

fantasy feeder Anonymous Thu 14 Jul 2022 06:14:08 No.4537 Original
Anyone else unable to read stories on ff without an account. When I try to go to the second chapter it prompts me to login. Cant even create an account since the sign up page just infinitely loads when you enter your details. Sry if off topic for board
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Anonymous Thu 29 Sep 2022 16:28:30 No.5058 Original
Abby, a college dropout who went from the top dog of the school to a 350 pound girl l now had the nickname of "Big fat abby" after she gets spotted by some old girlfriends of her while in the McDonald's drive thru. Determined to get back in shape and reclaim her former glory she enlists the help of a gym hunk named Duncan and teams up with him to fatten up the new queen bee of the college Melissa to a 450 pound blubber butt
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The mile fat club Chonkyfan Tue 27 Sep 2022 07:31:45 No.5026 Original
The flight from hell, or is it heaven? Or how I joined the mile fat club

Let’s start at the beginning. It was a beautiful sunny day in my home country, and I was planning on taking a flight to Tokyo, Japan to spend the week at an anime convention in Akibara. Perfect day to fly, the weathers so warm, it’s like the day is a warm hot water bottle, the warmth embracing my body, the sun making my skin tingle.

After going through passport control and heading to 5e duty free area I notice a lady, 5is lady is clearly American, she’s about 5ft 9 and about 400lb. I notice her shopping in the chocolate section of the duty free shop. I immediately think with a look of disgust on my face ‘yeah, fill your face fatty’ and I chuckle to myself for being so clever.

I walk past this fat cow,and I notice she’s wearing at short of my favourite anime show, in pink, but about 4 sizes too small., her fat stretch marked gut overhanging her jeans which are also far too small for her. She notices me walking past her with a bottle of jack daniels in my hand and a carton of lucky strike cigarettes, she has spotted my Demon Slayer T-shirt and is trying to make eye contact with me, a huge beaming smile on her fat pig like face. I quickly avoid eye contact and rush to the kiosk with my boarding pass, so I can get out of there and head to my flight.

I get to the gate and I start to board my flight, and in the corner of my eye I can see this fat cow a few people behind me in the queue, her bag full of duty free toblerones, and I think to myself I hope I’m not near this one on the flight, i do not want to sit next to a smelly sweaty fat chick who clearY isn’t self aware enough to cover that disgusting belly.

I get on board and get in my assigned seat which is the window seat on the first row in coach, and bring my iPad out and my switch ready to ignore the world for 13 hours.

Boarding continues, and imagine my face when this sweaty tub of lard is dated in the middle seat of my row. This poor cow still beaming a huge smile at me. I give a fake smile back and turn my head toward the window. 5is is going to be the worst flight of my life, I know this is not going to be pleasant.

This girl needs a seatbelt extender just to fit in the seat, and the arm rests don’t go down as they’re catching on her rolls of exposed pink flab, so there’s no barrier between us, except for my jacket which I try to roll up and but between us so I’m not made to feel uncomfortable. I feel quite bad about my disgust, I shouldn’t think thins like this about other people, but this cow is so fat, and she could have done something about it, so my disdain is justified,in my mind anyway. This girl does have a pretty face, and her hair is done so well, her make up done to perfection, smoky eyes, blushed cheeks and pretty pink on her lips. I look at her briefly, and I see her glistening tongue dart across her lips as she has to get some of that chocolate off. I have to turn away, I don’t know why I’m turning away, this chick looks like Jabba the Hutt after he’s eaten a giant toad, which both disgusts me to my core but also confuses me as to why I want to look.

Te fasten seatbelt light goes out, so we both take pur seat belts off, and I can see a big red mark but where the seatbelt was digging in, it looks red raw especially in the area the buckle was digging right in. She starts to rub this area as it must be sore, I catch her in my eye rubbing aloe on her flabby gut, and I think yeah if you were thin this wouldn’t be a problem. I watch in horror as her slimy aloe covered sausage fingers slowly massage her oversized belly, and this is the point where I ask her to stand up so I can go to the toilet, she flashes a perfect smile at me and says of course, in the softest American accent, I thank her and get up to squeeze past her, and as I’m squeezing past I brush up against her gut, and I’m all covered in her aloe gel. Visibly annoyed I tell her 5at she’s got her funk all over my new T-shirt, why couldn’t she just lose some fuckin weight and things like this wouldn’t happen. As soon as the words left my mouth I felt like a piece of absolute shit, I could see tears welling up in the girls eyes. I immediately change my attitude and put my hand on her arm and apologise, I really shouldn’t have been so rude. She pulls her hand back from me and says in an enraged voice, yes you really shouldn’t. You’re such a rude dick, and you’re hardly skinny yourself you stuck up asshole. This shocked me as I wasn’t expecting to be told off like that, but then she starts to laugh and says sorry to get like that, it was fine, I was just joking with you, I get it all the time, I’m used to it and I kinda like it., she taps me on the arm and whispers you’d better get to the toilet to get that gel off you before it goes hard. The gel or me I thought for a second…

A vest hours into the flight, the ice broken between us we get into conversation about our favourite animes, and games, as it turns out she’s going to the same anime convention I am. She tells me she’s booked into a capsule hotel in Shibuya to which I snort and ask her how she thinks she’ll fit into one of those tiny capsules, her belly would for sure touch the ceiling, how could she be comfortable in a bed like that? she says she didn’t really think about it, but it was cheap enough s she gently touches my arm and smiles at me.

I’m sat in my plane seat, 10 hours from Tokyo, this fat girl openly flirting with me, I can feel her tubbay guts pressing against my waist, and the warmth of her hand on my arm, I really don’t know what to do, I see that pale pink lip gloss she’s wearing, it’s inviting me, but I shake my head, and say to myself no, you can’t do 5is it’s disgusting, but at he same time I heart increase,my skin flushing and I know there’s something Hardin my pants that was there earlier. I’m for the first time in my life on the back foot because I know what I want to do but every fibre of me is trying to resist the urge to please my lips against this fat piggy’s lips, and slide my tongue in her mouth. I anticipate it will taste of chocolate, so I swallow, take a deep breath, put my hand on the girls cheek and move in for a kiss.the first time our lips touch is electric, and as I softly part her lips with my hungry tongue, I hear a slight gasp escape from her mouth. She breaks the kiss, smiles at me and says by the way my names Caitlin, and I smile back and say mines Hunter, nice to meet you., I don’t normally pick up strange fatties on flights you know, and she giggles, saying it’s fine, she’s just had her first kiss ever, and she really liked it. Your first kiss ever I say? For real? You must be a similar age to me, how can you not have kissed anyone? She says look at me, nobody’s ever been interested before today. Leaning back into her I whisper to her with a bit of surprise and ask really, and she blushes and nods her head, then she says threat she’s actually given a few guys blow Jobs before but they’ve not been interested in kissing either before or after., with that I lean in and kiss her lips again, and I move my hands down her body, touching her breast lightly before filling my hand with her warm but sweaty gut roll, stroking up and down, feeling where the aLoe gel has lubricated her fatness, asking her feel sticky and slippery to the touch.I break the kiss again and whisper to her, do you know how fucking hard you’re making my cock? I can already feel the slimy precum all over my boxers and my thighs. I place her hand on my hard cock and whisper to her, do you see what you’ve done to me? And she smiles back telling me her pussy is so wet, she’s never been this wet before, even on her own. I know because we’re sat on a plane, we can’t do much more than we’re doing already so I throw a blanket over us, i unbutton my pants, and I release my now rock hard cock, and gasp as I feel her porky sausage fingers grasp around the shaft, whilst she’s doing this, I feel a tremble in my body, so I do the same as her, I push my hand down the front of her pants, I trace a finger through her wet matted pubic hair, I squeeze her fupa slightly before softly rubbing her clit between my finger and thumb, mimicking her movements on my cock, feeling her clit growing in my hand, and I can smell the musky of or of her wet pussy filling my nostrils. I drop my fingers to her hole, I struggle to find it somewhat with the fatness surrounding her lips, and I circle my finger around her lips, before sliding it gently into her wet hole, forcing her lips apart with my hand and feeling inside her pussy for the gspot. As soon as my fingers recognise the feeling of slightly wrinkles skin inside her I start rubbing it with my finger whilst my thumb was working on her clit, the pressure starts getting harder, and I feel her cunt grip my finger like a vice, and her pussy starts spraying out warm girl cum, it’s soaking her pants, it’s all on the seat, and my hand is drenched. This makes my cock twitch with excitement and as she cums all over my hand I also cum in hers. She tales. Y cum and runs it on her lips as I start to lick her cum off my fingers. I now know I want my cock insode this fat pig, and I want it in there now, but that’s a story for another day
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Family Affair Anonymous Thu 22 Sep 2022 00:32:13 No.4993 Original
Any stories where one member of the family basically enslaves the rest of the family to feed them? The gainer being bratty or downright abusive to their family is fine/great.
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Eating Contest Stories Anonymous Fri 20 Aug 2021 21:36:58 No.2805 Original
Post stories about fat girls involved eating contest or just a bet where she needs to eat a lot of food.
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Archiveofourown thread Anonymous Mon 27 Dec 2021 01:57:14 No.3455 Original
This sit is very, very hard to navigate but it seems like there may be some good ones hidden in the archives
Here's a pretty decent story I enjoyed

Please post your favorite stories from the site, I'd love some basic BBW weight gain
If you have any tips on how to find good content, please share, as the tags and simple searches dont seem to work very well.
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So Fat She Needs Help Anonymous Mon 05 Sep 2022 01:33:41 No.4877 Original
This is a thing I've gradually gotten more and more interested in: girls who are so fat, so unhealthy, and so out of shape that they need visible assistance to get through life. Bariatric canes, mobility scooters, oxygen, nurses, caretakers, all of that and more.

It's a bit morbid, I know, but when done well I think it's strangely hot. I've seen plenty of pics along these lines, but I'd love to find some stories that go into this stuff too. Bonus points if there's attention paid to the perspective of the nurse or caretaker, and we get their opinion on looking after this fat wreck of a person.
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Fat ferals story? Sat 17 Sep 2022 06:57:00 No.4965 Original
I haven't found many stories about this
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Skinny fit friend and fat lazy friend Anonymous Sat 18 Jun 2022 03:49:54 No.4336 Original
Any good stories involving two friends who are polar opposites? Would be awesome if fit girl got frustrated over fatty, wanting to help her loose weight, etc.
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Anonymous Fri 16 Sep 2022 19:15:40 No.4959 Original
Does anyone know where this story can be found called "peggy and her big fat boyfriend"? It was about a fat girl meeting a guy at a dance hall named Bill and he ends up gaining for her. It was on fantasy feeder years ago but its been deleted off the site and I don't remember who the author was. Does anyone know where i can find this story? Google search turns up nothing
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