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Evidence of ancient feederism? Anonymous Wed 28 Oct 2020 15:22:26 78bac7 GB No.4623 Original
Excavated in Catahoyuk in Turkey and thought to be around 8000 years old, this statue is just one amongst a handful that feature similar proportions.

Although there are similar statues across the world, none feature such accurate features as this (pretty sexy statue if you ask me but also in my reckoning, rules this out as a "goddess"), which suggests that it was modelled on a real woman.

Some experts believe that they could be modelled on elderly women in this society who had reached a high status and were no longer required to work, therefore remaining sedentary.

Although perfectly feasible now, many woman have reached such epic proportions whilst remaining sedentary and consuming a diet of tasty and highly processed foods: how could someone become as fat as this whilst eating a neolithic diet without near constant consumption?

This is where my hypothesis comes in which so far experts do not seem to have seriously considered: are we looking at evidence of an early society of "feeders"? To maintain such a body whilst on a Neolithic diet would certainly require constant eating which would likely need to be enabled by the surrounding culture and not just the work of this individual. Could this mean that perhaps this society fed its women, a selection of women or even a single woman in order for them to become as fat as this statue depicts.

Although we may never know, I like to imagine that this is the case. Let's rub one out for these early architects of feederism. Godspeed you you fat loving, Neolithic bastards!
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anybody knows what happened to petralove? Anonymous Fri 29 Nov 2024 17:19:32 51f630 CL No.57108 Original
yeah, the girl that collaborate with brianna, jae, and others. Only for curiosity tbh
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Best recipes for gaining weight Anonymous Tue 26 Nov 2024 20:33:51 9e8903 PE No.57027 Original
I'm trying to make my bitch fatter
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Need Advice: Navigating Weight Preferences in a Relationship Anonymous Wed 27 Nov 2024 08:53:57 21df31 DE No.57045 Original
Hey everyone,

I’m looking for some advice about a situation with my girlfriend. We’ve been together for a little over nine months, and she knows about my preferences when it comes to weight. When we started dating, she weighed around 90 kg (198 lbs), but now she’s at about 105 kg (231 lbs). I love her deeply, and I find her most attractive in the range of 110 to 150 kg (243–330 lbs).

However, she’s expressed that she wants to lose weight and feels more comfortable at around 90 kg, although ideally, she’d prefer to be closer to 80 kg (176 lbs). She’s always been on the heavier side, fluctuating between 80 and 90 kg for most of her life, but during a difficult time in her past, she reached 140 kg (308 lbs) while in a relationship with an ex who didn’t share my preferences.

Now, I feel torn. I want to support her in feeling good about herself, but I also wish she could feel confident and happy at a higher weight, where I find her the most attractive. She’s told me she’s afraid that accepting her current weight could lead to further weight gain in the future, which scares her.

At the moment, I’ve been keeping her weight stable at 105 kg with little things like gifts and relaxing activities like smoking together, but I know that’s not a sustainable approach. I want her to feel comfortable in her own skin while also being honest about my feelings and desires.

Has anyone else been in a similar situation? Do you have any tips for helping her embrace herself at a higher weight without pressuring her? How do I navigate this balance between supporting her goals and being honest about my preferences?

Looking forward to your thoughts!
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2024 Thanksgiving Dinner Special Anonymous Thu 28 Nov 2024 21:38:36 45537d MX No.57094 Original
Happy Thanksgiving Guys!
I hope everyone is having a great time.
While we enjoy good food and great company, let’s gather here too and post updates of our engorgement session.
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Anonymous Wed 27 Nov 2024 15:46:46 5001ae US No.57054 Original
How do I become a plapjak? I just want to fuck desperate fat girls, man. Dating apps are filled with pajeet scammers and skinny girls who never reply back.
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Anonymous Thu 28 Nov 2024 14:30:53 d96d23 US No.57073 Original
It’s Thanksgiving here in the states. Wishing all of you with fat partners the best of luck in navigating any hangups about eating their fill or eating in front of family members. It’s taken a few goes to get mine to stop expecting comments or judgment, but she’s settled in with my in-laws.

That said, when we’re back home with leftovers, I’m pitching fourth meal and getting her ankles up on my shoulders.

Gobble gobble, fellow architects.
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Memes!!! Touhou Knower Sat 12 Oct 2024 19:29:15 3789ab US No.55196 Original
Can I post memes here or no?!?
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QQ Anonymous Thu 28 Nov 2024 06:23:06 62ca2e IT No.57068 Original
I need help with QQ, the chinese app.
There are models like https://x.com/dadudu2024/ selling their videos only in there, but I'm not sure how to find them.
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What is the sweet spot of weight vs health? Anonymous Tue 17 Sep 2024 16:05:32 2476e0 US No.54333 Original
I think many of us have observed enough SSBBW models to see them go too far to the point of lack of updates, lack of movement, and finally health issues requiring WLS. What's everyone's opinion/experience on where the "sweet spot" is when it comes to weight? The range where a woman is just the right level of maximum fatness, but before the health tolls affect enough day-to-day functions to be a problem.

Obviously it varies dependent on some factors like height, age and how they are built, but it seems to me like 450-550 lbs seems to be that zone. Some have still been fairly active with no issues between 550 and 600, but after that the issues begin.

Examples that come to mind are Heather, Juicy Jackie, Sasha, BoBerry, Violet James, Adeline, Pleasantly Plump, Echo. When any of them did pass 550 or 600 we started to see a major decline in activity and health issues. Before that they were fat as hell and still active.
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