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BASH STORIES/GOSSIP/NEWS Triflin Sun 21 Jul 2024 21:26:59 2243ac US No.51957 Original
Post up any juicy, hot stories or gossip that you got from the BBW bashes. Even better if you got pictures.
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curse of this fetish Anonymous Mon 06 May 2024 00:53:47 34f467 US No.48773 Original
-girlfriend is slowly becoming bigger and more out of shape
-she does not feel healthy, and therefore does not want to have sex

how do we get around this, anons? how do you make someone feel healthy when they're not?
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Anonymous Sun 14 Jul 2024 21:56:59 f071a7 US No.51723 Original
My Gf's dad took me aside to thank me for sticking with his daughter even though shes gained 100-ish pounds since we got together. Treated me like a saint, even though Im (partially) the reason she got so big. Was the greatest performance of my career.

How have people around you/your partner's reacted to their WG?
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Your favorite video screenshots Anonymous Fri 19 Jul 2024 03:45:36 5c1b4b US No.51863 Original
What r y’all’s favorite screenshots from videos?
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Fattest bellies you've seen in public Anonymous Thu 15 Feb 2024 15:18:55 b6ce2d US No.44648 Original
We've had threads on here before about the fattest women we've seen in public. Let's get specific and talk about the women we've seen in public who have huge bellies.

Mine happened back when I was in college. I had just finished my last class of the day and was heading to the library to meet one of my friends. First thing I notice when I enter the library is this girl who's on her way out. Dirty blonde hair, about 5'5" or 5'6", a seemingly stocky build with fat arms. Then she turns towards me and I notice a tremendously huge gut. It hung almost to her knees, and was so big that she had to wear an oversize shirt because she couldn't tuck it into her pants.

I only saw her for a brief moment, and it was years ago so maybe my memory is tricking me into thinking she was bigger than she really was, but it left me with a mental image that I still have to this day
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Anonymous Thu 18 Jul 2024 12:22:28 c2a126 IT No.51814 Original

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The Mexican Chad The Disciple of Brosnan Sat 22 Jun 2024 21:36:44 156afd US No.50939 Original
Yo man, Mexican guy with Massive Filipina gf. You there?
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Dating big girls, or small girls and hope they'll gain weight? Anonymous Sat 22 Jun 2024 17:30:42 00c22c US No.50931 Original
I have very little experience with dating, used various hang-ups to justify not dating up until the pandemic, but when being alone became a decision forced upon me rather than something I decided on, it made me rethink things and I ended up signing up for a bunch of dating apps at the start of last year despite still having some hang-ups. Have gone on a handful of dates, nothing that's transitioned into an actual relationship because either I or the girl decided we weren't a good match.

I wanted to know if you guys exclusively date larger girls, or if you're open to dating average/skinny girls in the hopes you could broach the subject of your kinks later on and get them to gain weight? The whole idea sounds horrid to me to be honest, and I feel like I would just end up ruining things, but I do not think I'm capable of getting it up for a girl who isn't at least chubby. Still a virgin, so I don't know for sure that pure affection couldn't do it for me, I just get that sense.

I live in California, and there don't seem to be a ton of larger women on these apps, and a lot of the ones who are I just don't have much in common with. I'm decent enough looking but 100% a fucking dork with limited interests. A lot of the profiles of girls that do share a lot in common with me tend to be on the super skinny side, and I just feel like things would fall apart once things got to the bedroom. I do want to make genuine connection with someone, but I'm way too horny to not value that physical intimate side of a relationship. Was hoping some other anons could share their experiences/stories.
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Tech help Anonymous Tue 16 Jul 2024 13:40:58 9dc0d1 US No.51751 Original
I’ve ordered a custom vid from a SSBBW model on OnlyFans, which was nicely done and then sent along via DM. How do I download this? OF doesn’t allow download, and it wouldn’t come through on a rip site like coomer. Screen recording on my phone is autoblocked as well.
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How come there are so many of you who don't tell your partners about this fetish? Anonymous Thu 11 Jul 2024 20:29:53 15a0ef US No.51623 Original
I've been reading the stories that get post on here and there's a lot of people with years long relationships saying they don't tell their partners/wives about their feederism kink. Why? I don't think it's one reason so I want to know
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