
I wish I could crack some of you lot open and figure out what drives you to such obsessive lengths to complain about people liking her. You've got plenty of others to look at, of different shapes, sizes, and so on. So why keep coming back to her?
Let 'em enjoy her and.. I dunno, go read a book or something. I'm not your dad.
cause her threads are just as much of a waste of space as random begging threads.

It's pointless content, can't see shit on her pics and they're edited to high hell to boot
To the retards who keep posting her: quit it
End this pointless thread. The bitch got no wins and she ugly asf, you ain't need to make a new thread.why are so many people on here brain dead
we all know you prefer bbc so, please, die
bunch of loser faggots posting none nudes of a nasty fish faced bitch. this cunt should be banned.
why don't you try a bbc in your ass to be more relax?
because im not a faggot like you
I think you're a faggot, a faggot who loves bbc in your anus, that's why you're a faggot. have a good day faggot.
A lot of you men here really are pathetic. What is up with this juvenile shit? You know you can like boobs and penises, right? Or are you all too stupid to know that bisexuality exists? Anonymity sure brings out the stupidity in a lot of people.

And if "wins" only means showing off vagina and having sex then it more shows that you need real life sexual experiences if you're that desperate to see naked women. Softcore pornography exists. Fucking pathetic manchildren.
This is a pornographic website. Ofc people want wins (nudity). Maybe you should go back to feminist dance class and whine there.
Shut the fuck up gay ass nigga
Why as a man would you want to see other men penises? What the fuck is wrong with you? Have you been sexually abused as a child? If bisexuality is so normal why 99.9 percent of animals are heterosexual and the major point of their entire life is to reproduce? If it was normal why would it have to be thrown in everybodys faces through politics, ads and corporations every day?
this nigga wants to be like animals lmao

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