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Birth control is a disaster for women Anonymous Mon 09 Jan 2023 18:35:05 7fdad8 IN No.24984 Original
I fell into the alt-right rabbit hole and came across this, do you guys/gals agree with her?
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What foods do you consider to be hot feeder material? Anonymous Tue 10 Jan 2023 23:36:29 928fde US No.25030 Original
I'd put this on any other board but looks like most talking boards have been shot down and I guess the ssbbw guys would also have something to say. I saw this one pic by Axel-Rosered and while the girl was drawn good, that phrase in the back, I can't imagine hearing a girl say "I'm going to eat this whole stick of butter" and feel turned on. I personally made a curve from "Fuller Foods" to "Poured Down a Tube" with an uncanny valley with butter not really that sexy. But that's my opinion, defend your case butter eaters.
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Anonymous Sun 22 Jan 2023 00:50:39 321e69 RO No.25387 Original

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Your all time favourite video? Anonymous Sat 14 Jan 2023 19:20:59 1b8576 GB No.25164 Original
Whats the one video you always go back to and the one that if you had to choose would be the only video you could have saved.
I’m going with Thiccollegegirls professor vid. Also don’t reply yOuR cHoIcE is BaD to anyone because no one cares.
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Best Reddit? Anonymous Wed 29 Jun 2022 01:29:14 264628 NO No.17229 Original
What's the best /r/ for fat admirers and/or feeders?
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BBW-Chan Doom Clock LtBarclay##vOgLqq Sun 29 Nov 2020 22:33:41 b7f7de US No.4855   Original
With the fall of yiff.party, I thought it important that I start a thread where people concerned with our hosting / payment status can get confirmation if we are / aren't going to be up next month.

Our new hosting provider costs us €219.00EUR/$262USD a month, due on the 5th of each month. This is over double our old rate of €85EUR/$100USD we had on novogara.
At current, we make about $300-400/month from our a-ads.com campaign, depending on the price swings of bitcoin.
With those stats in mind, it's more important than ever that people disable their ad-blockers to ensure we always make our payment. Please, if you've kept your ad-blocker on since we introduced our latest ad-block detection script, consider disabling it going forward. I know every site and their mother asks you to do this, but in our case, there is no other way for us to make our payments.
Hold fast! We are paid for Jan 2023.
Our domain name is paid for through Sept 2024.
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Why are some FA's also into muscular women? Anonymous Fri 30 Dec 2022 15:39:52 0d80a7 US No.24531 Original
Something I noticed with various FA artists is how some of them seem to also be into muscular women. Just as they will draw chubby women with big bellies and double chins, they will also draw women that are muscular, with thick biceps, abs and toned muscular legs. This seems to be a contradiction at first as one would think that someone who's into fat women would prefer a soft partner. One with curves they can cuddle and massage, not a muscular one who would be hard and firm. They would want a partner who gobbles up food constantly, not one who diets and goes on a strict exercise regiment. It seems that being attracted to fatness is a rejection against diets and exercise as our fiction vilifies these things. I wonder why this is. Could it be the fascination of a woman with weight and dimension? A lot of women in fiction are thin, svelte petite things. They are often beautiful because of their frailness. As soon as a woman with weight and dimension appears, she is presented as mannish, apelike and ugly. I thought an attraction to fat/muscular women is a rejection against this beauty standard. That a woman can have something on her bones beyond skin, that she can take up space and be presented as beautiful because of it. Not being presented as masculine or as an ape for having width and weight. What are all of your thoughts for this? Why are various FA's also into muscular women? Is it what I said? Is it something different, if so what?
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Anonymous Tue 14 Jun 2022 18:21:13 4fa3b4 US No.16564 Original
Does importing to coomer.party get you banned from the onlyfans you're ripping? Can they tell it was you who uploaded the content?

Pic unrelated
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Most unique shapes Anonymous Fri 09 Sep 2022 07:16:45 d3a5ab AU No.20215 Original
Post them. My vote is Purple Rose
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Where can you find new hopefully good weight gain games? Anonymous Thu 12 Jan 2023 10:56:55 5b2c28 US No.25079 Original
Posted this Halloween 2022 and didn't get a single reply so trying again. Hopefully someone knows of any and I get will get some reply's this time.

I keep getting told to go here but these games are to short, mostly text based without art to go with the text, and old as dirt. The art for most on that games list is just shit for most of them on that site. https://forum.weightgaming.com/t/a-user-maintained-list-of-games/7102
Does anyone know of any good weight gain games from this decade. Can be furry or human I don't care. And beta.character.ai though good at times gets stuck in reply loops and always kills the mood. Furry or human is fine but I really prefer wg stuff with black women.
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