

(477 KB, 691x979, lostsouls.png)
Lost Souls Anonymous Sat 23 Dec 2023 17:24:31 e7505e No.41487 
An imageboard for lost souls: https://lostsouls.me/chat/
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Those who have dated women into this fetish (or at least comfortable being fat), how did you meet? Anonymous Sat 23 Dec 2023 20:01:25 124bad No.41498 
Hello /gen/.

I've been with women of a few different sizes, from skinny to normal to 300 lb range.

Only one plus size woman that I've ever been with has actually embraced her size. She liked me playing with her tummy and feeling her rolls. Not into feederism. Just comfortable being fat. That was ideal.

The few other plus size women, even if they were slightly overweight, were clearly at odds with their bodies. The tummy was off-limits. Understandable, but not at all ideal.

So like... other than the cesspit that is Feabie, how the hell have you come across big women that are comfortable with their bodies?

Unrelated Adeline photo to fulfill attachment requirement
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What model would you take out on a date? Anonymous Thu 16 Nov 2023 20:58:14 4194c8 US No.39533 Original
Obviously we all have models that we'd like to spend some one on one time with, but do you ever think about a model that you would actually like to spend time with? I'll go first, I think bubblybooty would be a blast to take out on a date, she seems really fun, BC Bonnie also seems like she would be really fun in person.
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Anonymous Thu 21 Dec 2023 15:07:29 229248 US No.41375 Original
Who has any of amb35 old videos? Preferably the muscle and breast inflation one
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MyAirBridge Anonymous Wed 13 Dec 2023 22:11:40 61c63f CA No.41044 Original
How does this shit work for everyone else? For me it just stops downloading entirely after a minute or two, dont have this issue with Wetransfer. Am I missing something?
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Anonymous Sun 17 Dec 2023 23:11:11 e0b717 US No.41208 Original
I myself am I fat girl and i want and desire nothing more for her to whip me and beat me and make me her slave. perfect female form. so amazing. i want to be her. or be with her. both at the same time.
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Fat religion Anonymous Tue 19 Dec 2023 00:20:53 f600a3 US No.41235 Original
Id like to start an actual, serious religion worshipping fat women. I’m not sure how one would go about starting a religion, but maybe there are some goddesses lurking here
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Calling your partner "piggy" Anonymous Mon 04 Dec 2023 19:39:45 9e1315 IE No.40448 Original
actual conversation I overheard at work today:
>be me at work
>company with 99% women (all turbo normies)
>none of them are fat, if that matters
>the girls are talking about "90 day fiance" (reality tv show)
>apparently one of the guys on that show calls his fiance "piggy" as a term of endearment
>all of the girls think this is horrifying / disgusting
>several of them said "that would literally give me an eating disorder"

Has anyone here ever actually called their partner "piggy" IRL?
It's something I've always wanted to do (as a term of endearment, not in a negative way). Even though I have dated several fat women, I've never had the balls to even broach the subject, and I think my exes probably would've had the same reaction as my coworkers
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Jokes Anonymous Fri 15 Dec 2023 21:36:32 5509a5 US No.41152 Original
Anybody have any fat bitch jokes?
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Anonymous Fri 15 Dec 2023 05:19:23 5beb74 CA No.41116 Original
Was doing my hourly TV Tropes Dive and umm, I think I want to start watching Women's Pro-Wrestling now...
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