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Anonymous Mon 04 Dec 2023 05:25:52 4a1214 US No.40399 Original
How is Feeld like for FAs? Is it like Fetlife? Better or worst than any other website?
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Commission Thread Anonymous Mon 23 Oct 2023 20:37:18 78fa74 US No.38212 Original
Have you ever commissioned a custom video from a model? What were their rates? Did they deliver in a timely manner? How did it come out?

Content sharing is appreciated, but not necessary. I'm just trying to get an idea of how the market looks lately.
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The sacred and the profane - the different desires of the heart and the cock in an FA Anonymous Sun 03 Dec 2023 06:07:01 29e76c US No.40364 Original
Wanted to rant on something that's been agonizing me internally recently, and something I'm sure may be relatable to some of you.

Part of being as FA is reconciling with the fact that your sexual desires limits the potential partners you may have. At the end of the day, no matter how smart, funny or interesting a girl may be, there's a baseline level of fatness that is needed for sexual satisfaction. Is she ain't fat, then she's wack. Thankfully, in our modern world there's no shortage of fatties. But recently I've felt an incongruence in my sexuality, after developing a bit of a crush on a platonic friend. She's funny, cute, intelligent, and a consistent joy to be around - but she's a bit on the smaller side. I'm left with an aching divide inside on how to reconcile these two feelings of wanting her, but knowing sexually I may be unsatisfied.
Now with this girl, nothing is gonna come from it, I have no plans to pursue it, as I'm planning on moving soon anyways, and I don't want to jeopordize a friendship. But regardless I've felt this schism before, and it's a frusturating part about being a FA - feeling attraction towards a girl mentally and emotionally, but knowing that the FA part of the brain will be left wanting if anything were to come from pursuing her.
With this girl in particular, I had tried hooking up when initially getting to know her, but when it was time to actually have sex her skinniness made me unable to perform. I still don't know if it was nerves, alcohol, or purely being an FA that made me not perform, but every instance of sex since then with a proper fat girl I've had no issues, even when feeling less mentally attracted to the girl. That lack of a hookup with the friend while still mutually having a good time led to the friendship, so it was okay in the end. And she's put on around 40 pounds in the meantime so she has thickened up considerably since then, but still I'm left usure of if she's "fat enough". Still not a BBW by any means, but a bit chubby. Which is a unpleasant aspect of being an FA that normies don't have to worry about - wondering if someone is obese enough to find attractive in sex. It's shallow and fetishistic, and I want to be able to have and enjoy sex with all kinds of women, not only ones that are of a certain weight range.

Also, what has especially accentuated this feeling of frusturation was a recent breakup i've gone through with a BBW I was dating for several months. Her body was fantastic. 5'7, 280lbs, huge tits and a big soft belly. I loved the sex so much I tried hard to convince myself I actually felt a sense of love and true attraction to her even though deep down I knew I didnt. I didn't truly find her interesting, or witty or beautiful internally - we just weren't truly compatible outside the bedroom. Eventually it lef to some bitterness before I finally ended things. And I must admit, some of what turned me off of her her were aspects common to being a fat person that i don't like, despite being an FA. I didnt like she was terribly slow at hiking. She was lazy and often didn't want to leave the couch. Not a huge appreciation for nature. Dressed sloveny with the oversized t shirts hiding any curves. Now obviously not all fat women share these qualities, but i think these are pretty common for a lot of fat women. And let's be totally honest - if a girl is a real go-getter, intelligent, on top of it person, they're not often gonna let themselves get to 300 pounds. Exceptions apply ofc. Previous fat girlfriends and flings have been more compatible then her, but have shared some of those qualities.

So now I'm single again and reconciling with this nagging crush I've developed on a friend who is a bit too skinny. She has many character qualities I realize I need for a meaningful relationship, ones I didn't find in my last relationship, but lacks a fat body. Which feels silly to have as a negative qualifier. Sometimes I try to convince myself that the fetishitstic needs are unimportant, and that if I only cut out all porn or fantasizing or thinking about fat women then I could have a relationship with a smaller woman. But this is suppressive, and the moment I think about a slapping a big fat ass or grabbing some belly rolls, that idea this is unimportant goes out the window. This fetish/sexuality/preference feels narrowing to the point of frusturation, in that an ideal girl must be a kindred spirit, funny, intelligent etc. but must also be properly fat.

Have you all encountered this frusturating schism in your desires? This conflict between the heart, mind and the cock? Wanting a woman to fall in love and raise children with, but also be a fat piggy for you.
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Anonymous Fri 01 Dec 2023 11:55:01 2cf62a RU No.40266 Original
fat OCs(waifu) you fell in love with.have you ever fallen in love with someone's fat OC(waifu)?
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The Blimp is Back in Town Anonymous Wed 09 Aug 2023 00:28:48 5da29d US No.33412 Original
Well… look who is making another triumphant return. Much to the dismay of the schizos and retards who convinced themselves she died from some ridiculous incident in her early 20s. Looking forward to seeing her return and hopefully is still as big as before and will continue the blow up
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Anon Sun 19 Nov 2023 10:39:24 9a3f28 US No.39679 Original
How is a plus-size store like the ocean?

It's full of whales.
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Anonymous Sat 02 Dec 2023 18:42:26 fab792 US No.40337 Original
Is there a correlation between how much a model is liked and how much of their content is leaked? Chubby Chiquita has released a few new videos that no one has seen yet and Lauren Lush has had her content shared at near light speed. Why is that?
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Hipmaxxing Anonymous Wed 29 Nov 2023 03:53:31 a67881 US No.40190 Original
This is more of a thought experiment akin to bodybuilding, but if one were to take the plunge on gaining, how can someone maximize their gains for more rounded hips? After analyzing liposuction patients, those that are more masculine or have been working out don't have a rounded booty and only have their butt jut forward, along with their hip bones being exposed. However, those with more feminine builds could easily take liposuction or other sculpting methods and become a PAWG.

Any dieting, supplements, or other routines are appreciated ITT.

>Hard mode
Devise a regiment for men to have a latina booty, while keeping his virility intact.

>European Extreme
No insurance, no BBL, no procedures costing over $1k per session, no downtime
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Auctus177 saga continues... Anonymous Thu 30 Nov 2023 02:50:53 b2e8f2 US No.40236 Original
He opened commission tier on his Patreon not long ago, now posts this:

<I would like to start by apologizing to the people who's commissions I was not able to get to. When I first opened up for commissions I had originally intended to only open up for 5 or so slots. I really did bite off more than I could handle. As for the announcement:

I've decided to stop commissions all together and will be unpublishing the highest tier because of it. Since without it, there isn't a reason for that tier to exist (more on that below).

It basically boils down to the simple fact that I suck at commissions. Not the results or the process (some of them I really like), but that it costs me a lot more energy and motivation to do them. Yet I kept forcing it, draining my motivation for any 3D work in the process. And then after the batch closes, people approach me with excitement for the next time it opens and just... it overwhelmed me. I hate the situation so much because I love seeing people so thrilled to see their character or idea through my vision, but I simply can't get myself to.

Besides, it is also unfair towards the tier 3 pledgers that specifically pledged for the commissions. I realistically can't upkeep the benefit, hence this post and the coming removal of the tier. I'm really sorry that it has come to this, but this has been in my mind for two months now and I really did not see another way out.

As for the highest tier, unpublishing simply means that it won't show up on the list, but it still exists. Coming January I will be deleting it entirely, and any that are still pledged will have no tier. So ideally before that point everyone on tier 3 will have changed theirs. Since this is so close to the new month, I will provide refunds to those who weren't able to switch tiers in time before their December payment.>

No word on whether those who signed up for commission tier and already paid and were "missed" will get their money back, only refunds for those who don't switch before next couple of days. I'm not one of the commission tier patrons, so I have no dog in this race, it just seems kind of shitty. Also, one can't help but notice that he makes these 3D art burnout excuses all the time. Also also, just about everything posted on his Patreon goes up on his Deviantart like the same time, including drive links. Seems like there's really no reason to sign up anyways. I'm an active patron of his, and honestly if you're not one, you're not missing much, just to give a heads up.

Inb4 white knights show up.
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Anonymous Tue 28 Nov 2023 11:04:21 ae9646 AU No.40157 Original
This is gonna be one for the Ausoids. I'm looking for an article I read some time in the early to mid 2000s in one of those trashy women's magazines you get at the supermarket, or possibly one one of their websites. It was a feelgood story about an extremely obese woman who got so fat that she fell over in the bathroom and became stuck upside down in the bath tub. It detailed the whole absurd process of how she managed to free herself and then went on a weight loss journey. One other detail I remember is that she couldn't be weighed by a scale at the gym and had to stand on something absurd like a cattle scale or a car scale or something like that. I haven't been able to find it since.
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