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Dating Anonymous Sat 18 May 2024 15:54:43 ef27cc No.49589 Original
What countries are everyone from here?
And how/where do you date BBW's/Feedees?

Only dated normal size girls before
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Discussion: Favorite Tropes Anonymous Mon 26 Feb 2024 14:52:37 84808f US No.45114 Original
What are some of your favorite weight gain and inflation tropes or scenarios? Can be anything as simple or as complex as you like.
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Feabie sign-up question Anonymous Thu 23 May 2024 22:17:15 3339f2 US No.49826 Original
Hey, anons who're on Feabie, I need some advice. Since it asks for a phone number to text to, is it a one-time message or do they keep sending you stuff (texts/calls)? I use a burner email for all my feederism-related accounts, but I can only use my phone. But I can't risk getting outed by it, so if they do keep sending shit, I won't sign up.
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Feeling fat Feeling of being fat Thu 16 May 2024 03:51:16 9d442a US No.49408 Original
Any gainers in here wanna share their details about gaining weight? I wanna know how it feels, the feeling of being heavy and continuing to grow, the feeling of outgrowing clothes, etc
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BBW-Chan lives but Omegle is dead Anonymous Thu 09 Nov 2023 02:54:27 a27a4d US No.39191 Original

I had some unbelievably hot feedist roleplays there over the years that opened up my mind to just how deep and strange and powerful this kink can get. I've run into at least a couple of other bbw-chan anons there over the years. It was a good run.

"Quivering rolls."
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Obsessed with Gluttony Anonymous Sat 18 May 2024 16:25:53 0e1414 GB No.49547 Original
Is anyone else completely obsessed not just with finding fat and weight gain attractive but the very concept of gluttony and overeating itself? I've reached a point now where when I see a fat girl, I'm less aroused by her body than by the fact that it indicates how much of a greedy, un-self-controlled pig she is either in public or behind closed doors. It's kind of like how normal people would say "she's hot because she has big boobs/big butt/sexy face" or how a more basic FA would say "her belly/size is hot" - the capacity to overeat and weakness for food is beautiful in and of itself. I'd go as far to say a skinny girl completely pigging out is now just as arousing for that same reason - the gluttony is the actual "soul" of the attraction. Does anyone else get what I mean? I hope this doesn't sound too crazy. I think FAs like me should set up some kind of "cult" around gluttony and overindulgence. The vibe I'm going for is that novel "The Cook" - you guys should read it if you haven't.
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Your favorite U/SS/BBW Mon 20 May 2024 19:21:07 11a750 US No.49639 Original
Gush about your favorite bbw and why they are your favorite. Keep the vibes positive, don't feel pressure to post content, but an image would be nice. This is just for fun 😁
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Anonymous Tue 21 May 2024 10:39:13 588731 AU No.49672 Original
I found this video of a village in Thailand where obese women are considered beautiful and marriage worthy. But unlike African countries that do the same thing, these woman have access to real food and get to a really good size. I don't know what's being said other than a few google translated tiktok shorts. Wish I knew precisely where it was. There's a full 2 hour version on facebook but it won't let me post the link.



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Why are jannies so fucking gay? Anonymous Mon 20 May 2024 13:07:21 b190a6 US No.49628 Original
Every time I say something funny or ironic on /bbw/ it gets removed. Why aren't we allowed to be funny on this website. So fucking gay
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Meeting with a bbw seems hard Anonymous Sat 06 Apr 2024 18:51:45 2f23bd US No.47356 Original
Honestly, I've been trying to get with a bbw for a good couple years now, and it just seems as though the typical dating apps just aren't doing it for me. I've tried feabie and wooplus, but neither of then seem to work.

What sort of site/place you went to helped you get with your partner, or just helped you hookup with a bbw?
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