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450lbs+ escorts Fanta Sun 02 Jul 2023 04:28:07 78c73f DE No.31528 Original
Ive been wondering for a while if there are ssbbw hookers in and around europe?
The only ones i seem to find online are 40year olds weighing 320lbs. There must be some 30year ish 450lbs or more escort right ?
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Why use /gen/? Anonymous Mon 26 Jun 2023 18:59:50 e25705 US No.31299 Original
I'm genuinely impressed with how much one person's unrestrained autism has ruined this board.

Congrats on corralling the schizo racism and Holocaust denial to one spot but there's really no reason to keep the off-topic-but-still-about-fat-chicks discussions on /gen/ if it's going to just turn into half-baked explanations on why Disney's new movie flopping is a rejection to wokeism.

Containment boards only work if people want to use them and wow do I not want to come here - at least the other boards being moderated means there's a chance a drama thread will stay on topic if it were posted.
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Stories about being Fat/Obese and the pros/cons Anonymous Tue 31 Jan 2023 19:37:25 d02027 US No.25763 Original
I’m surprised there isn’t a thread of this on here but this topic actually turns me on more then watching the actual videos. This thread is all about explaining the struggles in day to day life as an overweight person. For example, getting out of breath quick, knee pain, not being able to tie shoes, unbalanced walking, not able to get up, etc. Sometimes I find myself looking up on Quora “what are the struggles of being overweight?” And read all the answers/replies of people explaining the struggles of being obese and the stories they tell of their personal experiences. I thought I’d make a thread here so anyone who wants to enjoy it can.
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Ssbbw/bbw with potential Mon 03 Jul 2023 23:54:21 43cd3d US No.31583 Original
Just some feedees with the potential and discussion on this. The first one is gabby_cuevas and the second one is
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Sims 4 fat mods thread Anonymous Sun 11 Jun 2023 15:37:06 c9f4a6 RU No.30715 Original
What fat mods and builds for sims 4 do you use (you can also post your finished sims)
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Anonymous Mon 03 Jul 2023 06:43:16 887e2d FR No.31549 
I just learned that a fat fetish artist, whose art I spent years jerking off to, has trooned out.
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unifying theory of the fats, thoughts? arealfa Wed 14 Jun 2023 22:22:02 898f61 GB No.30876 Original
I have been working on a unifying theory of the fats, or specifically fat distribution and how it works. I'm not so much looking at its causes, of which there are many (I am happy to discuss these), I am more charting the aesthetics.

I believe that the most important distinction in fat distribution is the belly split, and whether it occurs under or over the navel line. Usually this will be accompanied by an 'under-breast' break at larger weights. Some never get the break at all, and essentially remain in the beachball category for their entire trajectory.

We ought to discuss this more. Much like the reason that people do not discuss smell much, for reason of us lacking the language to do so, I believe that we need a better lexicon for discussing fat distribution.

I am essentially working towards a unifying theory of the fats, and I think this will help us better articulate, collaborate and, in turn, unionise against them. Lord knows we need to.

What are your thoughts on the matter?
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German kg guy Johnnycage Sat 17 Jun 2023 13:14:29 87dc24 NL No.30946 Original
Why is no one doing shit about that German kg guy? Everyone is fed up with him. If you can't ip van him, at least remove his posts. Do your job mods, he's ruining this board.
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When's the last time we had a good old fashioned gossip/rumors/drama thread? Anonymous Sun 11 Jun 2023 19:06:12 636df0 US No.30719 Original
Maybe it's all dried up now but I'm cool rehashing old stuff too. Think the most recent BBW feud that leaked out was CaitiDee v LisaLou a few months ago.
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Posting to Coomer.party Anonymous Tue 27 Jun 2023 06:09:37 836dd0 No.31378 Original
Is there any risk to importing to coomer.party? Like to me specifically
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