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OnlyFans archive/Coomer help Anonymous Wed 09 Nov 2022 05:29:13 c13b39 US No.22888 Original
I know this is likely to get criticized but I just want a legitimate answer. I want to buy a sub to an OF but don't want to lose access to videos once the month is up. Is there any working, effective way to download videos off OnlyFans? I couldn't find anything, so im assuming coomer is the best bet. I just cant figure out for the life of me how the fuckin cookies work for importing. Session ID, BC Token and all of that shit. If someone could just give me a tutorial to import id be more than happy to add the full content library for everyone. Thanks
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Anonymous Wed 26 Oct 2022 11:34:46 f18bdd US No.22370 Original
>2 years ago
>meet 7/10 goth bitch at a concert
>exchanged numbers, became good friends over time
>ideal girl for me, i get along with her better than anyone else i've met, she seems into me as well
>share lots of interests, like the same bands, you get the idea
>absolutely perfect fucking body, everything that i fucking like
>pear shaped but still skinny at the time, small tits, big hips, nice ass
>things go pretty well, she begins to trust me more over time
>i already had this stupid fucking fetish beforehand
>one day she talks to me about some fucked up shit that happened to her with her ex
>basically he groomed her into unknowingly fulfill his sexual desires, specifically one kink in particular

can you fucking guess what it was?

>for context, she used to have a pretty severe eating disorder when she was younger, and was eventually hospitalized because of it
>ex knew this, and used it as an excuse to "make sure she was eating"
>made her send him pictures of her stomach after eating, forced her to eat large meals, etc etc
>no idea what to fucking say in response to that because i'm literally into the same shit
>obviously it's fucked that someone would do that, i think it's disgusting
>makes me feel like shit for obvious reasons

>fast forward to where we are now, over the time i've known her she's gained a noticeable amount of weight
>stomach bulging out whenever she wears a cropped shirt
>thighs rubbing together, face chubbier than before
>it's fucking hot.

I'm not sure what the fuck to think of myself. Yeah it's fucked what happened to her but I happen to have the same exact fucked up fetish. I feel disgusted with myself, and despite knowing that these are two different situations, I can't help but feel like a creep. Ofc I'd never force her to do anything she isn't willing to do, especially if it's some weird kink shit. I'm just not sure what to do in situations like these, I tend to make shit decisions a lot and I don't want to make this worse.
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Japanese weight gain shows Anonymous Mon 07 Nov 2022 02:45:58 067467 US No.22826 Original
There is nothing better than fat asians, but they are so hard to find. Japan has a whole show, but youtube archives are unreliable. Best I have found is billibilli, but I don't like Chinese sources all that much. Link included has many such shows, but google translate is a little bit weird. It might not work. To find the shows,


Let's have a fat asian show collection thread. Post shows about fat asian girls getting fatter.
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Bro exposed Disney. Anonymous Wed 14 Sep 2022 20:51:12 4305d3 JP No.20483 Original

they´re using bots to like that trailer.

Iger and Chapek are f*cking soulless hags.
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We can all agree on this one, right? Anonymous Fri 07 Oct 2022 14:22:45 28bc14 FR No.21483 Original
- Bob Chapek
- Ken Penders
- Susan Wojcicki
- Klaus Schwab
- David Zaslav

What's in common among those five?

Oh yeah, they're jack-🍑s
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Dude Brings Disney To The Authorities. Anonymous Fri 16 Sep 2022 22:54:37 0ff505 AR No.20588 Original

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Bob Chapek Has Become Big Brother. Anonymous Fri 16 Sep 2022 20:18:22 96cddb GB No.20583 Original

Oh fuck.

It´s George Orwell´s 1984, but with a enternainment company taking the antagonic role instead of the governments.
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Anonymous Wed 19 Oct 2022 15:41:24 5959cb GB No.22079 Original
Why do fat women smell so fucking good? They have a particular musk that turns off most men but I love it. Their sweat and butts drive me mad horny.
Share your stories of fat girl stink with me.
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Ideal GF Images Anonymous Mon 31 Oct 2022 07:17:06 59458a US No.22548 Original
Post your ideal fat GFs here
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Looking for old talk show vid Anonymous Fri 28 Oct 2022 13:09:52 ebf151 US No.22461 Original
This is a long shot but wth... There was a Maury Povich show from the mid-90s featuring a woman named Happy Leuken (seriously). I've googled her and the only hit is from a book where she's mentioned as an aside, the writer rightfully disgusted by the state of television at the time and society as a whole.

Anyway the show was classic late 20th century sideshow exploitation, Happy a very large, very pear-shaped woman married to a military officer. She was bedbound and the show was about getting her to a treatment center in Boston with the assistence of several soldiers (ungh). So it was sort of a proto-My 600lb Life, but unlike that shitshow, Happy was... happy, and pretty upbeat about life, except that she, you know, couldn't walk. And this being a show about a fat woman the mid-90s, Richard Simmons showed up to help save the day.

I found these screen grabs a while back but it's all I've got. (First 3 are Before, last 2 are After.) I remember there was more to it and would be profoundly grateful to anyone who has the vid, knows where I can find it, or has any further info on Happy herself.

As a bonus, and to maybe kick off a lost TV clip archive thread, here's an old Discovery doc featuring megapear Deborah Harper aka Whimsical Angel: https://we.tl/t-zofRKOQX30

(And yes, both women are "old" and kinda plain but that's my jam, sorry. Plenty of fat young conventionally attractive girls on this site so I don't need to hear about it.)
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