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Feabie Discussion Anonymous Mon 30 Jan 2023 23:50:52 1c8f84 DE No.25749 Original
I don’t know what to make of Feabie to be quite honest. Is it a dating site, a social media site for FA’s and BBW’s or just the bland and boring version of bbwchan?
First off, a few positives as I don’t want to completely trash it:
It runs decently enough, it’s easy to navigate, it allows for solid customisation options for your bio and it allows you to have private pics which allows you to share pics only with people you allow to see them. It is also the biggest platform of its type which keeps the community somewhat all in the one place which doesn’t just limit its users to paid subscription content creators

It looks old as fuck and badly needs a revamp. It looks like a relic from the windows vista era, it’s pixelated and rough looking. It has annoying notification sounds and the lack of ability to post videos (seriously even if they allowed to post videos it would make a world of difference, you could at least post some memes or something instead of YouTube videos)
The feed is full of the most boring stuff I have ever heard in my life. Maybe it’s just me because I have never used twitter in my life that seeing people just post plain text fucks with my zoomer brain but Christ on a fucking bike it’s the most bland and boring shite I have ever seen in my life. Funerals I have been to are more fucking lively. It’s just pure cringe. Shit like “i JuSt AtE a WhOlE pLaTe Of PaStA” or “I’M fEeLiNg So SlEePy AfTeR wOrK” like who gives a shit? If it’s a woman they will get loads of likes and replies engaging/agreeing with whatever dumb take/statement they post from desperate men (me included at times I won’t lie) who want to fuck them in the hopes that she might notice them or if it’s a man who posts you are just ignored (with the odd exception of SSBHM’s). Questions will be thrown out and then never be replied to. It’s full of old women spurting random shit and old men who post their random ye olde music from youtube who have that dumb 50 year old selfie where they don’t smile in the photo in their bio (you know the one) and post shit like “what too chat?”, my fucking God like…
A lot of messages you send to people are simply ignored or are opened and never replied to. A lot will have something along the lines of “don’t be boring or I’m blocking you” or you have to pay to get a response from them. Even if you do try make conversation (e.g. like me, follow the advice of “don’t be an autist” and just be a normal guy, ask follow up questions and keep the conversation going etc) most of the time they will just get bored of you because you didn’t entertain them enough as if they were a child in need of constant stimulation. One time I read someone’s bio and asked them about a topic they said they were interested in (you know, making conversation) and she told me I should look it up myself as she didn’t want to invest the “emotional labour” in explaining it to me as if it was a burden even just to talk to me, talk about being seen as dirt beneath someone’s feet… Some also act like they are God’s gift to the world and are so full of themselves it’s insane. There is confidence and then there is arrogance and the latter is often found on here. Am I crazy or is this not just narcissistic behaviour?
A noticeable portion (not all of course) are only there for your money and to promote their shitty onlyfans. I personally don’t think Feabie should be used for promotion of your side hustle. Posting shit like “Findom” in their bio, fuck off, get your own money YASS QUEEN SLAAAAYYYY 💅👅💋👑💄🌈
I must also recognise that it is also us guys who are at fault with this state of Feabie (this is not unique to Feabie also). The word “simp” often gets over used but I think it describes what a lot of these men on here are. We are simping way too hard for these women and it needs to stop. It is getting us nowhere. I am talking to the fucking wall here because no one will listen but you know it’s true. If you were just to treat them like you would any other guy or just see them as normal people you won’t put up with half the shit, you wouldn’t want to even be their friend. It’s only out of desperation that we put up with this shit because we are lonely and that’s shite. Have a bit of self-respect and cop on a small bit. Sure, you might then feel that if you don’t do the things you are doing you might never get a shot at love or a relationship but you won’t get it the way you are going about it either, so choose the one that leaves you with a bit of self-respect. Everyday I see and army of simps following along with whatever some of these women say, especially to some of the more notable faces. It’s sad and pathetic.

Then you have the odd assholes who don’t know how to behave or at least pretend to play along who either send dick pics or spout racism or transphobia or whatever ism, ist or phobia that pisses the women off or just act like a genuine creep. So now they either deal with simps or people they think are dickheads who they despise which gets them to have a negative view of all the guys on the platform, fucking it up for the rest of us.

This whole post is pure cope I know. I had hoped I would have found better luck on Feabie than other dating sites/apps but no luck so far. I try to do it the “right way” that people have suggested but it just never works. I’m not trying to be a woman hater or anything this shit just sucks

I heard Feabie was far better a few years back. How was it back then? How was/is your experience on Feabie? I’m curious to know the men and the women’s side on this.
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Das Ritter Fri 10 Feb 2023 07:01:26 1c08a7 US No.26178 Original
Well guys, I was with the girl I like and I have in the past told I would to spoil her with sweets and baked goods, and she jokes good naturedly that will get very fat since she lacks any self control around sweets.
If we get married, I want to tell her that I like larger women, I have hinted and She doesn't at all mind being the chunky housewife.

Let's say she likes the idea.
She is curvy but still small, She is 5'10
What food would be good to cook for her and give to get her pack on the pounds?
Ice Cream, Cake, Potatoes?
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Fun with TopazLabs Anonymous Fri 16 Dec 2022 23:14:30 c76940 US No.23962 Original
Topaz products are widely available on trusted pirate sites. And I've been working on a lot of old blurry photos, sometimes degraded, to bring these GOATs back to life.

Also: I subscribed to the Remini app, and was surprised by what it can do to faces. It can still produce bad results, but when pasted onto the upscaled photos, it is pretty impressive.
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Who are your favorite BBW ASMR creators? Anonymous Wed 15 Mar 2023 02:42:01 651443 US No.27513 Original

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Am I done? Anonymous Sun 19 Feb 2023 08:07:03 4470ff GB No.26596 Original
I need some help guys.

I've been speaking to a girl for weeks. She's around 450lb, body of my dreams, wanting to submit etc. Just spent the weekend with her, doing everything every FA / FEEDER thing I have dreamed of, every possible fantasy, without a single complaint. However I just feel really... Unfulfilled?

I kinda feel like I've gotten the ick, but I feel the magic is kind of gone. I'm not sure if it's because all my life as an FA I have dreamed of a sexual experience like this and all happened at once but, the thrill has just seemed to have disappeared. Has anyone else had this? Am I donE as a feeder / FA? She's everything ever wanted on paper but now it's arrived I can't help but feel... Dissatisfied

(Pic unrelated)
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Personal not my personal blog Anonymous Sun 05 Mar 2023 21:40:59 863daa UA No.27082 Original
As you can see in the subject, I'll use this thread to post whatever I'll find fitting here to post.

In short, I hope to explore a variety of different of subjects and topics, while also being able to keep up with the process of general accountability which I am lacking.
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Specific content or themes you'd like to see more Anonymous Mon 07 Jun 2021 06:22:12 c6411d AU No.7737 Original
Thread for under represented content. What are your picks?

A big one for me is eating straight butter or lard. Seems like a pretty obvious one for a model leaning into the whole glutton thing. I would have expected that kind of thing from Layla or maybe Mochii, but I can only think of a handful of models who have ever done it.
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50k simps: the obvious baiting of Carnivalouswalt Anonymous Mon 13 Mar 2023 17:35:23 fc40f1 GB No.27435 Original
For the logically minded channers, this is probably old news, but in case there is the slightest doubt from any of the literal children who come here, here's the reality of Carnivalouswalt or "YourBigSister". I doubt this will start a shitstorm but it would be funny to see more of this spread in the open. These all come from their ex, who was hilariously candid about their experiences with their breast inflation fetishist fake-transition boyfriend.
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Mochii Babii thread 4.0 Mon 04 Apr 2022 15:17:39 98a214 No.15845 Original

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Appreciation Thread Appreciation Thread Wed 01 Mar 2023 00:45:52 f1ae43 US No.26944 Original
All artists are created equal.

BBWDraw: Coming soon!

So don't be shy and post your favorite art by your favorite artists.
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