3 GB No.31805 Original
Just got these messages, wazzup wid that?

I didn't even post anything beforehand.
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Holy mother of god I need some advice S Tue 25 Jul 2023 06:00:08 a95639 CA No.32655 Original
So guys, for context, I, 20m, just moved to a small retirement town (28k pop.)

Earlier today I was shopping at a discount grocery store, like I do. As your boy was walking down the aisle to line up for the till, a HUGE asian girl got in line like 5 secs before me. Believe me when I say she was like unbelievably hot. I'm guessing she is either Viet or Thai, and in her early 20s. She was maybe 4ft10, 270lbs-ish. She had a bit of a tummy/chubby arms but her legs were utterly massive and so was her butt. Im talking unreal proportions. (Her face was a light 7 too) Anyway's I'm fucking dying in the lineup and barely containing my cool composure. Like a chick getting to meet Chris Hemsworth. She was kind of looking around the store when she was waiting in line. She did a brief look backwards and noticed me, her eyes lit up a bit and she blushed pretty hard. She did a few quick takes when I wasnt paying attention to her. Anyways she gave me a long stare until I acknowledged her, she flashed me a flirty smile. Normally striking up a convo with girls is not an issue for me. In terms of looks im what most girls find attractive (6ft, chiseled face, well dressed, have great hair etc.) And girls commonly compliment me on my looks. But I just let her go because I would definitely fuck up anything good I could say. As she was walking out she gave me one last glance and smiled. I walked out of the store with my heart pounding like hell lol. Anyways the topics been on my mind all day, and its driving me crazy. My question is, what are the odds I run into this chick again? And how do not drop the ball so hard next time? Lol

Anyways if you made it this far thanks for reading my essay on the fumble of my fucking life. Ciao
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na0’s gain Anonymous Wed 17 May 2023 15:47:20 5fece2 US No.29900 Original
Just wanted to make a post appreciate her gain, definitely hot af whether she’s thin or fat
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How to get my girlfriend to gain more weight Anon Tue 08 Aug 2023 11:13:11 7cd473 US No.33376 Original
My girls already a big girl around 180 but before I met her she was almost 300 and lost it but I’d die for her to gain that back any tips, I can provide pics too
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Las Vegas Bash Anonymous Fri 28 Oct 2022 00:21:26 5fca6f US No.22442 Original
Hello friends, I went to the bash in Las Vegas (my first one) in August. Just putting my thoughts down now and would love to hear from everyone (if you've been to bashes before or want to go, or just want to chime in). I went to the Bash alone and it was awkward for about 15 minutes but just being a normal friendly person (and also buying people drinks (both men and women)) and just being a good listener, I was able to meet some people and even make a few friends. As far as models go, I saw Jae, Caitidee, Sadie, Gigi, Spanxbeluga, Fupatrooper, SweetPeaOkla, Autumn Hart (XOAutumnHartXO), Kassandra (KassTheBlast), probably a few others I'm forgetting. I talked to most of them. My advice is to treat them like normal human beings; if you know they are a plus-size webmodel already, pretend that you don't know and everything goes much more smoothly. As amazing as these women are, a lot of random women are just as huge and beautiful and it was a pleasure meeting them as well. There were about 6 or 7 women who were 550-600+ and half of them were not even models; all of them were incredible. Some of the older women there were incredible nice and they would be your friend for the whole Bash and thereafter if you were just friendly and talkative.

My fellow (white) dudes there ranged from normal to completely retarded. I am sure if any of you have been to a bash before, you know who I am talking about - guys who are literally autistic, midgets, etc. or random old dude. I think a great thing to do is to bond with your fellow non-autistic FAs (I'm assuming most readers here are men) and I met plenty of dudes who were more or less normal. Once you meet some reasonable guys, it all becomes much easier to meet women as well. Met a bunch of black guys too, they are in general (but not entirely) less autistic. Also met the most incredible ultra-feedist ever and it was interesting to meet someone who I felt more or less understood me.

One thing I noticed is that the Bash is probably 50% white, 40% black, and 10% other. As a white guy it was easier for me to talk to black women, and for black guys it was probably easier to talk to white women. This is because, outside of the Bash context, these white and black women probably rarely meet or talk to men of other races who are interested in them (unless they live in NY or LA).

In any event I hooked up with three different women (I define hooking up as kissing/heavy consensual body contact) and went on a date with one, but I did not literally fuck anyone. I kind of doubt that there was a ton of straight up fucking since I went to every afterparty and for most of them, I left the afterparty at its conclusion and people were not paired up with partners going back to their hotel rooms (approx. 3:00 AM to 5:00 AM). Obviously it's a different story for people who came with their boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse. So at the end of the day, it was fun meeting people, and maybe even setting up a meeting after the Bash, but it was not a crazy orgy fuckfest like some people have claimed. And for that reason, I am not super excited about going back.
For context, I am a reasonably good-looking not short younger middle-aged athletic white guy with a reasonably well-paid job.

The craziest thing for me was that at the pool party, I saw this incredibly handsome black guy (6'4”, dreadlocks, totally ripped) sit down in a pool chair, and I thought, how can I compete with this guy? About 60 seconds later, his skinny girlfriend sat down next to him and they were talking about what was the deal with this pool party with all the fat chicks. So you don't have to compete with this guy. The other crazy thing was explaining the Bash to other people in the same hotel at 3:00 AM at the all night Subway restaurant to people who were not there for the Bash (they were there for a basketball tournament). I even met some chick who had WLS and went from 400+ to 120 but she still goes to the Bash to see friends. I also met the women who were opposed to the autistic German guy who was banned from the Bash for forcing himself on the women (he is a apparently a millionaire from inventing some computer chip in the 80s) and who has some giant house for afterparties in Vegas, and also the guy who organizes the Bash is apparently also some kind of sexual predator, so it remains to be seen how this will all play out. In any event, I recommend that everyone go at least once, talk to everyone, don't drink too much, thanks for reading and hope to hear your opinion, and feel free to ask me anything about the Bash.
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