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Fetish or Preference? datboicarbon Sun 13 Feb 2022 02:52:53 0dfc88 IE No.12946 Original
Not sure if this should be posted in an already existing thread but sure look it. The difference between ‘fetishizing fat women’ and ‘it’s just a preference’. Both of these terms are just often interchangeably with regards to this ‘community’. Is there really a difference? It’s like you are caught in limbo. It’s like if you like a fat chick and her size you are fetishizing her and if you don’t like her due to her size you are fatphobic. They don’t want to be loved in spite of their body but they also don’t want their fat to be a contributor to their attractiveness. But to me it is just another physical characteristic of their body such as their face, boobs or butts whatever that makes them attractive. Why is it that someone can be attracted to someone else based on their face, genitalia or height etc it is perceived as being completely fine but as soon as it’s fat it is now something dark and creepy and fetishizing. Why can’t I like big women for their bodies? And their fat plays a major role in that attraction. I can’t help it, this wasn’t something I chose. I’m not attracted to fat women because I think ‘they’re easy’ or some shit like ‘fat chicks give the best head’ or whatever I am just physically attracted to them.

You might often hear the statement from these fat positive accounts on insta or some shit which say that fat is ‘morally neutral’ or fat isn’t evil or bad it’s just a thing and I agree. This idea that they are eating all the food and they are greedy is a load of crap. Sure they eat a load but so do athletes and bodybuilders they just burn it off, no one perceives them as greedy. And so if it is ‘just a thing’ why can’t I be attracted to it? According to a Mr Google search I did, the difference between a fetish and a preference is basically if your attraction to someone is conditional (i.e. is fat or not) then it’s a fetish but if it is not then it is a preference.

My question is, if for example since this is something one cannot control, a gay or straight person not being attracted to someone because of their sex (aka a physical characteristic, genitalia, chromosomes etc). If their attraction to someone is conditional, i.e. the straight person is only attracted to the opposite sex and the gay person is attracted only to the same sex, are they then not fetishizing the people they are attracted to (according to the definition of fetishization) (with this being physical attraction, not emotional). For me it doesn’t have to be a load but like anything from slightly chubby to like USSBBW, but there does have to be some there. Are people who don’t like fat chicks fetishizing thinner women? This sounds ridiculous saying it out loud. Also I get people who aren’t into fat chicks seeing people who are into them as weird but its like a whole other layer when fat chicks even think you are creepy for liking them. You can’t win it seems. Unless you just go along with it and say ‘it’s just a preference’ when you have only been with fat girls and only ever been attracted to fat girls and will continue to only be attracted to fat girls but as long as you only say it’s a preference then you can get away with it. Am I talking out of my ass here or what? I’m curious to hear yer thoughts. From both men who are into bigger women and bigger women themselves if possible.
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_Girlfriend who lost a shitload of weight Anonymous Mon 14 Feb 2022 18:42:50 e6fdd3 GB No.12989 Original
So for anyone that cares I'm doing a quick (I intend this to be quick) update on my current situation.
For those that never saw the other thread, my girlfriend got very fat during Uni and life was fucking sweet. She knew about the whole fat thing and was okay and indulged in it now and then, until one day she decided to lose weight randomly.
Fast forward nearly two years and she's officially lost nearly 100lbs.

Currently she's still trying to lose weight and is happy with herself, but can be hard sometimes seeing old photos of her when she was bigger.
I was also wondering if anyone here has had experience with their partner losing a lot of weight but then gaining it back? Was the body similar to how it was or was it more jiggly? My gf felt very dense, thick and heavy as fuck even though she didn't LOOK huge she felt it.

She's joked about getting old and fat in the future. Also commenting on how all of the older women in her family are bigger and that it must be a hereditary thing. But still very intent on losing weight and going with it.
I think I said it in the old thread, but I cannot say it enough. If you have a fat girlfriend/wife/boyfriend/husband or whatever in between, cherish it. I'm not into immobility and don't think that's very healthy but I do wonder how big she would be now if she didn't go down the weight loss path. Feed your partner that extra doughnut while you can, because it really is living the fucking dream and I hope you appreciate what you have. Shits very hard to come by and in a normie relationship it's VERY strange.
So again, cherish the fuck out of them.
Best of luck lads.
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Discord Server Anonymous Sun 13 Feb 2022 21:04:28 d5f291 US No.12970 
Pretty small coalition server from Mauzerpub.

We need more "Shape Sculptors" (Feeders) to have a bigger presence on the server, would be honored if you would join us.

If you want to post your own discord links go ahead, might as well have one of these threads on the site.
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SSBBW Used/Personal Clothing Mark_cooper Mon 14 Feb 2022 12:53:27 7f301c CA No.12981 
I have an opportunity with JJ and I don't want to screw it up.

I had asked about her personal/used clothing and she said she is open to the idea and it would depend on what I am looing for.

So? how do I go about this? I haven't replied yet. I had thought about, "How about the lingerie/underwear you were wearing in this photoset?"

AND what about cost? our currency is the same (Canadian) what is a reasonable price? And also, not sure how I got so lucky, maybe my proposal was polite.
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Anyone else had experience with their partner going through massive weight loss? Anonymous Tue 04 Jan 2022 17:57:14 0c232b GB No.12207 Original
During Uni my gf had gained around 8 stone which is a crazy amount of weight for a girl in the UK. Girls between 18-30 would never dream of being 20 stone. She got comments from parents and family constantly but holy fuck she looked insane, all belly and tits.
The thing that got me early on though was that she fully knew I liked bigger girls, we were in the same friend group during our time at Uni together and on one night out she made a sly dig at me with a huge grin on her face for bringing home a fat girl a month or so ago, almost as if to say "I fucking knew it" and she wanted to watch me squirm. But I kinda just opened up to her there and then, went back to her flat that night and the rest is history.
Both got together and we're now on our 5th year together, got a house and shit going amazing. FULLY learned about the whole fat thing, started to follow Boberry, Roxxie and Plump Princess on Instagram since she thought it was a good idea to have more people that looked like her (Im rock hard at this point) Had great sex, belly rubs the whole shabang. Never was her official "feeder" but she absolutely piled on the weight through being comfortable in a long term relationship.

Only thing is that she's legit skinny now, fully lost all the weight and she's even skinnier than when I first met her. Just woke up one day around when Covid first started and went for a morning walk (never did exercise, would inhale doughnuts and crisps daily) and then it went from there. Whole family is obviously so proud of what she's done and gets constant compliments on how she looks now. Still love her and all the gay shit but man, shit sucks. That whole "side" of us that was there doesn't get talked about anymore whatsoever.
Obviously I have to look at the bigger picture, her happiness/health over me wanting a whale.
Has anyone had a similar story? Kinda banking on having kids and marriage that she'll focus less on the diet and MAYBE get a bit bigger, but I doubt she'l ever be as big as she was.
Give a lad some hope would ye.
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Where is the normie "too fat" line in 2022. Anonymous Mon 17 Jan 2022 15:59:32 078657 US No.12520 Original
I want to discuss an imaginary line : the line where your not-into-big-folk friends and relatives deem your partner as being so fat that feel they must stage intervention. Where they consider their weight so overpowering, so out of the ordinary that it breaks their polite silence, and they corner you into a frank discussion about it. Where they can't see your partner as anything but really, really fat.

I'm not talking about where they start to percieve your partner as fat but hold their tongue, and I'm not talking about if they make an obviously rehearsed comment if you bring up the subject first. I'm also excluding if something is mentioned behind your back, unless somebody approaches you, unprompted, with a "we've all been talking" type conversation.

Where do you feel that line is today in your social groups, and how has it moved in your lifetime?

I'm asking because, at 300 pounds, my wife hasn't hit that line yet. I find it a little bit odd that no well meaning soul has even so much as brought up her weight to me. I feel like if this was 25 or more years ago, at least one person would've pulled me aside and asked what was going on, if she had a gland problem or something, but it seems like 300 pounds is normal enough for a woman where they keep their opinions to themselves.

What are your feelings and experiences with this?
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Have you dealt with health issues? Anonymous Wed 26 Jan 2022 04:46:33 d68448 NO No.12748 Original
I dated a girl, about 4-5 years ago, who is still the fattest chick I've ever been with. She was around 350 back then. We never got past the dating thing, she was into a relationship, I wasn't into moving to her part of the country, things fell apart. We still chat from time to time. She hasn't become smaller over the years either. Around Christmas we had a long talk on Facebook, and after telling me how she had once broken a bed(!), she had to stay with a friend, who had noticed some weird stuff while my friend was sleeping. So she had it checked, and she has sleep apnea. Being morbidly obese, and just 28 years old, she also had developed high cholesterol and had to see a cardiologist regullary, because of some uneven heartbeat. She was likely to develope diabetes within a year, she had been told. She had been offered WLS, but turned it down. And she was still gaining... close to 400, and she knew I was turned on by how fatter she had gotten, but it also really turned me on how unhealthy she is. I mean, you eat yourself sick before 30? It's a dark part of this kink, but I wonder how I would have dealt with it, if I was with her.
Have you dated someone, especially younger women, who really ate themselves this sick and unhealthy? And how did you deal with it?
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How Common Is a Sexual Preference for Fat People? Anonymous Fri 11 Feb 2022 18:53:34 8cfe73 US No.12930 Original
I don't mean feedism specifically, or really any specific kink. I just wonder what fraction of the population sexually prefers fat people to thin people, for whatever reason.

Is there any data on this? I'm sure it would be hard to come by. But I bet it's more common than we think because of anti-fat stigma.
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Anonymous Thu 05 Aug 2021 21:10:54 e1c5c1 SE No.9189 Original
Anyone know what happened to Anastacia Vanderbust? Is she active anywhere today?
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Post pics of your significant other Anonymous Mon 24 Jan 2022 21:29:37 8afd18 GB No.12723 Original
Sure there used to be an old thread for this, but I can't find it.

Anyway, here's my gf when we started dating (around 200lb-ish), and a recent picture of her now (293lb).
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