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Anyone else into sexual dimorphism? Anonymous Mon 27 Nov 2023 17:42:09 75e1f6 TT No.40120 Original
Not trying to brag but I've been working out for a long time and have a very impressive physique, so it gets me a lot of compliments from women.
I've always been into fat chicks, and one of the biggest turn ons for me is the contrast between our bodies, and even lifestyle. The idea of me working hard to sculpt a body strong enough to fuck her brains out while she needs to do nothing at all to be attractive is so appealing. Just thinking about a fat woman's soft, tender body against my rock hard abs makes me diamonds.

Another turn on is knowing that I'm leagues above her in terms of conventional attractiveness. Most fat chicks I see end up with losers, so it feels great knowing you're probably the hottest guy she will ever be with. Also her knowing that I could easily get a conventionally attractive woman, but still being way more into her than she could ever imagine. Bonus points if she has self-esteem and body image issues.

I feel like people like me are rare, since this isnt something I see discussed a lot. Where are my fellow architects?
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IRL stories about gluttons and their sick hungry Anonymous Tue 30 Jan 2024 00:35:46 a252da MX No.43648 Original
What would happen to people like them and their hedonistic appetite?
that they cannot move if they are left alone A few days and only their pet is there.
How hungry will they be?
Would it always be your greatest interest to try to satisfy yourself?
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Generations of Fetishists Anonymous Sun 28 Jan 2024 19:03:19 8e7ea5 US No.43594 Original
I've seen some comments on the site before about how you assume that your fathers may have been feeders.
Obviously you guys yourself have the fetish, why else would you be posting here?

But what would you do in a hypothetical situation where your future kids ended up having a fat fetish later in life or becoming a feeder?
Hell, what if one of your grandchildren ended up having a fat fetish? how would you react to this information?
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Anonymous Fri 22 Dec 2023 14:03:13 a55d16 US No.41418 Original
WTF. Liking fat chicks doesn't make you part of the alphabet bullshit.
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Who are some of the fattest celebs in your country? Anonymous Wed 10 Jan 2024 14:24:29 e5f9a6 NL No.42530 Original
Dutchie here. There aren't many fat celebs here, 1 of the most striking i've spotted recently is from an up-and-coming cabaret duo, the contrast between them is already comedic in of itself. I'm thinking I should go to 1 of their shows lol. They aren't THAT well known though so please don't send stupid messages.

Trailer vid of their shows: https://www.youtube.com/embed/n1gJrI9Xp7I
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Dilemma about being a feeder Anonymous Sat 27 Jan 2024 14:17:41 e7affb RO No.43563 
My opinion of the female sex is not good.
However I am a pure heterosexual.
Have these two things correlated and given me a feeder fetish so that I can turn women into unsightly, unhealthy, wheezing sacks of meat?
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fat autist with some questions Anonymous Wed 24 Jan 2024 00:33:25 15017b GB No.43315 Original
big (not particularly) beautiful woman here. early 20s and around 210lbs. i cannot understand why you mfs, especially the ones who say you’re attractive, are into fat women (Ashley Graham and the other models don’t count)

it sucks. sure, some of us carry our weight nicely, and i would never go out of my way to make someone else feel bad about their body - but i don’t find being a fat woman fun. it must be draining having to look after us and all the issues (stigma, the unfunny “jokes” from your friends, health stuff, trauma from childhood bullying) dating us entails. is it because we’re an easy fuck?
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Anonymous Sun 21 Jan 2024 01:29:26 7fbb22 US No.43115 Original
Wheres the best place to meet SSBBWS? Preferably online. What do you guys do? Would love to hear success stories
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Indian guy needs help a normal Indian dude Sun 08 Oct 2023 21:42:51 3b10ff IN No.37062 Original
Hey there fellas! Been on this site for quite some years now(since volafile days), been looking for some suggestions. Don't worry I'm not a typical bobs-vagene pajeet poster (having a population over a billion does present a decent probabilty of normal dudes lol). So thing is this country is kind of a hell-hole for a FA and i've been thinking to go some other country for higher studies. Ofc US is a heaven but it seems to be a really far stretch for me in financial terms, way too expensive. So i thought about it's north neighbor Canada, but given recent instability of Trudeau's govt, housing crisis, expensive cost of living, less jobs, it's not looking way too good. Also I'm not too sure if Canada is having obesity golden period like it's neighbor. So, the thing is Europe and Germany in particular seems to be quite affordable and aligned with my career aspects but part of me really aches for experiencing the obesity epidemic in states especially. Logical parts of me thinks that it's really not smart to base such important decisions on geograpical bbw density of a country but not-so-logical (heart) says you get one shot at life and is clinging on to the idea on landing with a potential bbw partner in Canada lol.
->Is Europe too bad for an option if one is interested in bbws (not talking extremes, 250-350lbs) ? Also am i delusional thinking if i land Canada/States i'll easily find a plus sided partner who'll find me attractive and tick all the boxes. Any Europeans/Germans can also throw some light and share their opinions. Any advice would be appreciated, thanks. :-).For reference I'm 23 who's never been in a serious relationship for crying out loud.
P.S. I don't smell like curry lol
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Anonymous Thu 18 Jan 2024 05:36:11 9b3298 US No.42900 Original
Is there a bigger missed opportunity than this woman? It sucks her shit got leaked, but we know you got a hoe side and tons of dudes were in her DMs(partly why she left in addition).

I struggle to think of a SSBBW that clears her ass wise, 6 months and she could’ve cashed out.
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