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RainyDayGlutton Tue 16 Jul 2024 05:03:23 68b7be PE No.51748 Original
Anyone got some videos from RainyDayGlutton?
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How to pull older BBWs Anonymous Mon 24 Jun 2024 17:33:45 429369 US No.50997 Original
I'm in my mid 20s and have been finding myself increasingly more attracted to older bbws (30s to 50s).

How do I as a younger guy go about seducing them for a hookup or fwb situation? Where do I even start to look?
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Guys... Anonymous Fri 12 Jul 2024 20:34:37 c1ff80 CA No.51660 Original
My girlfriend has put on another 20 pounds and is complete denial about it. She won't buy new clothes (too stressful for her), so she's been wearing the same 3-4 prairie dresses (which ironically make her look bigger/pregnant).

I think she's officially heavier than me, which makes me hard as diamonds.
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So gaining slow is bad, but actively gaining is also bad??? Anonymous Wed 10 Jul 2024 00:57:54 df5f3d US No.51529 Original
Seriously what the fuck is some of yall problems? It's like no matter what these models do, yall hate on them for it with horrible criticisms. Yall brain dead coomers are never happy.

Want examples? Here's some:

Most common complaint is when a model is a slow gainer. Granted if the model promises to gain and they don't, then criticism is fair. But when a model seems to be having a slow gain or is stalemate, yall wanna bash them for not wanting to gain. Good example Candii and Reina (before the losing weight shenanigans). They have a slow gain and yall want them to fast track to over 300 pounds and have health problems like Mochii. Umm, did you know that being fat is unhealthy and this fetish is a risk in itself? Don't yall want for people to take their lives seriously and not fucking die??

But wait! What if a model IS gaining fast? Nah that's apparently a problem too. For example Tiana. Why the fuck are people saying Tiana is ugly now and complain about her stretchmarks and shit? Didn't yall WANT her to gain weight? Let's go back to Candii. Why am I seeing people complain that Candii is ugly and her ass no longer looks good. Didn't yall WANT her to gain? So when a model has a slow gain its bad, but when they are gaining and fat is showing it's bad? Yall dumb asses need to understand that shit comes with being fat and not everyone wants to be the slob of your fucking dreams.

I'm not saying everyone on this fucking site is like that there are good people here. But these idiots makes this site a shit show. I sometimes hate being a part of this community because of these incels not getting what they want and lack common sense. Now this can all be ignored but I just felt like ranting this out. Please just fucking go outside and date an actual fat bitch or gain yourself to see how it really is.
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a PSA: Anonymous Thu 11 Jul 2024 03:45:22 955673 US No.51592 Original
Please don't give money to scammers for the sake of getting them to make art for you.
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Anyone else not into any of the fetishes that typically go along with liking bigger women? Anonymous Fri 05 Jul 2024 20:19:10 eef566 US No.51386 Original
I don't care about feeding, gaining, eating, laziness, scale numbers, immobility, or any of the adjacent fetishes. I like the way BBW/SSBBWs look and feel and that's pretty much it. I'm pretty vanilla in that regard. As a matter of fact, I actually find the limited mobility and stamina of bigger women to be a bit of a turn off in real life. Even seeing just how much my ex would eat was slightly off putting. It's almost like I'm not actually meant to be an FA, or I'm not a "proper" one. I mean I still exclusively only like fat women, and I like things about them that only they've got (immense size in general, big bellies, etc), but all the other stuff just doesn't do it for me.

Can anyone relate?
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famous bbw gospel singer Tequila Davae Wilson Mon 08 Jul 2024 12:51:55 187ca4 US No.51459 Original

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Community has become extremely commercialized Anonymous Mon 01 Jul 2024 17:20:03 1f34c3 AU No.51290 Original
I know food costs money and content creators are entitled to some payment but it's been taken to the extreme in the past few years... every site which was historically centered around community building and user relationships is now centered around subscriptions and payment.

Models who don't seek to monetize everything are few and far between... contrast that with 2009-2016 where not only was most content freely available, but relationships with content creators felt more genuine and less exploitative.

Genuinely connecting with anyone feels a lot harder, while back in the day I would shoot a model a message and we would end up chatting over on kik and they would treat you more like a person than a piggybank. Of course I don't mind supporting where I can but the prevalent attitude of pay to chat really sucks.

Anyway this is the way of the world I guess, I can't see things ever reverting so there's no point complaining about it, won't stop me

Anyone else reminisce on the halcyon days?
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What's wrong with me? Should I stop being a coward and admit it straight up? Anonymous Mon 01 Jul 2024 09:22:27 cc0c78 CA No.51278 Original
Apologies to diarypostNDo other FAs (especislly younger) struggle with this, or am I just a pussy?

Why can I tacitly admit to finding bigger girls attractive (IE agreeing with friends that we wouldn't mind dating a slightly heavier girl), and even flat out admit to another (admiteddly bi so less likely to judge proclivities I reckon) that I found our BBW classmate (280 at least, 300~ at the most) attractive and wanted to know if she were single, but in situations where a friend is getting clowned on for going out with a bigger girl, or lamenting that he could connect with a girl romantically but could 't see himself datimg due to being 300+ lbs (lucky bastard), I freeze up and immediately fear repercussions if I speak my mind?

Maybe it's just some remnant of trauma from my past experiences that fuels this fear, but it wouldn't surprise me since I have a lot of neuroses to begin with, but I'm still deeply contemplating whether or not I want to take that same friend who was lamenting that girl (tbh I don't know if he wasn't attracted to her so he broke it off or was and just feared rejection - I'm kinda leaning the latter), how girls like threadpic are pretty close to my ideal, as are models like Alex Storm, and that while I can be attracted to thinner girls like my last fling, it's generally a big exception mostly built off of emotional chemistry? (Although there are once in a blue moon events like with Charli XCX)?

Again, is this a normal fear that FAs face?
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I wish I could get hard for skinny girls too sometimes Anonymous Sun 23 Jun 2024 23:25:43 c812b1 No.50962 Original
I don't mind this fetish, I really enjoy it and I love fat chicks and sex with fat women is great. No problem dating them, I do enjoy feederism but it's not a requirement for me.

That being said, I wish it wasn't so limiting sometimes. Sometimes there's cute, skinny girls that you get along with, and they start to flirt with you, and you feel like you ""Should"" want to reciprocate and be into them, but there's just no sexual interest.

This happened to me the other day. A girl I was talking to and working alongside, becoming friends gradually, she starts flirting with me and when we're chilling together later in the evening she gets increasingly physically flirty. It's been awhile since any sexual contact for me so I thought why not, and we begin making out feeling up bodies and such, and I was just so turned off. Feeling the bony, skinny frame of her body, her wiry, muscled legs wrapped around me - just no softness, no curves, no heft, no fat - it felt like some little boy was crawling on top of me. I really didn't enjoy it. I make up some excuse about how I like taking it slow or whatever, she thinks I'm a nice, puritan boy now, but if she was fat I'd have totally smashed then and there.

But she was a cute girl, pretty face, sexy personality, I shouldn't be so shallow and my sexuality shouldn't be so defined by this fetish! It's a real shame sometimes. It is barrier to spontaneity, to variety, to c'est la vie and fun with other young hot people.

Is this just how this fetish goes? Is there any way to open the dick up to enjoying skinny women? When I go without porn for awhile, my mind still imagines chubby/fat women to get off - I just feel pretty asexual towards skinny girls. I just want to be open to more variety and I feel upset that I feel limited by this fetish. Is this just stupid and the same as saying "man I wish I could be gay" - like there's no changing this sexuality?
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