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How do I find a fine bbw my age FatAss lover Sat 03 Sep 2022 09:12:07 140389 US No.19996 Original
I’m a kid in college tryna get some bbw ass where do i go/ what sites are good for bbw dating
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Fatties Desktop Wallpaper Thread solarpunk Mon 12 Dec 2022 23:08:46 8e66ec US No.23849 Original
Setting aside 4K kitties in nature landscapes wallp1pers and breaking bad with some wallpapers of cute fat bellies.

Post any wallpapers of fatties-- Ones you've made, random fattywank you've used as a wallpaper, or wallpaper-resolution images. Might have to host off site if file size limit is an issue.

I posted this image in the kip thread as well. There's a few decent kip wallpapers, but not much. I'm thinking about making some more. Kip isn't my favorite artist but IMHO their stuff works great for wallpapers because it's hi-res, right amount of detail and dimension, cute shapes etc. Very standard. Wallpaper taste and design is subjective, for me I'm just going with what stimulates my brain in a positive way. :)
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Has anyone ever seen a BBW model IRL? Anonymous Thu 19 May 2022 12:15:31 582d67 US No.15430 Original
I did once. We walked past each other in a strip mall parking lot. But I don't know what would have happened if one ended up as my server at a restaurant or checker at a store because I'd be scared to death of calling her her modeling name. But then again, that is only in theory. Because I never saw anyone else other than the one in the parking lot. But share your stories if you have any or how you'd handle it if you randomly saw a BBW model you knew from the fetish and had to interact with her.
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Clueless Help with sharing files Wed 21 Dec 2022 10:20:33 5c436a US No.24109 Original
Hey why when I try to post certain videos that are in mp4 format I get error message saying its file format not allowed by server? I don't understand because other files in that format post just fine for me. Please help
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Hot stock photos Anonymous Thu 10 Nov 2022 06:16:08 1cbaba AU No.22912 Original
Post them
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"Body Positivity" Anon Thu 27 Oct 2022 14:01:10 3a35ec TR No.22414 Original
I don't want to rant too much, and I don't know if this has been discussed before (sorry if it has) but this will be my first post ever on a forum like this so bear with me.

I think the whole "Body Positivity" thing is actually a net loss for chubby chasers and cancer overall, let me explain:

I have been traveling a lot for my new job lately and been seeing different types of bigger women all over Europe and beyond.

Currently in Turkey (different flag might show because of VPN), not too many fatties here but they still dress to hide their bodies, as you would see most girls do 10-15 years ago. Body positivity apparently isn't a thing here yet.

While dating bigger girls before the body positivity hype had its problems, the *artificial* confidence that this social media movement has created has also brought with it a new set of problems, which are much harder to deal with and also much cringier.

It used to be that you simply had to convince a girl that you unironically like her body (whether you're into feederism or just an FA).

Nowadays big girls feel entitled to be sexually attractive to anyone, which is of course ridiculous, and it would be equally ridiculous to "force" anyone on this forum to find stick-figure girls attractive.

The short-term benefits of this for us is that we get to see a lot of fatties in tight clothes on either dating apps or pubs or clubs or out in the street, it's great eye candy.

On the other hand however, it is usually these girls, (same type who will post about their gain on TikTok but never even heard of the kink) who are also the most toxic about how it is other people are "supposed" to treat.

It's true you shouldn't shit on somebody for their weight, at least in most contexts, but if you go preach about that stuff in a gym, a workout group, sports club, school or otherwise then you shouldn't complain about the obvious backlash.

They can post whatever they want on their social media feeds, but the amount of times I've been on dates with bigger girls and unironically heard that this stuff should be normalised is breath-taking, not to mention extremely cringy. (again, not even kink-related, just their standard obesity).

At the end of the day, only chubby chasers will like and/or sexually desire chubby girls, that is not something that any movement will ever be able to change.

My dating experience has been pretty chaotic lately due to moving around a lot, so I haven't been able to find something stable yet but I'm starting to feel as if I'm dating the same types of girls over and over again, having the same kinds of conversations and getting the same kind of milquetoast, basic-bitch answers that sound more like instagram posts about how you should be "proud" of your stretchmarks rather than hide them away.

I don't want any autists to willingly misunderstand what I'm trying to get across, but just to be clear, I'm not saying they should be ashamed or hide away or any of that stuff, but everybody needs to understand that liking bigger bodies is, at the very least, very unusual, and that most people find them unattractive, and forcing them accept something they are disgusted by will only bring up more backlash, more bickering and more cringe.
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Anonymous Fri 07 Oct 2022 11:26:47 4e3238 AU No.21478 Original
How many potential "FatMissTs" are there in the world? By this I mean women around 18-28 years old weighing at least 450lbs. I've lived in Australia in my whole life and only ever known one girl who was the same age as FatMissT and almost the same size. Seeing these people in-person is surreal, they're absolutely gigantic, and it weirdly fascinates me.
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Appetite stimulants? Anonymous Fri 02 Dec 2022 17:21:31 e07fdb AT No.23531 Original
Basically, I am going to be with my significant other, with whom I am in a long distance relationship, for three weeks in February. They found out that they are into gaining in August (which I am very happy about) and it will be the first time of us together whilst we are both open about this. Obviously we want to make the most out of our 3 weeks, so I got curious if anyone here can maybe recommend some effective appetite stimulants, that are easy to get?
(also, random image file, because I didn't know what to put here)
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Just out of curiosity, Just out of curiosity, Wed 02 Nov 2022 23:17:00 8c4617 US No.22700 Original
What is this swimsuit called?
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bots Anonymous Wed 07 Dec 2022 20:35:30 3e5cbe US No.23734 Original
With r/stuffers going down for like a month does someone have an autoarchive site for reddit/insta/twitter/tik tok? It would suck if someones TOS got changed and all of that got wiped out.
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