

Best AI Chat? Fri 17 Mar 2023 05:27:57 No.6736 
Anybody got good suggestions for the best AI chat for fetish rp? I tried character AI even though it's quite good, the filter kinda ruins some of the fun.
AI Dungeon was good and had no NSFW filter but the AI there is a little annoying and constantly ruins the mood.
Anybody got suggestons for other good ones?
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Mind Control/Hypnosis Thu 16 Mar 2023 14:37:47 No.6725 
Looking for some good stories about women hypnotized into gaining weight.
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AI Audio Smut Audio AI Voice Acting Tue 07 Feb 2023 01:45:40 No.6322 Original
There's a terrific website that converts text into voice using AI (and has some free usage that resets every month). It's actually pretty rad because you can either write your own stuff, or even use other people's stories if you'd like to hear it read aloud by a reasonably convincing female.

I like the Bella voice personally, though the Eli one can be good too.

Love to hear some other originals, I've attached one I've been crafting.
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Gay Ass Opener Barrett Kosh Drilling A Hole in My Ass in Dubai 2023 Anonymous Tue 14 Mar 2023 01:12:27 No.6688 
Gay Ass Opener Barrett Kosh Drilling A Hole in My Ass in Dubai 2023. Contact Black Sand COmmodities FZ LLC part of Wishbone Gold, ask for Barrett Kosh or Richard Poulden.
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Stuckage Thread Anonymous Sat 11 Mar 2023 02:42:37 No.6645 

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Fed up by polarisdreamer Fed up fan Sat 11 Mar 2023 18:18:06 No.6648 
Hey guys! What are your thoughts on Fed Up by Polarisdreamer? How do you think it’ll continue and end? What changes would you make?
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INCEST & FEEDERISM Thu 09 Mar 2023 10:51:25 No.6624 
since last thread was closed, I decide to restart it now
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Corruption Anonymous Mon 06 Mar 2023 16:38:53 No.6589 
fat people making skinny people obese
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Anonymous Wed 01 Mar 2023 23:25:39 No.6533 
Stories about a group of girls/women being fattened by a single girl/woman
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Stories in spanish Anonymous Sat 21 May 2022 22:22:17 No.4177 Original
Si los polacos tienen un thread, nosotros (la tercera lengua más hablada del mundo) deberíamos tener uno también. Veo muchos comentarios en español en este sitio así que asumo que habrá gente entendida.
Lo ideal sería recopilar algunas historias, cuentos, novelas, cómics, todo en castellano. Sé que hay unas pocas historias en Wattpad pero en general son muy pobres, encima tienen una prosa horrible y una puntuación vomitiva. Si consideran que alguna vale la pena, coméntenla acá igualmente.
Inicio el thread con una novela en epub. La novela es Pandora de Liliana Blum, se publicó oficialmente en editoriales, por lo que tiene una extensión considerable y está bien escrita.
Dejó acá un link:
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