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Have you ever accidentally given yourself away? Anonymous Thu 12 May 2022 05:39:21 d78135 KE No.15243 Original
All you anons who would prefer to keep this fetish firmly under wraps, have there ever been moments where you accidentally let things slip?Or have you ever been careless enough that you think somebody was onto you?
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Bbw restaurant workers Anonymous Wed 19 Oct 2022 11:51:30 201c14 US No.22063 Original
I know I'm not the only one who work in the restaurant world. Talk about experiences with chubby waitress pounding down some fries or trying maneuver around a bbw cook on a tight space.

I work with a bbw to almost ssbbw coworker she was the pastry chef. She was gorgeous, her chef jacket couldn't hide her double belly and her chef pants looked to explode off her massive ass. I would actually go in early to help her. Never once hooked up though. Different place I worked with a server who was once thin. She pregnant and like a ravenous animal she ballooned up to I would suspect would in the 300s. She started with a small ass to a double wide dump truck. Good god and she was a redhead so bonus points.
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Warner Halloween "Event" Anonymous Mon 10 Oct 2022 17:55:41 897d34 AR No.21653 Original
(Only assist this raid and tell if you truly want to save animation; otherwise tell your friends to do it if they want to have a fun time).

Consider all the bad stuff David Zaslav has done, why don´t WE go Warner Bros Discovery´s address with a lot of people (between 50-500, including your friends), raid it and kick him out by force?:

230 Park Ave S, New York, NY 10003, United States

I´m going there.

The organizer of this raid has said it will take place on October 31st, 2022 at 7pm.

Remember that date and hour.

What are YOU waiting for?

Don´t procastinate, if you truly want to make justice to animators (and animation in general), David Zaslav must be taken out by force.

Don´t let this bastard ruin Warner and sell it to the competitors.

Don´t let Warner be acquired by Disney/Universal.

David Zaslav must be taken out by YOU.

My friends will meet you there on 31/10; 7pm on 230 Park Ave S, New York, NY 10003, United States

Again, what are YOU waiting for?

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Health videos Anonymous Sun 16 Oct 2022 18:22:14 b08dd9 FI No.21910 Original
I would die happy if Roxxie made a video of going through her medical info. Having gained so much weight and getting so out of shape, there's bound to be something hot involving health issues. With the exception of Luna and Brianna, I don't know about a lot of models who do "dark" stuff like this. I'm pretty sure Adeline is reaching that level when things are taking its toll. Watching them becoming slobs is a sick fascination with me... and I am certain I'm not the only one. Who do you think is not sharing serious health issues?
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Best place to toss vids online for later viewing? Anonymous Sun 04 Sep 2022 07:03:53 0be155 US No.20019 Original
Probably a dumb question, but for all the great fat chic vids this site provides, for better or worse most of the time I end up downloading them onto the iPhone since who knows how long they’ll be up and not always having the chance to run to a computer. But that presents two problems: it’s a giant pain in the ass to actually get stuff off from Files on the iPhone (still haven’t found a good way to just dump them off), and that they eat up storage space. So been wondering if it was possible to just upload them somewhere, that way I have access to them whenever? Like YouTube was my first thought (and just marking them private so no one will ever view and/or flag them to be taken down), but just seems to take forever to upload them, and it’s not always reliable for larger files (and YouTube takes forever). Anyone have some advice perhaps?
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Convincing someone to Gain? Evilsnowcooki3 Fri 08 Jul 2022 15:00:29 7f8ee8 GB No.17659 Original
I've been with my partner for 6 months. We met on FF and she has established herself as a feedee. She was around 380lbs and at 5'2" she is massive. She loves stuffing and feeding but said she wasnt much into gaining, but as a biproduct of feeding and stuffing she has put on 15lbs this last 6 months. She told me recently that we needed to be careful because she doesn't want to get any bigger as she is worried about her health. I actively want to make her bigger, and when dirty talking she stills says she wants me to make her bigger but when it comes to actuality she doesn't and she doesn't doesn't likr stuffing as much anymore. She has said many times recently that she will think about it so what happens next but I was wondering if others have been in this situation? And if so any recommendations to convince her to gain? We have a Dom/Sub relationship and therefore I've tried to leverage using it but isn't working. Any tips?

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Anonymous Sun 04 Sep 2022 21:31:37 c0af49 US No.20036 Original
Why do so many in the fetish have pleb taste on fat faces? It looks weird if a BBW has a skinny face and the fat face can be one of the best parts.
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Therapy for my fat fetish Fri 23 Sep 2022 05:47:20 1d8d4f No.20851 Original
I don’t have any one in my personal life I feel like I can talk to about this so I’m gonna ask follow people on this site that also have a fat fetish. I obviously love fat chicks. But I love them so much that I want to be one. Is that weird? Is it weird that I want to be a girl and start gaining weight cuz I love fat chicks so much? If I could turn into a woman rn I would 100%. I really want to be fat but I’m a guy. 400 lb guys aren’t attractive. Couldn’t make this thread without a pic so that’s what the fall wallpaper pic is. But my mental health has been struggling because of this and I really don’t know what to do.
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Scenario Sat 01 Oct 2022 03:35:11 5884c9 US No.21178 Original
Alright if you had the ability to shapeshift into one SSBBW of your choice and one bbw of your choose who are you choosing and why?
I’ll go first, the SSBBW I’d want to be able to shapeshift into would be DestinyBBW when she was around 400 so I’d have unlimited access to her soft double belly. The BBW I’d choose would be BC Skylar bc she is fucking HOT and I would love to see what it feels like to be in her body.
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seriously Anonymous Sun 09 Oct 2022 18:22:04 eecd28 US No.21598 Original
why do people get so angry on here? i thought the whole point of this site was to share and enjoy content that we like but i see a lot of long drawn out heated arguments about nothing on here...some of you need to relax
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