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Feedist Unpopular Opinions Anonymous Wed 24 Jul 2024 02:06:36 a8b48e US No.52065 Original
A little vent thread to express opinions that would get you kicked from feabie, lynched on tumblr, or blocked on twitter.

While some people look great at any weight there is definitely a point for most people where being fat doesnt enhance their looks at all. It becomes a corruption fetish past that point. A lot of feedists go too far with themselves.
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What was the last thing you nutted to? Anonymous Mon 08 Jul 2024 01:47:54 6a83f3 US No.51449 Original
pic related
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Fetishistic existentialism Anonymous Thu 11 Jul 2024 00:13:42 3ec031 US No.51572 Original
Do any of the rest of you take the time to at least appreciate that our fixation exists in reality?

In the before times, only those in the position of wealth or royalty could even have a partner of considerable size. There’s women out there in line at McDonald’s with curves finer than the most coveted concubines of a kings’ court, just out there for all to appreciate.

For all the shit furries get, I do spare a thought for the fact that they have to settle for someone in a costume. Yes they pretend they’re the characters they portray, yet ultimately it remains a facsimile of their desire, able to be held in hand but still leaving something to be desired.
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TikTok girl got chubby Anonymous Thu 01 Aug 2024 16:06:14 62f498 RU No.52507 
I accidentally found this girl on reddit, over the past couple of years she has literally exploded. The archive will contain her videos in which you can track progress, and I also made a video in which the comparison is clearly shown!
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Coomer.party tracker Anonymous Sun 22 May 2022 23:52:20 bacd7f No.15643 Original
I don’t see any thread dedicated to keeping track of which fetish-related onlyfans are on coomer, idk about y’all but I can never remember and I’ve only found accounts by stumbling across them
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Unattractive female body types Anonymous Wed 06 Mar 2024 22:20:42 aa4a61 RO No.45777 Original
Hello. Where I live women are either flat(at most musquito bites) and look very fragile or humongously fat. The catch with the fat ones is that at most they have B cup boobs(talking about girls upwards of 350lbs) and don't gain weight in feminine places(boobs, thighs, butt or hips).

How would you deal with this if you were in my shoes and could not move away from where you live?
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Anonymous Wed 24 Jul 2024 21:48:51 61d711 US No.52126 Original
Hello esteemed colleagues. I'm trying to worldbuild a realistic fat setting and I want to crunch some numbers on what a more obese America could look like. Unfortunately, most population studies on obesity usually cap out at a BMI of 45, which would correspond to a weight of less than 300 pounds for women.

I need statistics on the number of 400, 500, 600, 700, etc. pound individuals that exist in America (so a BMI of around 100 or more). Do any of you know where I can find this?
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Documentaries Anonymous Sun 28 Jul 2024 13:31:24 11c4a3 DE No.52321 Original
Heyy, as I couldn't find the old documentary thread I decided to start a new one.

Recently found this Russian reality TV show about big girls trying to loose weight. So think biggest looser but with only (mostly young) women. Most of them are not really my type but some are very cute shy ones.

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Feederism University Anonymous Sun 28 Jul 2024 19:05:47 b0e64e CA No.52334 Original
Discuss the growth&development of sensual energy.

An economy is a soul, an immensely multidimensional energy, a will, a love, infinite multiverses of absolutes and abstracts. Likewise is feederism and sexuality. I dare say that the energy of sexuality in our universe can be improved.
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Blimp at the the Olympics Anonymous Sat 27 Jul 2024 17:18:15 8cb1a5 US No.52277 Original
Best part of the opening ceremony in Paris yesterday was the Last Supper vignette (that's French!) during the fashion show on a bridge. Star attraction in the middle was a rotund beauty who looked like she was enjoying her roll - I mean role.
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