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Anorexia and Feedism Fetish Anonymous Thu 30 Dec 2021 04:17:02 2c652e CA No.12071 Original
Some background: I have been fit and lean my entire life - I've always been somewhat on the skinny side (currently 6'2", 145 lbs), played every sport imaginable throughout my childhood and adolescence, and currently run track at university. I've also always been attracted to larger women.

I recently broke up with a girl whom I had been dating since high school, the principle cause of this being the fact that I couldn't have sex with her, which, among other things, I attribute to this attraction. Before we broke up, she said that she thought I have an eating disorder. There is some truth to this: I have never had a huge appetite, but in my teenage years I started eating less and less and obsessing more over being as lean as possible. I lost around 5 lbs when I started university and, with my build, it showed. She mentioned this in relation to my attraction to fat girls. (a relation she thought was very strange indeed) I never explicitly told her about this, (especially because she herself is not fat, but has similar body-image issues) but it came to light after I grabbed her stomach one time too many while making out.

I'm currently on winter break, and I've had time to think about this. What is it that attracts me to fat women? Is it invariably tied to my own body-image issues? If I fear being fat so much, why am I filled with carnal rage every time I see the sinuous outline of pudge tucked tightly into Luluemon pants?

Will I ever be able to get over this, and win back the love of my life, to the crooning of a John Carpenter-esque soundtrack?

Has anyone here had similar experiences with body dysmorphia or disordered eating and feedism?
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Anonymous Thu 30 Dec 2021 20:35:43 cccc8f US No.12088 Original
Has any BBW models been like pic related?
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Thanksgiving Happenings Anonymous Sat 27 Nov 2021 17:02:40 980aa4 US No.11456 Original
Let's hear it, tell us your personal favorite thing that you've witnessed at Thanksgiving! Whether it be a family member bursting a button or a huge burp from your hot cousin.
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What she wants is not what she says Anonymous Fri 10 Dec 2021 03:31:02 5a5db7 CA No.11700 Original
Your experiences, views and opinions?

No incelish sounding bickering, so sexism, no racial slur or anything rude, please.
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Anonymous Thu 08 Jul 2021 20:44:28 ec3f8e US No.8476 Original
How do you fatten up a girl?
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Siterip Tools & You. Anonymous Sun 26 Dec 2021 03:53:09 a4dd59 US No.11971 Original
Guess another thread has to die for this

I got a BC sub that's running out soon - wanna know what downloaders work best for what sites, not just BC.

Mods, if you sticky this we can keep it for reference. Just a thought.
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Anonymous Fri 05 Feb 2021 10:13:31 4474c4 US No.6181 Original
Drop those expansion tier lists, lads.
Link to said list maker here: https://tiermaker.com/create/something-big-heavy-and-perverse-790719
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How much would you pay to feed a web model in person? Anonymous Wed 27 Oct 2021 18:49:05 2b18f0 US No.10805 Original
Curious how much you would be willing to pay if your favorite content creator was to offer in-person feeding sessions.
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Anonymous Fri 17 Sep 2021 11:43:56 6daf21 AR No.10082 Original

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I can't stop feeding my significant others Anonymous Mon 13 Dec 2021 16:36:58 eaf5a2 US No.11774 Original
but there's a limit for me. Shit starts to get real by around 300 pounds. Major life changes, like fitting into the world (including clothing, chairs, etc) and energy/body aches/health conditions start revealing themselves. 350, 400, 450 pounds... It keeps getting more and more pronounced.

So here's the thing. I like fat girls. 240 pounds (at, say, 5'6") is the ideal size for an SO for me because they're peak hotness to me from there to about 650 pounds, but life is much easier. However, my fetish is geared toward feeding and girls gaining weight. I can't stop myself.

I fattened up my first wife to over 400 pounds before she got WLS. Last night, my girlfriend started crying in the middle of sex and saying how she hates herself. She was at around 240 pounds when we met and now she's at around 340 (probably more, she hasn't weighed herself recently). I stuffed her completely full all day yesterday, starting out with an enormous breakfast then breakfast desert, then snacks, then Jack in the Box for first lunch, then Taco Bell for second lunch, then ice cream, then more snacks, then three grilled cheese sandwiches cooked in bacon fat with marscapone, bacon, and nearly an entire block of cheddar, and a heavy-cream based tomato soup for dinner. Then, a Cold Stone Ice Cream cake for desert. When we got to bed, she was nauseous and ready to puke and I had to be gentle to not lose those valuable calories. I started feeding her from the box of See's Candies that I keep by the bed and she started crying. I lost my boner right away.

She's not happy. She wants more than anything to get back under 300 pounds. Hell, I want her under 300 pounds. She was more physically attractive at the lower weight. She doesn't quite hold those extra pounds as well in her face. Yet, I can't stop feeding her. Every day I give her as many calories as possible because feeding is my fetish. I want out. How can I get hard and enjoy sex without feederism?She's not happy. I'm not happy. But I can't stop.
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