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“One of Our Monsters & Robots Are Missing” (animated movie) Anonymous Sun 24 Oct 2021 03:27:11 c6a141 US No.10729 Original
There’s this website for a movie which is going to be an animated science fiction comedy, which is something you guys would be interest in. The film follows Pam, a graduate who dreams about becoming a filmmaker by going to California for attending a college, but her life turns upside down when the world gets invaded by a group of cat-like martians, monsters, and robots. Just then, she grows into a big fat giantess in order to save her family from an evil threat. I thought it might be helpful if we share this discussion of the film for this thread. I've only been on the site for two times mostly for curiosity's sake and had pretty interesting thoughts and experiences about this picture. Just post your thoughts for the movie below the page to see what your preference is?

Website for the film (link): https://oneofourrobotsandmonstersaremissing.weebly.com/
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Favourite Gains Of All Time Anonymous Fri 02 Jul 2021 21:39:20 7daa12 AU No.8229 Original
There's no way I could just pick one, but this one always stands out to me. Not even close to my favourite model, but god damn she ruined herself. It's incredible. How about you? Post your favs.
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What experience made you attracted to fat women? Anonymous Wed 19 May 2021 21:37:11 37fc67 US No.7457 Original
Curious to hear other people’s stories on how it happened. For me personally, I was browsing YouTube at a young age and stumbled upon a short video with weird yellow lighting of a pudgy woman trying to put on a pair of jeans.
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Any good discords? Anonymous Wed 08 Dec 2021 10:50:33 cdee80 GB No.11648 Original
Any good discords for chatting to other feeders/feedees, sharing stories, content, etc, that aren't full of Feabie drama-lords? All the ones I've found are awful and full of the same edge lords you see in the Feabie drama/cringe thread.
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Anonymous Mon 15 Nov 2021 18:59:38 558f8b US No.11333 Original
twitter is not okay.
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MIA person from long time ago Anonymous Sun 28 Nov 2021 22:32:27 0b96c6 GB No.11474 Original
I know this is a long shot but I met the person through this website in the first place.

A long time ago, there was a RP thread on this server, talking about RP and what we like. I met a lad who was interested in superchubs and farting on the thread and we got along really well but I just grew distant because of IRL.
He did a piece of art work of me, with a beret and being a super chub, farting in the background with my belly hanging between my legs, I think in stockings?
It's hard to remember, lost the picture.
I'm just looking for the person's deviantart or twitter so I can contact them again if they're still around.

I miss them, gotta be honest. It's been like, 10 years or so now, so it's been a long time.

I don't have much to pics to offer but
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They're all mentally ill Anonymous Thu 04 Nov 2021 14:46:52 809c3a AU No.10964 Original
Seriously I have never known any woman over 300lbs who doesn't exhibit signs of some kind of mental illness. Most commonly it's overwhelming depression, anxiety, and insecurity, but there's also plenty of big women I've spoken to who have ADHD, Autism, PTSD, and other disorders.

Another thing I've noticed trying to find an SSBBW partner and having tried to chat up lots of these girls is that they always seem very... dumb. Just all-around unintelligent - terrible grammar and spelling, no education outside of high school, no interest in anything that requires you to think deeply. I feel this is especially common with bigger women but I don't know why.

Sure, maybe there are big women out there who are able to uphold a relatively normal lifestyle with few issues, but the vast majority that I've met are honestly hopeless and miserable. It makes sense that obesity is correlated with a higher prevalence of poor mental health - there's no way a woman could be 300lbs+ without having some mental health issues. That's the sad, often neglected reality of dating these women - sometimes they're so much of a hassle they're not even worth it.

It sucks ass. I've wanted a dream 400lbs+ GF for so long now and of the very few I've been lucky to find, they're all miserable and plagued with so many problems.

Do any of you relate to this? Is this really the reality for most if not all of the obese women out there and the people who want to date them? Makes me want to give up. I'm exclusively attracted to SSBBWs though so I don't know what else I'd settle for.
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Is there a 'best' period for this fetish? Anonymous Sun 15 Aug 2021 11:51:04 c8b7e0 KE No.9423 Original
What do you think is the "golden era" of this fetish?
I figure it's probably just the past few years, but I have a particular liking for the 2000s/early 10s.
I think the decade represented a sort of "Lardass Event Horizon", where the obesity crisis suddenly worsened. It was also the decade when social media boomed, which meant getting your fix of this fetish was easier than ever.

My favourite quirks of the time were the amazing abundance of college girls who were easily willing to pull up their shirts to show off their beer bellies and food babies,all the seemingly oblivious girls walking around with muffintops in those low waist jeans, and all the beach candids.I remember stumbling on albums of girls partying through the decade and piling it on thru the years.Girls are too aware that it will end up on social media to do stuff like that nowadays

(I seem to remember there was a girl who signed up for a weight gain challenge, without actually being a feedee; she thought it was some sort of challenge against social norms, i don't see something like that going down without a hitch nowadays)
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Site performance improvements Anonymous Sat 27 Nov 2021 06:59:13 21175c No.11454 Original
It's a shame that so often while browsing BBWChan I scroll and images fail to load. While recognizing that server resources are of course limited by $$$ as a dev myself I wanted to poke around and see if there was anything maybe that could be enhanced/improved to fix things and maybe even save some moolah.

I noticed that some thumbnails are actually being generated as PNG files, which I assume is because the full-size image was a PNG. However, serving thumbnails as PNGs can be extremely wasteful. For example, from https://bbw-chan.nl/ssbbw/res/30909.html , here's the PNG thumbnail it currently has vs a JPG I made from that thumbnail at 50% quality (optimized, non-progressive).

I think you'll find that you can't see any difference whatsoever. But there's a definitely a difference in terms of server traffic, because the JPG is only 5.73KB whereas the PNG is 65.5KB. That's more than 10 times smaller. 60 KB may not be a lot in real terms, but multiply that by every visitor to the site and it adds up quickly.

I don't know too much about this board software but is there not some kind of setting to force all thumbnails to be generated as JPG regardless of how they're uploaded? There's quite a lot of PNGs on the art boards like /bbwdraw/ and /bbfurries/ where JPGs are often disdained by artists. There's several PNGs on the first page of /bbwdraw/ already and at least a few on page 1 of /ssbbw/ too.

I also note that the cache time for images is really, really short. The site currently sends images with a cache expiry time of 24 hours. But actually the images really should just never expire, since they all have unique IDs and never change. For regular visitors to the site, a longer cache time might mean their browsers don't try to retrieve images they've already grabbed. Of course, images from bbw-chan may not exactly have high priority and will ultimately get evicted from the cache, but there's literally no harm in specifying a longer expiry time, and it could save bandwidth. I'm not sure if this is a property of the board or of the nginx server serving the board, but a simple nginx configuration would make it set the "Expires" header to the maximum value in the future for everything matching https://bbw-chan.nl/.media/ (which is the root directory from which all the media seems to be accessed). See http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_headers_module.html for details.

Finally, since the site seems to struggle so much I wonder if it would be worth reducing the maximum number of images per post. After all, less images per post -> less thumbnails visible while scrolling through pages -> less requests and bandwidth.
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What's the best gain you've seen IRL? Anonymous Wed 21 Jul 2021 06:46:18 3219e9 No.8945 Original
Story time.
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