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Turning point Anonymous Sun 17 Mar 2024 07:48:29 edd17c AU No.46237 Original
Without realizing I've been developing a fat fetish for almost 3 years now, I've noticed lately that not only can not hard for regular porn,my other fetishes are disappearing e/g pseudo-homosexuality/trannies, race mixing with black girls, hairy girls, GILFs etc are just boring and kinda gross to me now. Meanwhile I get an erection easily for even non-nude fat girls just existing.

The fetish is so dynamic I like feeding, stuffing, weight gain, face sitting, exhaustion/breathing easily. And fat women just look amazing. I love giant SSBBW ass and boobs and even bellies and facial fat. The phrase it's like a boob all over really resonates with me.

It gives me such strong orgasms, and I feel like my libido is waay higher than before I had a fat fetish.

i realize If I want to avoid this fetish becoming anymore dominant I should probably take measures now like avoiding fat fetish content, but it certainly takes a lot of willpower and the more I miss fat porn the better it is when I return to it.

What I came to ask is whether I should bother fighting it? Fat women maybe are a little embarrassing to be out with although I actually don't care about that much cause I'm sort of autistic. But they do have worse genetics If I ever want to have children though.

On the other hand. Dating normal women is so much effort,and every other guy is an incel. I'm 5,10 but rather handsome I get tonnes of attention from fat women and they treat really well. I'm deeply insecure not for my looks so much but because I ruined my life by having strong depression and becoming NEET for like 4 years. But around fat women I feel like I bring something good to the table just by being myself and the relationship is just so much more naturally balanced to my favour which I enjoy .

I guess if you had a choice would you be a fat fetishist? It's somewhat of choice I guess for me. I'm getting a job and plan to start dating again shorty after.

Pic is around the smallest I'd be willing to date right now
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ATTENTION! NEW RESTRICTIONS IN PLACE! LtBarclay##vOgLqq Sun 28 Apr 2024 21:39:08 c6699b GB No.48318   Original
Due to continued abuse from both CP and complete nonsense astroturf posts, new posting restrictions are now in place. All known abusive ASNs as defined on spamhaus.org have been banned, indefinitely. Additionally, we now use their automated IP-scanning DNSBL service.

This change may impact your ability to post, and I'm sorry for that, but this is non-negotiable. These changes may be rolled back if they produce no noticeable improvement. Please disable your VPN / Tor services if you intend to post and are having trouble doing so.

You may contact me on discord if you have a VPN with a DEDICATED IP that you would like to whitelist (this generally costs a bit extra than a regular vpn, most have it as an add-on for less than $10/month). Also, I'd like to clarify that the correct response to CP is to NOT reply to their threads, ONLY REPORT. Do not reply to a CP thread. That moves it UP the list and keeps it on the first page and overboard. PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS. If anything, if you WANT to help, report AND reply to as many OTHER *legitimate* threads on the same board as possible, to limit it's exposure on the first page and give time for mods to be notified. Or ping us on discord and hope it wakes us up. We have to sleep. Sometimes, you guys make that shit stay on the front page instead of burying it, and that's not very helpful. I apologize that we are human and require rest, because if I was an immortal golem I would have the overboard open at all times. Alas, we lapse.
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State of BBW-Chan End of March LtBarclay##vOgLqq Thu 28 Mar 2024 21:22:51 a9b665 SE No.46924   Original
Hey all, probably about time I check in. So, for two months now, we have paid our bills with the generous donation we received in October of last year. Once again, thanks to the anon who did that.

As for the mod situation. Semi-recently, an older mod who took a long break was re-instated, and had incorrectly done a few things. Namely, accidental permabans for minor infractions based on not correctly inputting the date codes, and moderating discussion here on /gen/.As of today all those accidental permabans should be lifted, and that mod *should* no longer be moderating /gen/ as hard for comments. That said, with reduced modding of general comments, it damn sure looks like /gen/ is often derailed by schizoid posts, politic posts, and other stupid things. That's a shame and it's always hard to strike a good balance modding a place like /gen/.

Now, as for a small update on possibly re-instating the array. The array went through many forms, but in today's day and age, I have to say, it could really only exist in it's old form again: IRC. I couldn't make it interact with the board again, that's impossible with the Captchas we now have. So, with that said, it needs to be re-coded, specifically, it's file host intermediary. It exclusively used wetransfer, but it appears wetransfer has fallen out of favor and now gofile is preferred. Is that the general consensus? That's easily changed.

The other part is, while the array uses far, far less resources than the site, it still needs to make some amount of money back, somehow. This is a tricky situation because it immediately becomes scummy: you're paying a third party, who already received that model's work for free, to give you that content. We tried many ways to fund the array, and none ever worked. So, something creative would have to come up on that front. Something like, idk, say the array has a list of crypto donation addresses, if any one receives any donation worth more than a dollar, the array opens for everyone for 24 hours, after which, it closes down again until at least another dollar comes in, that sort of thing. That way, it's slightly less scummy: you're not paying for pirated content directly, you're just funding and opening the library for everyone and everyone gets a 24 hour ticket to browse and download.

Anyway, if there's anything you'd like to bring up that got lost in the last thread, let me know.
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Anonymous Wed 13 Mar 2024 05:58:55 c047d5 US No.46038 Original
Interesting set of birds.
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Busty Thai Aoychitchanok Sun 09 Jun 2024 21:41:45 258067 US No.50545 Original
Does anyone has more information about Aoychitchanok
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Ned Sonntag thread Anonymous Fri 12 Apr 2024 14:49:18 35e95a US No.47625 Original
I remember an underground comix artist named Ned Sonntag. I remember seeing his art pop up on certain sites but being taken down due to said sites not wanting porn.

This page is from a story he did for a comic called Renegade Romance, anyone want to post the full story here? As well as any art he did and the stories of said art? What I mean is how he did art for stories featured in Dimensions. If anyone wants to post the art and the stories, I would hope to see both.
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General venting General Vent/Rant Mon 27 May 2024 18:58:50 561e06 US No.50024 Original
Been here for a while but first time posting and kind of just wanted to vent a few things I've noticed and get annoyed with after years of enjoying weight gain, expansion and other types of kinks like this.

And as a note, these are my personal frustrations and things I dislike or get annoyed by and I don't mean to insult anyone's preferences.

For reference I've enjoyed these kinks for around 10 years, starting with expansion and then really loving weight gain content. I'm a male bi switch and I enjoy being a feeder and a feedee for context, if it matters.

First thing that really annoys me is the lack of good male POV feedee content in videos as well as male focused ones in comics. A lot of the time I can find decent ones in random art posts on DA and places like that but comics are rare which I understand but videos I've found near impossible. I've found a few good ones here and there but not as many as I'd hope to find. Some that I've found even in ASMR form use too much chewing and swallowing sounds for my personal liking and don't do enough talking describing how the person is growing. That kind of feeds into my preference for porn that has a small semblance of story, but that a different topic altogether. The few decent videos I have found with a male feedee POV have focused more on the ladies teasing their own bodies and occasionally pushing a bit of food to the camera and not much else. I think one of the very few I've found that I enjoy is Mistress of the North but all of those videos are just clips since you have to pay for the full things through her links. I keep looking for more options but its so hard to find anything good.

The second thing that really annoys me is watching belly stuffing videos where the person takes the food and smears it over themselves like on their belly or ass. It can be hot, I'm not denying that. But I've seen so many where they say they'll try or are gonna eat all of their food yet then waste half of it smearing it on themselves. This is very much a dumb nitpick but I just really dislike that stuff. If I wanna watch them stuff themselves and gain weight, I don't wanna see them waste so much of the food and then give up after essentially only eating maybe a third of what they had set out originally.

The third thing I've noticed that really annoys me is IG models or tiktok models that get attention and fame by showing off their asses and breasts and then delete their posts or completely change into homemaking, cooking or beauty product content after getting married or have a kid. I do understand it though, most of the time their mindset is to move on and focus on the next chapter of their lives but I get so annoyed with some of them that try to clear all of their original content as if that wasn't the reason they got some fame and money originally. Like one that comes to mind is Holly Luyah oh IG, she still has most of her original posts but she deleted a good chunk of them from what I saw after she got married. Now she rarely posts and if she does its boring vacation pics, pics of places she's at or some family stuff. Another is Brandy Renee from tiktok. She had so many hot cosplays and she even did a porn video but after getting in a relationship, she's really dialed back on that kind of content. Most of the time I just unfollow after they start to make that change but I just wanted to vent about that real quick.

The last thing I kind of get annoyed by is how I find it hard to find femdom content that I enjoy--specifically soft femdom content. Most of the femdom content I find is too rough for my personal preference so it steers me away. I have found some that I do enjoy that deals more with side comments, justifying putting down the viewer/listener through facts and stuff like that as opposed to ones that are far harsher. My main issue is finding soft femdom content when it comes to weight gain, giantess, and futa content. I have found some I like but they've been rare. The rest are always too violent for me or deal with things I'm not a fan of such as gore or scat and things like that--again not trying to put down anyone if they enjoy that, this is just my opinion and preference. Like I went through a giantess tab on a porn comic site I didn't use before and I think when I looked through the giantess/femdom tags, I had maybe 6 comics that I found that I enjoyed out of 30 pages so far. The rest were either too violent, too harsh or just had additional kinks that were a focal point that I didn't enjoy.

Okay that's about all I had to say, sorry for the long post but just wanted to vent a bit and maybe just talk and see if anyone else has had similar feelings or thoughts on these sort of things.
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Potato Elf Anonymous Thu 06 Jun 2024 19:17:49 ab6754 US No.50431 Original
Synecdoche has done more for the fat acceptance movement than activists ever did, without even trying.

"But it's fetishization and that's bad!"

Does that matter if the end result is that more people find fat women attractive and it's less ostracized?
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Is this fetish even still niche? Wed 22 May 2024 16:18:17 b41a4b US No.49752 Original
With the body positivity movement and more plus size models getting a following (not to mention the fat bitches meme going around) is this fetish becoming more accepted and standardized?
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Theory: Anonymous Thu 06 Jun 2024 09:38:21 02288f IT No.50427 Original
Bladerune09 and GTSX-3d are the same person.
They make similar content and have similar models, but somewhat fill different niches.
They are both ESL or have poor grammar and synthax in general and they both got sick at the same time and made a "Quick Update" around the same time.

If that's true, then it's kinda predatory and disingenuous to divide accounts like this just to make bonus money and not let anyone know about you doing basically the same thing on a side account, but whatever.

Just a theory and a bunch of thoughts.
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