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Need your help solving this Anonymous Tue 12 Jul 2022 20:11:55 0e9383 US No.17916 Original
Replace numbers/symbols with letters and reverse flip it backwards.
Any help solving this would be greatly appreciated, I can replace the numbers and symbols but I have no idea how to reverse flip it backwards
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Hey you guys Anonymous Thu 07 Jul 2022 23:08:04 b45c3b US No.17617 Original
Besides some pretty dominant feeding stuff what would this be used for?

The only non-feedist thing I coukd think of would be chugging beer if you've got a bdsm intox kink? Clearly this isnt for dorm parties right?
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BBW/SSBBW Voting Tournament Thing Anonymous Mon 04 Apr 2022 19:44:17 e444ae US No.14204 Original
Sup, pervs? I've collected your answers, reviewed, and came up with a seeded tournament bracket we can dance to. Got over 150 responses, almost all of them had 3 models for each division, some fewer, and one of you neanderthals thinks 5 is less than 3.

Now for the "fun" part - go ahead and vote here: https://forms.gle/Xx3DaiMF4PcRXxzi7 I'll keep the form open until Monday the 11th 12:00 EDT.

Until then, I've attached the bracket - lets see what your predictions are. Winner gets free porn for life, courtesy of the Internet and lax enforcement of copyright.
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ANONS WHO WORK IN THE FOOD SERVICE INDUSTRY Anonymous Thu 25 Nov 2021 02:48:47 2fd695 AU No.11429 Original
Food service anons: I know you’ve got some stories about a chonker coming into your restaurant and eating like a ruthless slob. And we all want to hear those stories. So tell us.
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Lost media: Betsy lost CD ROM Anonymous Tue 12 Jul 2022 03:28:07 297c5d US No.17860 Original
Does someone have this?
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Why the fuck, yo? Scatman Caribou Mon 11 Jul 2022 22:11:51 633c34 US No.17847 Original
How in the turds is it that every fucking girl I've ever dated starts out thin, relaxes, puts on a bit of weight in the first couple years of our relationship and then sex gets like bananas better and it's fuggin obvious that I'm grabbing on their chub and THEY SEEM TO BE INTO TOO and one goddamned shitbutted unfortunate-ass day, they're all, I've gained 15 pounds, I need to eat less/exercise more.

Believe me, in the past I've been straight up. Yer chubs is hot as fuck. You aren't unhealthily overweight. Yes, I think you should be healthy but maybe hey don't go fuggin nuts about it. And here's the kicker; basically all women seem to hate that shit. Makes stuff awkward, makes 'em think yer a weirdo.

So now I'm just gonna keep my mouth shut while my gal's ALREADY SMALLISH HINEY in my hand goes back to feeling like a pair of croquet balls balanced atop a goddamn folded sawhorse.

O and double kicker! Bigger women do that shit too! I've dated gorgeous BBWs, remarked upon the bounty of their beauty and it's quickly progressed to, "Ew, weird. Why did you talk about my body like that? Hey guess what fucknut, DIET TIME."

I mean, whatever, ultimately all folks deserve the right to do whatever they want with their bodies. But. Got. Dam. I feel like putting on 15-20 lbs, noticing and enjoying your partner's (and your own!) heightened pleasures over it and then just feeling ok about it doesn't seem that far fetched, right?

Anyway I'm venting. Feel free to do the same in your replies. I'm sure many of us have similar bugbears to exorcise.
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Fuck the Recursive Bible! RecursiveBible Mon 06 Jun 2022 21:15:17 a940b3 US No.16231 Original
Have any of you ever spent so much time with fundamentalists that you started thinking characters from the Bible decided to read the Bible itself to figure out what they had to do next? FUCK THE RECURSIVE BIBLE! Also, days were less than 24 hours long in the distant past, "red" was sometimes used in the Bible to describe brown objects, and most Bible-thumpers might secretly be porn addicts.
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SSBBWs on Chairs Anonymous Sun 10 Jul 2022 08:54:34 a4a8ae US No.17748 Original
Last time I did this, it was a success, so let’s try it again. Drop any photos of SSBBWs overflowing chairs or any stories of an fattie making a chair creaking and strain with her weight.
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Hear me out: 3D Printing Fatties Anonymous Wed 08 Jun 2022 02:03:20 798225 US No.16319 Original
Anyone think of making like, video game characters fat or something to 3D print? Just throwing it out there.
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Anonymous Sat 11 Jun 2022 09:14:32 d879cd US No.16446 Original
I wish there was a philanthropist billionaire who would buy up all the porn and hire people to upload ALL that porn to kemono and coomer then we can has all the free porn and we would never have to beg or actually upload anything ourselves.
( No, I'm not being serious. I'm just tired of seeing the constant begging and requesting coomer/ kemono updates from fuckers who never upload anything themselves.)
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