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Anonymous Fri 26 Jan 2024 16:49:19 3b5632 US No.43513 Original
Ok! Ok! Obesitey epidemic, i get it...... but shits now boring AF. PLEEASE LEASE PLEASE tell me i hope China are developen obesitey PANDEMNIC and FAT BODIES FOR ALL GIRLS
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Talk about where to find fat women Anonymous Mon 23 Oct 2023 03:16:14 3715a5 US No.38159 Original
A few days ago I fully accepted that I really do want a fat GF. My first thought is “Oh well, easy, very little people like fat women” but then the problems kick in - the scarcity (most college students are young, and women who are 20 are FARRR less likely to be obese than women at 30), the fact that the hottest/fattest woman I know has a bf, as well as the fact that dating apps suck (at least as far as I’ve tried them).
I come here to try and talk with like minded people about how to find fat women.
The only thing I can add to the conversation is that the fat chick I mentioned above goes to concerts and works at a dominos. I live in a mid sized Kentucky town, for better or worse, but a conversation for city dwellers would be ok too.
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Anonymous Wed 24 Jan 2024 20:18:54 ccd1f5 DE No.43401 Original
looking to delete a post on here
can someone help please ?
i am in contact with a model and she found out i made 2 posts about her here and i want them now deleted please

also random belly picture
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PC-Nerdgonomics, overrated fad, outdated studies, or straight BS? Anonymous Fri 19 Jan 2024 22:44:01 1666b9 ES No.43006 Original
Yo Dawg, i heard you like ergonomics...

Every time i think about ergonomics i check keyboards because thats what causes me the most discomfort whenever i burn high doses of lifetime on the net. Then theres chairs, tables, etc. At first i get the hype, i find the recommended products and shit and im like making a mental spread"shit" of what to buy but i always end up buying nothing.

Im not a cheapskate, i just question my decisions a lot, as well as other people's POV (outside of porn, lol). I find that programmers use regular keyboards, in fact they use keyboards that look more painful to me than my big booty 11 year old cm storm and i wonder, if those guys/gals spend 18 hours a day, on this keyboards, typing john wick Gay-ass fanfics in dick shaped calligrams...why on earth would i need an ergonomic & expensive piece of junk at all? Because thats the thing, everytime i check ergonomics & quality, im already over 100€, its an ergonomics tax which i find ridiculous.

I got an ergonomic mouse around 2016 cos one day my hand petrified after wasting my youth chopping wood in Black Desert Online for days and it hurt like hell for almost a whole minute. It worked, it was weird and hard to be precise with it but it worked, worked so well that i bought a second one once the first broke. And none after that because i wanted a cable mouse and the battery weight was annoying, ive got a bit of an obsession when it comes to that sort of thing, i softly bang things against the table every now and then and thats no bueno for a wireless mouse. Right now im using a mouse that's not "ergonomic" but has a better shape than a regular cheap mouse so my hand doesnt hurt anymore.

When it comes to chairs i think theyre just a fucking scam, i understand good chairs are expensive to make but theres no way in hell you can justify charging me more than 250, maybe 300 € for a GOOD ass plastic & metal chair, not the most expensive materials, just a decent ass chair, its not handmade woodworking FFS! i might end up buying a chair but im definitely not buying a fucking HailMann Miller. And keyboards i just explained before, once i forget the hype and check what heavy keyboard users buy im like " :/ well that's that..."

Tables, lately ive been wondering if the table's surface inclination matters, i had a class with architect tables back in the day and it was less taxing on my elbows and forearms so i was wondering what if i get, or make, a tilting desktop? would it be better for my arms and back? Im using an L shaped table at the moment, and its awesome for my mouse arm and back, but now i notice my left arm pain more because the elbow is still on the air without rest unless i give it a break every now and then, also i find myself leaning towards my right side in long sessions because that way i take some tension off my back, althought im not sure leaning helps my back at all it might be just a mental fart due to exhaustion.

In the end i have to ask myself, does any of this shit really matter? or maybe its just a way to bypass practicing good posture and spending less time on the chair and having breaks in between? the part of my body i try to correct the most is my neck but im more worried about the whole package.

What do you guys do? and im asking things that work for you, not hypothesis, ideas or opinions on what *could* work but rather what *do* work for you AND/OR what doesnt work for you. Are those things gamechangers for your hands, neck and back? or you barely notice improvements?

Thanks, and fuck you too in advance.
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Dont know what to do. Asking Private stuff on Chan Sun 21 Jan 2024 20:14:12 ec9c41 DE No.43152 Original
Monkey combine and tell a fellow Chan user what i should do...
How deep iam in the Rabbithole if iam not attracted to my woman (5yrs together) anymore but rather watch porn and fantasize about dating bigger woman than her? (shes 200pounds) aaand dont want to gain since she doesnt like it haha not funny -.-
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Richard Simmons Anonymous Sat 20 Jan 2024 12:24:44 2c3643 US No.43064 Original
Thought about him for the first time in forever because I came across this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8MF3vl0U_o

Anyone else old enough to have thoughts? For those too young, foreign or just out of the loop, he was a fitness/weight loss guru from the 80s, into the 90s. He was energetic and flamboyant (this during the don't ask-don't tell days) and mostly focused on women, though he did make a special cause out of one-time fattest man in the US, Michael Hebranko.

He was ubiquitous when I was a kid, on daytime TV and prime time/late night talk shows as well. As a cub FA I looked forward to his appearances because he sometimes brought along women of a size you didn't see often in the wild in those years, and certaintly not on TV. He'd sometimes do aerobics demos accompanied by fat ladies in workout gear — another very rare sighting.

He claimed his interest in helping people lose weight was because he'd been a fat kid himself. He made a shitload of money but also walked the walk, as hundreds of women talk about him reaching out personally and privately to help them, and on a sustained basis. But as I got older I sensed something beyond empathy, that maybe he was a bit of an FA himself. No evidence, just something about the way he talked about and interacted with his fat fans. There seemed to be an obsession beyond helping people and his own experiences dealing with weight loss and weight bias.

He seemed to disappear all of a sudden, and there was a weird controversy a few years ago where a bunch of people were convinced he'd been kidnapped or was otherwise being controlled against his will. It was indeed strange how a publicity-hungry, extremely public and outgoing person became a hermit, seemingly overnight. He had to release a statement finally saying, No, I'm just retired and keeping a very low profile. He's come out of obscurity again to say he doesn't endorse or have anything to do with this new film.
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Anonymous Fri 22 Dec 2023 14:12:25 acaac5 US No.41420 Original
Indeed it is. People have such terrible taste. She isn't even that fat.
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Plus-Sized Elf Getting An Anime? Just Another Anime FA Mon 15 Jan 2024 20:08:13 8c37dd US No.42791 Original

(BTW, I didn't know if it should go here or in BBW anime thread. I choose here since it seemed more general, even if fitting for this chan. If mmods want to move it, go right ahead
I was shocked to see this series is getting an anime adaption. You think, with its leaning on soft-porn (tasteful nudity with nipples and crouches getting covered up), much less its fetish material, that it would be very low on the adaption radar.

But it seems to be really happening. My guess is they may do some more censorship than the manga (but its understandable), such as keeping ripped clothes on enough to cover up rather than using "stickies" over full nude characters.

Of course, I have to see what it'll look like when the trailer drops. (since good manga can still become badly animated) But I have hopes for this
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Anonymous Thu 18 Jan 2024 23:14:05 16a6ff US No.42929 Original
I autistically need a follow up on this Atlanta couple from last October.
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Anonymous Thu 18 Jan 2024 17:11:02 0f09d7 RU No.42917 Original

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