

(3.8 MB, 3264x3264, befunky_2023-0-2_6-50-58.png)
Warner Bros. Discovery Warner Bros. Discovery Tue 17 Jan 2023 14:55:14 0c3dce No.30241 Original
Post your fat Warner Bros. Discovery girls here.
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(287 KB, 1050x1050, Big Bad Wolf.png)
A thread for your OCs not from existing series! Your OCs Sat 31 Dec 2022 02:50:03 06fe7d No.28959 Original
I just made up this one a couple weeks ago and just had some fun with her. She's my version of the Big Bad Wolf (literally a BBW!).
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Padded Fatties Anonymous Sun 11 Dec 2022 01:37:06 d0dbb9 No.27312 Original
Share any pampered and plush critters to this thread! Unclean / Slob welcome!
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(34 KB, 500x500, images - 2023-01-15T115033.060.jpeg)
Is soyjak back? Anonymous Sat 14 Jan 2023 22:51:11 44e03d No.30018 Original
Please tell me they aren't!
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(934 KB, 2048x1536, 839bae44a5f928925b9f592f197217a014fa8024273d8970e0abe527b133535e.png)
Fat Disney girls thread Anonymous Tue 13 Dec 2022 05:06:59 ff13e0 No.27480 Original

(405 KB, 1600x1400, 1669574993.maddeku_retrobloat-1.png)
Maddeku Thread Maddeku Thread Sun 11 Dec 2022 16:50:22 382c42 No.27346 Original
Post art of the fat rat butt.
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(398 KB, 2048x1657, FjuW95xXoAIN7T4.jpeg)
Furs fattening up to eat Furs fattening up to eat Mon 19 Dec 2022 04:22:23 c84aec No.27998 Original
Doesn't matter if it's vore or competitions.
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(169 KB, 500x319, tumblr_inline_pbw07vX8Ub1uz2e9n_500.png)
Robin Hood thread Anonymous Sun 30 Oct 2022 04:26:30 fb4d0e No.24865 Original
A thread for a movie that already has a lot of fat characters
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(256 KB, 1124x918, 1470430820.ph0220_penny_ling39.png)
Underrated furry characters Sun 15 Jan 2023 19:03:10 a23aa4 No.30120 Original
Which furry characters (male or female), do you think should have more WG art made of them?

My personal choice has to be Penny Ling from the 2012 Littlest Pet Shop cartoon. It's canon that she has a huge appetite and there's an entire episode where she yells at a crab for fat shaming her, admitting that she doesn't mind being chubby. Both of those things combined seem to make her the perfect candidate for a shit ton of fat art!
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(29 KB, 636x800, wholesome chad.png)
Anonymous Sat 14 Jan 2023 20:57:59 30d64b No.29997 

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