

(615 KB, 1284x1285, EA35C5EE-A69E-48B5-B524-E1871604A80D.jpeg)
Tips for subtly influencing weight gain and appetite of SO? Anonymous Fri 22 Apr 2022 18:05:12 9d9a96 GB No.14641 
Hey guys,

Looking for some tips on influencing my SO’s weight and appetite. We’ve been together for a while, and she’s fairly skinny, and consistently works out. She doesn’t have much of an appetite as well. I’ve been switching out her protein powder with weight gain shakes, and noticing some effect, but I was wondering if anyone had any tips on increasing her appetite or the pace of her gain. Especially looking for good appetite enhancers (if they exist). Any tips are welcome, beside “just tell her you want her to gain” lmao.

Thanks in advance guys!
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feeding Anonymous Fri 22 Apr 2022 18:04:25 684117 HU No.14640 Original
what do you guys think are realistic feeding gains? is it possible to do 100lbs, 200lbs? even with a lower initial weight?
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There was a fat girl song I heard forever ago and I wanna find it Anonymous Anonymous Wed 20 Apr 2022 20:35:07 dad78e US No.14599 Original
The only reason this is a mistystuffer picture is because the original video had a LOT of mistystuffer shit in it, and figured this might jog someones memory.
All I remember is it sorta reminded me of the back street boys. The song started off with some guy saying something like, "Now this is what all guys fear the most, haha.." before starting up the song. One of the lyrics was something about "She was trying to tan all overrrr".
Need help, I have been losing sleep for years trying to find this song. Thanks!

(P.S, Yes, I am retarted for posting it on the alt thread. Sorry.)
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Free version of C4S? Sun 17 Apr 2022 09:19:10 a87d0d AU No.14470 Original
Is there a way to get videos from Clips4Sale for free?
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Describe the fattest girl you've ever seen in person Anonymous Tue 11 Feb 2020 16:05:30 392594 No.389 Original
I'll start.

I was about 11 or 12 (so we're talking around 2002-2003), my family and I went to the local IHOP for breakfast one morning. As we were being seated, I couldn't help but notice a woman probably in her late 30s or early 40s who was taking up TWO seats, and spilling over the edge of BOTH of them. I don't remember much else, but I do remember that when she left, she needed to be helped up from her seats. I'd guess she probably weighed north of 500 pounds
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Alternatives to BBW-Chan Anonymous Sun 10 Apr 2022 05:27:12 e22ec8 US No.14325 Original
I was wondering, what other sites do folks use to get pics/vids of bbw women?
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FELLOW ARCHITECT BROS HELP THIS THREAD WIN Anonymous Wed 13 Apr 2022 19:38:07 95cc82 US No.14400 Original
WE’RE GONNA BROSNAN THE /co/ thread with architect to make pierce based.
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I Have Honestly Given Up Anonymous Fri 04 Mar 2022 03:55:06 1dd028 US No.13352 Original
Are there any actual sites focused around BBWs/SSBBWs that ARENT attached to feederism in any shape or form?
Feabie was a bust
Curvage was also a bust
I just want a good forum where I can talk to fat girls without them constantly wanting to gain weight for simps.
It makes me not want to have this attraction I have because I have no where to really express myself without being bombarded by dumb people who either want to gain weight to the brink of dying or want to pay people so they can gain weight to the brink of dying.

I literally don't care if you disagree with me about feederism either, I know this site well enough to know arguing about that is honestly pointless. So don't diatribe at me or call me an elitist. I'm just a tired man who wants an online space for fatties that isn't about gaining.

Pic for attention
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Candii_Kayn Anonymous Tue 15 Feb 2022 13:43:15 581653 No.13670 Original
She's back. Here's her latest vid
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Is it past time to quit encoding? Anonymous Wed 18 Aug 2021 11:50:23 76664c US No.9478 Original
The encoding has gone on for so long now you'd think everyone would know how to do it. Yet, just about every thread you'll have one ask "what do I do with this?" There's also the encoding with added (delete this) or (12x3=) or whatever. All that does more often than not is cause someone to post "link is broke" because they won't look at the code as they're decoding.
I don't know how to get it to stop. I'm not sure if it's that big of a deal even. I don't mind encoding once then posting it when sharing a link. I never have added anything extra into mine. Maybe the way it stops is for more non encoded links get posted instead? What's everyone's thoughts?

Also, has anyone ever noticed the encoding has a certain code for certain sites? The first 21 characters for wetransfer links always contain - aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90L

aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90L VE3SG9IWU8waHI=
aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90L ThlM0k3dGdISmE=
aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90L UtlckEzeUVFU2g=
aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90L VRRR214MkU4RTM=
aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90L UtzU3Y5VVRXUlgK
aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90L TZ4ckM5Zk1WVmc=
aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90L WMybDYxeThLaFg=
aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90L Wk0YzdNUktKUUs=
aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90L VgzaGpDVUk0SUo=
aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90L VFxYk1KanJrdkI=
9 out of those 10 example links have an " = " at the end, not needed for it to be a workable link. BTW these are examples and while a few might have content most are links with expired content so don't bitch like a stupid cunt when there's nothing to download in the link.

Mab links begin with - aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWIudG8v

aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWIudG8v cmNDZjZEUEp0
aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWIudG8v V2xWVFlpVE5v
aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWIudG8v UGwwUmtRN0VW

Mega - aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci
aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci 84QlFpWFlqTCN6bU1DOXpIMzdrOFV2YWp4N2l3TVVR
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