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Omegle thread Anonymous Sat 30 Jul 2022 16:33:08 a6766c US No.18588 Original
I heard tags like feabie or feedie can help with chances of getting a obese gf
Also don’t say right away for social media. Keep talking and when they say I got to go ask for social media
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Feabie Drama Observatory V: They're Doing It Again Edition Anonymous Sat 19 Feb 2022 21:27:00 2bc60c US No.13099 Original
Last threads bumplocked, let's get er' going lads. Post all your drama and retardation.

>she thinks bringing attention to us is a good idea
Oh honey.
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Removal of Reiinapop threads on /bbw? Anonymous Fri 15 Jul 2022 00:06:54 e77d19 US No.18055 Original
Noticed that a new Reiina thread was taken down on /bbw and the old bump locked thread is gone too. I know there was some drama on the old thread a while back but I’ve never seen the mods take down a whole thread before without any warning. Anyone know what’s up?
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bush opinions? Anonymous Fri 08 Jul 2022 01:28:21 282682 US No.17627 Original
Are you pro-bush or anti-bush? I think they are fucking disgusting and an instant boner-killer!!! I’m not a pedo and I don’t mind a little hair but if they never shave or wax then it’s over for me. The women who have full bushes are always so into it too and play with the hair! TURN OFF!!!!!!
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Sensitive subject, but let's be honest Anonymous Mon 25 Apr 2022 21:48:55 484bd5 US No.14725 
Every time I see a fat woman in person, I am tempted to rape her. The temptation correlates directly with how fat she is.

For example, yesterday, I was on an evening light rail and an unfortunately ugly but massively fat woman boarded. She was at least 500 pounds, with stretch clothes that showed her massive bulk and fat seeping out of it everywhere. Her shirt was essentially a bra. Her massive belly hung out and she took up two seats, her bare belly skin touching the armrests at either side. Her ass was poking out of her pants. Her arms were grotesquely fat, easily the size of a thin woman's waist. Even her fat feet were bursting out of her flats. To make matters worse, She was the only one in that cart with me, and the temptation was flipped up to an 11.

I got up and approached her, hyperventilating and unable to swallow my saliva. I reached her and, with a trembling voice, said hi. My whole body was shaking uncontrollably at this point. I was sweating, and my heartbeat was loud in my ears. I had a massive erection that was clearly obscene in my stretch shorts. She looked nervous, tbh.

I think she knew the evil deeds in my heart. Luckily, the lightrail slowed down to the next stop and a small crowd of people were waiting to get into my cart. I ran out as fast as I could, despite this not being my stop, hid behind a bush under the staircase and fapped twice in a row. I made a mess, too. I'm sure anyone that saw me afterwards knew what the stains on my shirt and shorts were from. I didn't care: at least I didn't rape.

So how do you deal with these urges? When you have the perfect opportunity to rape a massive woman? What psychological tricks do you use to stop yourself? What can I do? I do NOT want to rape, but it is getting harder and harder every day as women just keep growing fatter and fatter. Once they reach a certain level of fatness, they can barely move. It seems like it would be so easy to rape them, even if it is not oral, vaginal, or anal rape; instead just fucking their rolls.

For the most part, I am just trying to avoid temptation. I stay home. When I go out, I try to stay within sight of crowds because I know that will help reduce the temptation. This isn't living anymore. I need to be stronger, but I feel my will shrinking every day.

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Maintenance Thread Anonymous Wed 27 Jul 2022 05:39:32 38d88b US No.18474 
I remember there being a thread about how to optimize life with a BBW/SSBBW, it talked about optimizing weight gain so that it was mostly subcutaneous fat, among other things.
I personally was wondering if there was a way to induce fat storage in certain areas; say you wanted your GF to have fatter arms or bigger back rolls
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Adeline: A Study Anonymous Thu 28 Jul 2022 21:22:40 5314f8 US No.18515 
Recently somebody made a new Adeline thread over on /ssbbw/ in the interests of getting her newest content shared after her hiatus following an injury. The thread was started on 7/26/2022 at 15:27:21 PM (I'm not sure what time zone bbw-chan uses) and since then, has been the fastest moving thread on /ssbbw/, getting 97 replies from 57 unique posters, as of this post (two days later). This follows ANOTHER Adeline thread that autosaged and was popular, but not nearly as fast. There also exists an active 'vintage' Adeline thread, but it obviously isn't as popular, but the fact that two threads dedicated to her exist for different reasons is striking. For comparison's sake, Boberry's newest thread was made 7/2/2022 at 12:18:44 PM, has 96 replies, and only *23* unique posters as of the creation of this thread.

Now, the primary reason for the swiftness and high-traffic of the thread is almost certainly due to the OP's dedication to sharing her content, being responsible for multiple daily content drops and inspiring others to contribute to the cause as well with other recent content of their own. In all honesty, I think it's probably one of the most successful threads /ssbbw/ has ever seen. Naturally its popularity is bound to dwindle now that nearly all of her most recent content has been shared, but its near 100 reply achievement in 2 days is unheard of on /ssbbw/.

Why is this? I think it's pretty clear that Adeline is by FAR the most attractive and one of the youngest models to get as fat as she's become. In addition, she's put on a whopping 60+ pounds over the course of 6 or 7 months after being practically immobilized from an injury. She's now tipping the scales at 669 pounds as of her latest weigh-in from a couple weeks ago, and her mobility is very quickly becoming compromised. The only comparable model to the age and size bracket would be Fat Miss T, and she's... well, an acquired taste and subjectively less attractive than Adeline.

This all strikes me as extremely interesting. Adeline has been, for lack of a better description, been something of a B-Tier model that everyone was aware of and enjoyed, but never saw any fandom-tier attention of the likes of Roxxie, Boberry, or recently, Jackie. Speaking of Jackie, she was voted as the *most popular* model on /ssbbw/, beating out Boberry in a semi-recent bracket-style poll here on /gen/ and was also participated in by a few subreddits - if I remember correctly Adeline was knocked out in the quarter-finals.

Here's where I propose my question to /gen/: It's obvious people are attracted to Adeline because of the very fresh content leaks, her attractiveness, utterly massive size, and completely unprecedented ballooning in size - but does that make her the BEST /ssbbw/ has to offer? Something is very unique here, and while I'm willing to chalk much of it up to her content leaks and discussions regarding her size and growth - especially from deathfeedists and health issue fetishists (no judgment) - a model gaining this much popularity practically out of nowhere is extremely unusual, at least according to the data. Or am I just overanalyzing things?
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Online storage for my collection Anonymous Sat 23 Jul 2022 11:37:00 55405b GB No.18367 Original
Anyone got any recommendations for online storage options? I have about 6TB of porn I'd like to move from my external HDs to online, preferably to somewhere that lets me stream them from the site once they're uploaded. Any tips on the best and most cost effective options?
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Feederism documentary Anonymous Wed 27 Jul 2022 12:51:25 854235 US No.18476 Original
I’m looking for her content and stuff. If she has any videos or images including the commentary one

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Men losing weight Anonymous Fri 03 Jun 2022 09:56:19 3b941e GB No.16034 Original
No weight, hear me out. I like SSBBWs but as a man myself, I want to lose some weight. There's an old stereotype of a skinny man with a big woman that has always been around.

I weighed 105.5kg and my height is 5'9". I want to get down to 80Kg. Maybe even 75Kg. The BMI calculator says I should be 56Kg which is impossible and probably unrealistic.

Perhaps I'll do a monthly update on this thread. I want to also want to be toned and muscular, so I have some weights to do at home. I managed to get down to 90Kg but lockdown happened and I put it all back on.

I weighed myself this morning and I weighed 102.5kg. Which is great as I have started a low carb high protein diet 2 weeks ago.

What is the plan? Well I now look at the info on food.

Aim for

Nutrient levels
Saturated fat per 100ml or gm below 1.5g

Sugar below 5g

Salt below 0.3g

So the main thing I look at is sugar, and go for for every 100g of product the sugar content needs to below 5g or close to it. It is shocking how much sugat is added to supermarket food these days. Cereals and cereal bars are the worst, even if they claim to be healthy. Some cereals have 30g to 40g of sugar per 100g. Thats 30-40% of raw sugar you are shovelling into you mouth!

When you start looking at products you'll find not many things are low in sugar, even the sk called healthy bars. But, I have found sliced ham, honey roasted sliced ham, sliced chicked is very low in sugar and high in protein. So for breakfast and lunch I will have some sort of meat (vegans will need to have a look for an alternative), and a apple or some cuts of cheese. Largely I am cutting out bread, which is high in carbs and sugar. I may have a white coffee or black coffee now, instead of a Lattee or Capacinno. I have always had diet drinks such as diet coca cola or pepsi max, which have now or low sugar. But I will try to drink more water instead.

I will try to keep active by doing a little walk each morning before work, aiming to do 600 to 1500 steps. I arrive early before work, and do a little circuit. On my days off I will go for a bike ride, and in the evenings do some weights. Each day I will take vitamin supplements and Omega 3 oil. I take at least 75mcg vitamin D, extra vitamin C and zinc. I have not caught covid and like most people in the UK now, stopped wearing a mask.

The main cut outs-
Potato chips 100%
Bread (at least reduce by 80%)
Pasta (at least reduce by 80%)
Ice cream
Any other dead calories and high glycaemic foods.
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