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Is immobility a paradox for you Is immobility a paradox for you Sun 16 Jan 2022 16:42:19 cbb69f US No.12470 Original
Is Is immobility and USSBBW level gains paradoxically hot and off putting to you?
If we reached a point in regards to medical technology were a girl could be a thousand pounds and have no heath issues or mobility problems that would be HOT AF.
But seeing this is the real world, anything over 500lbs is not really appealing to me.
If you love a girl, you would x want her to live a long happy life with you, and have good quality of life.
Also NSFW, but things start to get difficult in the bedroom if your wife is huge.
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Weight gain drugs/medication Mon 17 Jan 2022 13:41:40 6502ff AU No.12516 Original
If you were to attempt to use drugs/medication to increase either appetite or weight gain, what would be the most practical one. This is not intended for IRL use, but for a story I am in the process of writing. I like my stories to be as realistic as possible. However, if there is a chance for extremely bad side affects(that aren't weight gain related) I can ignore them.
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Fat Lost Media-Iceberg Wed 11 Aug 2021 07:51:55 35d65f No.9263 Original
Hello everyone, I wanted to share this new Iceberg template so we can gather knowledge of media that contains fat, weight gain, stuffing, bloating, expansion, inflation, etc. that unfortunately, it's lost now.

it can be movie scenes, youtube videos, porn videos, commercials, music videos, art, etc.

It doesn't have the purpose to creep or scare people out, only to share things that it would've been cool if every one could see it.

The top would be pieces of media that are well-known almost by everyone, and the bottom would be the totally unknown, that people are not even sure if it was real of that they saw, or like 1 or 2 people around the world knows about this piece of lost media.

I'll start by adding one almost at the bottom of the iceberg, which I'll explain in the reply section

(I'd recommend using Arial in 24pts so it can be clear to read and so we can have more space to add more)
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Feedism documentaries Anonymous Sat 15 Jan 2022 23:03:51 f086a0 GB No.12457 Original
Does anyone know of (and have links to) any good feedism documentaries? ones that aren't just "look at this poor fat ugly woman being used by creepy male abusers"/exploitative misery porn. I don't need them to be glowing accounts of this fetish but ones that at least acknowledge that the feedee can be just as (or more) into it as the feeder and can be aware of the health consequences.

I found this documentary called "Feed Me" but I can't find any way to view it. Its description sounds promising to me:
>Filmmaker Connor Luke Simpson explores the underground —and often misunderstood— subculture known as Feederism. A community where the fatter you are, the sexier you are. Portrayed as a freak show attraction, the community speaks out against the mainstream media and wider society, who have smeared them for decades…
Throughout the film, Connor meets a range of feeders and feedees who have found salvation in their fetish, fat gainers cite a liberating feeling that comes from letting yourself go, as well as promoting the benefits of experimenting with food in the bedroom. But with skyrocketing obesity rates worldwide, critics ask ‘is this too good to be true?’

I know watching these documentaries I'll already have a more in-depth knowledge of the fetish than they explore, but the measured perspective of outsiders fascinates me and documentaries are usually more in-depth than the occasional news article I find. I guess other "outsider interpretations of feederism" would also be fine to post, but not tabloid articles.
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The Increase of Trads on this site Anonymous Fri 08 Oct 2021 02:56:17 48020f US No.10472 Original
>all of this "muh porn addiction" posting
>all of this "porn turns people gay/bi" posting
We have to be getting raided by 4/pol/ at this point, there's no getting around it. I just want a place where we can talk about fat girls and such topics but it's clear we've either turned into a bunch of authoritarian christcucks who think porn is bad for you because of research funded by churches or unironic sadsacks who are getting manipulated.
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why is every LMBB thread getting deleted? Anonymous Tue 31 Aug 2021 14:44:42 0ed741 IT No.9842 Original
I'm just asking, I wanted to open a LMBB thread on /bbw/ whilst sharing stuff, but every other thread got deleted within hours. Has she contacted the mods to secure her privacy?
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Has this fetish warped your perception of weight and size? Anonymous Tue 31 Aug 2021 06:31:27 a44a6a AU No.9833 Original
This will mostly apply to the SSBBW lovers, but I imagine the sentiment is probably relevant to everybody here on a relevant scale.

My girlfriend is around 150kg (330lb). She’s fucking huge. But it recently occurred to me that girls of that size in porn seem small. It’s bizarre. I’m rarely even interested if the girl is under 400 and I’m not truly excited until 500+. For whatever reason, I seem to forget how big 300-400 really is. I’ve been with girls around the 400 mark and they’re impossibly enormous.

How about you?
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Erectile Destruction Thread Anonymous Sat 24 Jul 2021 08:18:59 4507fe GB No.8998 Original
Just for shits n giggles: What small things do you see in BBW content you would otherwise be into that is an instant boner killer for you? I'm kinda interested in seeing how varied the answers will be.

Obviously everyone has different preferences so don't be spergs and start pointlessly arguing. Just have fun describing why xyz makes your dick shrivel like a dried slug. Bonus points if you're witty enough to come up with funny/clever phrasing and associated images.

For me there are two which will probably be unpopular but fuck it:

When girls gain to the point their jawline and neck become one continuous entity. I am definitely a face guy and I prefer it when they don't look like they've been drawn on a giant thumb in a wig. Second thing is belly folds/rolls, or really excessive rolls in general (aside from on the hips for some reason). Reminds me of a melting candle or something when chicks get really fold-y. I like my bellies round. Nothing against people who like dat shit, but a lot of gainers I think were smokin cross the event horizon for me before they even get popular enough for me to discover them lmao
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I’m curious Sat 08 Jan 2022 03:14:48 ed426d CA No.12265 Original
If there was an alternative to Curvage (without that weirdo S77 and his policies) would you use it?
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Front-end dev LtBarclay##vOgLqq Tue 04 Jan 2022 23:23:33 901d5d US No.12217 Original
Well, finally, after many, many versions of lynxchan and penumbra making changes for each version manually, I actually forked Penumbra and now it's open for all to see and request changes or report fixes. Are you a CSS Guru? A JS wizard? A script-kiddie extraordinaire? You can take a look and see what can be done to make bbw-chan better.


Personally, I would love to see someone slim down the god damn post form. It's thiccccc and in all the wrong ways.
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