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The older women/younger men dynamic Anonymous Tue 12 Jul 2022 03:51:54 5731f4 US No.17866 Original
Has anyone noticed within this community that the dynamic of older women and younger men is becoming more common? I dont notice it almost at all outside the community, but to be fair the only reason I know this is because I can read feabie profiles and see the ages of people flirting with eachother.

I have to wonder if it's something most of the older women are into or if it's just something that they are indifferent to when they like a certain guy. People around the community will salivate over any contrast at all, or no contrast even. I'm leaning more towards it's all just happenstance since I think most of the older women know that younger guys just want to fuck them and not hang around too long. Also considering that most older women have kids it makes it even less likely for men of any age group to commit.

Ultimately I think the reason it seems more common now has more to do with a larger pool of people in the community and less emphasis on picking a partner based on personal life attributes like money or personality and more on superficial traits like body type. Let's be honest, places like FF, feabie, or dims back in the day were almost like e-clubs. You might find an s/o there but most of whats going on is people finding hook up partners. Age is hardly a factor for most, but I am still intrigued by the few who are actively seeking this dynamic and are not just falling in it by happenstance.
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Fat Latina Thread Anonymous Tue 29 Jun 2021 06:14:56 139f0d US No.8080 Original
Discuss and post pictures of fat Latina girls
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Where the 'high quality' fat qts at? Anonymous Fri 19 Aug 2022 21:17:51 9d7f45 US No.19422 Original
Just kind of a rant but back in the dating scene and man, trying to find a cute, fat, smart, non parent, interesting girl has been a reaal challenge. I understand that's a lot of boxes to check for any dating but it just seems real difficult to find a prime woman through all the chaff, so to speak. At least where I'm at, you got cute, smart, interesting college educated girls, but they're mostly rail thin. Ones that i'm more physically attracted to are all single mamas, uninteresting bios, seem frankly pretty dumb. Just not exactly impressive candidates.

i really wanna stray away from misogynist, incel, or classist dialogue here, but is this a result of the correlation between obesity and inaccess to things like college education/poverty/single parenthood, etc. etc? Fuck me man, I think this is largely just the depressing reality of modern dating via apps regardless of fat or not but it's got me down.
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two questions: what is this tattoo. does anyone like snapchat filters? 900 Thu 18 Aug 2022 11:49:02 404a66 US No.19387 Original
First: alicemars has this rather unfortunate (IMO, although please- I am curious if anyone finds that either unobtrusive/distracting/head shaking, or even LIKES that) tattoo, and I can't tell who it is- does anyone know?
Secondly- snapchat filters- when you're looking at videos of nude women, do you find it attractive when there's overlays of cat ears, big cartoon dog tongues etc?
I find it distracting and extremely ridiculous, and can't imagine anyone else would find it otherwise, but I keep seeing it. So either men like it, men don't like it but say nothing, or men don't like it and speak up but content creators are just like "nah I like killing the vibe"

for everyones trouble, here's something I don't believe has ever been posted.

have a nice day. Seriously.
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Keyboard backgrounds Anonymous Mon 22 Aug 2022 03:04:40 cc4f50 US No.19504 Original
An odd request I know, but my autism is hankering for more fat bitches to set as a keyboard background. They have to be landscape and preferably from a photo set and not a random screen shot from a video. Also looking for plump princess for this, that'd be greatly appreciated. Here are the images I have for this.
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RIP Fat-Forums Anonymous Sun 28 Aug 2022 14:04:37 c9a9c0 IN No.19716 Original
The domain has been put up for sale.

It was a great resource for learning about FA history and see all the models that have come up and checked out since the early aughts. Unfortunately in the end it got overrun by Russian bots.

I'm sure a lot has been indexed by the WayBack Machine (and DALL-E) but it will get more difficult now to properly look things up.
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Anonymous Sat 27 Aug 2022 18:48:57 775821 AT No.19686 Original
jerry the hoverfish
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Anonymous Sun 12 Jun 2022 23:53:02 54144b US No.16497 Original
Can any of you lads with access to a university library proxy get this article for me? I'm curious to read it but it's not on Sci-Hub.

"Fat beyond the fetish: toward a theory of fat-forward sexuality"
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FAce Fungus Anonymous Wed 24 Aug 2022 21:53:43 ff22d9 GE No.19519 Original
Why is this community home to some of the worst face fungus on planet Earth?

I’ve seen fellas with neckbeards down to their ankles, others who look like they go to the Islamic State for a trim, 30-somethings with the ten day growth of a tub of strawberries, and an absolute army of dumpy looking Ed Sheeran knock offs who seem to think Galway Girl has made growing patchy ginger pubes on their cheeks the height of cool.

It’s time to shave.
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any NEETS here? Anonymous Wed 17 Aug 2022 22:28:26 e8c1e1 SG No.19376 Original
I dropped out of college a few years ago and lived the NEET life until I got a vacation job this summer, which I just got fired off (I allegedly didn't do the work well and got into a few arguments).
It was my first job ever and It reminded me hard of why I don't like working at all.

How I see being an employee it is that you're in a prison doing chores and getting stressed out over stuff that in the end either benefits the government or elites and isn't relevant to (your) life.

How do I afford being a NEET? Welfare for now. I live in a European country where if you're on welfare it's expected that you look for a job and accept whichever job the social service offers you. I bypassed this predicament by stating that i'm trying to get into university by studying for the necessary certificates for it with my free time, which is true. I could also show them two autism diagnosis and two IQ tests that "prove" low intelligence plus the fact that I got fired in a month if that wouldn't convice them.
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