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i want her full length tapes so bad man
(168 KB, 1182x1500, a4dca6ec62833c8c2e8f1a926977c55c6c801a239165dea7a35e544f6565ac81.jpg) (335 KB, 1350x1800, 28ffbb38f63e7a73c131602e41d1f51d985bb2978ebf35d17fb7bbbfcce28e75.jpg) (339 KB, 1350x1800, 30ae6dff9e35390795575130fbc99398cd1676e40c75307b1cf038673b459bda.jpg) (196 KB, 972x1500, d71e324e2aeb21ca13c4daca74f7923dcd85233f2539dc69b8393d74cac6acd1.jpg) (177 KB, 1176x1500, f9374b778b01d0f12a21dfe683a56e702d42f52a6c5546a678e92dd2884204db.jpg) (1.7 MB, 3024x4032, 941fa678cb127033ce8fff634c00177570e483766e73ca9004ac79c84d62824e.jpg)
Some girls just look better with clothes on tbh
Bitch quit takin selfies with your LEGAL ID visible
She doesn't care. She gives her identity on Instagram, we know her job
Has she lost weight since some of these pics? Just peeped her snap and she looks thinner idk tho first time seeing this chick
so tired of these retarded ass tattoos these women are getting
I agree. I’ve learned from the internet that in general whores love tattoos, especially ugly ones, fucking sucks idk why they like them most if them get ones that look ugly as fuck.

who gives a flagrant fuck about her tattoos. are you looking at her tats or her tits? "hmm i wonder what some random guys on the internet will think of my tats" - said no one. shut your soyboy asses up and enjoy the free content of tits and quit acting like some male karens.
Nah, they're right. Some of the whores look like they handed a sharpie to a five-year-old. Bunch of tagged up railroad cars.
I care because I can’t look at her tits without seeing those ugly ink marks
s ome of yall are getting really faggy about tattoos, if you dont like it then dont look at it.

I’m not replying on certain threads about some of them being way too fat either cause I know they aren’t for me.

It’s not that hard to scroll past threads you dont enjoy instead of filling them with benign fucking bullshit
Being very what about tattoos?
A lot of women get tattoos to redirect the male gaze. It may be a chest tattoo to distract from the tits. It might be a neck or face tattoo to get you to focus on their face. Some women get them because it’s an impulsive form of self expression. Some get it just to feel rebellious. There’s many different reasons.

Personally, I don’t mind tattoos on a girl (as long as they’re not excessive). For a lot of people though, ink has this weird psychological factor of making them temporarily feel in control, similar to people who dye their hair a different colour each week. Unfortunately, that sort of lack of discipline has been normalized these days
Wow I must be dreaming a sane comment on this site. That's a first.

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