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Anonymous Sun 24 Mar 2024 22:44:19 10ce08 US No.46678 Original
Ok so weird fucking thing. I post a color job on the draw board then Friday I can’t post because it says I was “shit posting” despite the approval from those on the board and my only words were done or here or some other stupid shit. I reset my router and ta da I can post again. Which leads me to believe that the ban process on here is broken like a grandma’s hip.
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Goneby moments Anonymous Fri 01 Dec 2023 21:00:57 a0e164 HN No.40298 Original
Thread from memories that make you feel like the Vinve McMahon gif (pic related)

>“Who was mykawaiifatbelly"
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BLARGENFADDIBLENOHIP Sun 05 May 2024 01:52:08 2025ac US No.48745 Original
Is anyone else getting tired of this annoying trend of these females (literally all of them) fucking nothing but black dudes? because I'm getting sick of it!
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Artists "secretly" into lolicon Anonymous Thu 22 Feb 2024 15:07:23 2d9443 GB No.44956 Original
I'm trying to collect a bunch of fat loli/shota art by artists that might secretly be into lolicon just because I feel like it. If any of you know artists who are secretly into lolicon or PROBABLY into lolicon send them here, you don't need proof but I'm curious
Obviously not including open ones like eishiban or roxas.
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What The Fuck Happened To Spankbang? Anonymous Sat 30 Mar 2024 11:38:05 eb846e US No.47017 Original
That site was one of my places to keep up on cam videos and then an influx of asian videos knocked everything out & took over. Barely anything is being uploaded besides asian vids with weird ass fetishes.
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Favorite Model Voting Thread: Nominations Anonymous Wed 17 Jan 2024 05:58:01 6494f7 US No.42863 Original
Hey yall. I decided that I wanted to do a poll to see what's the community's favorite models were out of curiosity. This is supposed to be a nice little poll to get everyone together and just to kill a little time. There's two separate polls; BBWs and SSBBWs.

This is the nomination round, meaning that this isn't the actual voting. All you got to do is list names and at a later unknown date I will pick the top names chosen (and add popular models if this gets little response possibly). This is about looks mostly like body shape but other factors are more than welcomed to vote for. You can discuss on this thread to keep it at the top and who are yall favorites and what not.

BBW: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScQQIinARhpVUfeHh8BpV_GXfRonhvKNr5Cm7n24rjhaZcA7Q/viewform?usp=sf_link

SSBBW: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdWJeBccrau5NP46Zi7IbO_dmYi4roKrEWPSdemcUNlAz_vow/viewform?usp=sf_link
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Anonymous Tue 20 Feb 2024 16:55:48 8db83a US No.44863 Original
I hate that I can't filter out trans people on sites like feabie. If you're going to let me filter by gender then let me fucking exclude one's I don't want. If someone wants to put female and is also putting in trans then let me filter that result out.

To be clear, I have no problem with trans people existing and interacting with them as normal people. But when I want to jerk off I get to decide what I'm jerking off to. Forcing trans people down people's throats is a great way to piss people off and turn them into transphobes.
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Anonymous Fri 03 May 2024 12:28:32 aa13ec HU No.48654 

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Odd Mega Problem: Anyone else has this issue? Anonymous Thu 02 May 2024 03:04:44 56fff8 US No.48596 Original
I know this isn't a software message board but since, assumedly, a lot of people on this board use Mega I thought I'd ask.

I've been trying to download some simple MP3 files from my Mega library, but for some reason every time it downloads and uploads to my computer, it doesn't have a standard file format, but is instead marked as "All files". Trying to open it results in my computer trying to get me to open it through a search engine or other program.

From what I've looked up no one else has ever had this problem so I'm really frustrated because I can't contribute to any threads with them. For some reason this only happens to my Taylor Made Clips videos I downloaded in the past; the new ones don't have this problem.

What the fuck is going on? Am I the only one with this issue? This "All files" format seems to have no other documentation.
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Onlyfans review thread 2024 Anonymous Tue 16 Jan 2024 19:49:35 9dfd85 US No.42842 Original
This was a very useful discussion hub for us all a couple years ago so I’m bringing it back. Coomer has mostly killed the need for OF subs for me but every so often I feel a little impatient and get the itch to throw a few subs around. So who’s killing it out there these days? The best sub I ever had was Roxxie, for reference.
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