
I see yall are using my mega link , she stopped making videos on curvage so that’s all I have
Well God Bless ya. And thx for the share, inadvertant or not.
A shame she retired
please leave her alone brothers
Why is this on SSBBW page? She's cute, but she does not qualify to be here.
I mean in a non I’m going to harass you way, anybody know where she’s from? Let’s just say my search location on various dating apps may change 😅
well clearly somewhere in the south lol. it took me 3 listens to discern she was saying the phrase "not gonna lie" because it came out nahgulah lol
>>99253 oh I’m well aware of that. The voice just skyrockets her appeal imo. Oh well a guy can only dream eh?
How is it that anything mildly critical - not of her as a person, but of this thread being in the wrong place - is taken down?

Thought this board was supposed to be a place for freedom of expression.

(Wondering if this post will still be up tomorrow)
it's every thread on the whole board at this point. you can say "not sure how i feel about this hairstyle" in a thread and your post will be deleted. it's pretty insane considering this place used to have all kinds of hilarious shitposts. now everythings censored
Take it to gen. Jesus
(4.1 MB, 388x720, help.webm)
does anyone have the source for this video?
i double checked >>99165 and while there is one similar video, it's not there
please help, thank you!

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