
There’s one guy on that forum that kept saying it’s a guy wearing a breastplate but that has to be bullshit she was wearing tight underwear and there was nothing there, she doesn’t look or sound like a transgender, though they can be deceiving ig, and it doesn’t look like a breastplate, but it’s weird some people keep saying his idk maybe it’s just people with bad English
That’s a dude 100% until it takes the beauty filter off. Tits that big aren’t that firm either they don’t move enough
If people can't tell it's a dude, and fake tits by whatever means... they get what they deserve. Or asked for?

There's another guy that's been around doing something like this forever but no face until the filter came out. Now a whole new generation of idiots are duped.
Is is considered a reduction when he takes it off?
What a weird guy! Well, can't blame him for making money I suppose. And apparently a lot of dudes are into trannys so have at 'er, I guess
No way that's a guy. Wow those tits are amazing
Amazingly not real, dude.
Might not be a dude, but the fake tits are as clear as ever now
Can anyone post the link to the TiT thread of this person?
Yes I know you were sarcastic but the other schizos are serious
If you can't spot a dude, you deserve to fap to it, enjoy.
never seen a man with gargantuan sized bresticles
sure, bud. post a video and we'll know.
Shit ass website. Can't even view the vids. Drop em in this thread.
What does being from a poor country have to do with fat mommy milkers?
Just ask yourself why you don't see gigantimastia with whyt European women
No money for reductions and very few specialists in the area who could do it. And if there are few people in the area who do it, there are never moments where mothers, sisters, or friends sould suggest it.

But the guy is still wrong, it's a male with prosthetics.

Also, being from a poor country and having few oppurtunities to make a living means the physical assets you have to make some international money are more valuable than the annoyances that typically lead women to get reductions
Who cares. Where's the content?
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picrel + a wig + camera filter = ez money
get caught? claim to be a tranny and get money that way lel
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I didn't want to believe she was fake, the tits distracted me too much, fake or not, they look great.

But, the guys who are saying she's fake have a point.
I still think she's a woman (probably), but she's definitely wearing some fake boobs, here's the proof, take a look at the screenshots.

I took them from one of her videos, I increased the brightness and contrast of the first pic, if you pay attention and look closer, you can see a line on her neck, that is from the wearable boobs she uses, and you can even notice it a bit on the second pic that was not edited (I just added the red circle to mark the area)
And the 3rd pic, I just took it from another video, you can see her face and her chest area have different skin tones, and the way her neck "bends" it's not normal.

This explains why she's always using a filter, her videos have something weird/uncanny about them, if you have some sort of human perception you'll notice something unnatural about it, but even so, she did a great job at hiding the truth.

The thing is, she's using bad quality for her videos, intentionally, because it's easier to mask the trut, there's no way that in 2024, or even last year you're still using a camera with quality from 2010, even if you're from a "poor" country.
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I’d have agreed with you, however, her boobs seem like they progressively grew, they were still big, but it looks like they got bigger. Unless she previously used smaller breast plates but I doubt that
Her nipples don't look fake at all
lol the comments here basically saying you’re a fool if you don’t realise they’re fake or she’s trans, lol they seem to be real to me, judging by her old posts and looking at the progressive growth
Just trying to figure out why does she need to be fake. Why are you guys so interested in exposing her. Since when do we as boob fiends go investigating a big titty babe. You guys are crazy.
So I'm a fiend now for trying to let people see the truth?? LOL

Trust me, I'm as horny for huge, mega tits as much as the next guy, but she's definitely not what it seems and she really doesn't put effort into anything, WHY would she make her videos look ridiculously bad? with that creepypasta quality.

She doesn't even have an OnlyFans or anything like that, cause she would probably get banned once they discover those giant tits are not really part of her body.

It's not like I hate her or anything, you're free to believe what you want, but in my case, I don't think those are real.
lol are you the man wearing fake tits? what do you mean what's the point of exposing her?? dumbass
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Her tits are real, as I said, you can see them progressively growing in her posts. Her not having OnlyFans means nothing. I found some slightly higher quality vids but the quality is still subpar

I love how your proof is just poor quality screenshots (as always) that mean absolutely nothing.
You say that as if you had been her friend for years and have a historically accurate record of her boob growth.

Keep being delusional friends, these girls love to keep you fooled, that means more money and attention for them :)
I want to believe but a lot of signs point to this being a guy with prosthetics here. Not that you'll ever find anything conclusive, people still debate about bustyjennnyyy
Its always hilarious to know there there are guys so horny they cannot tell the difference between a man wearing prosthetics and a real woman. It's pretty sad and pathetic when you truly think about it smfh. How down bad do you honestly have to be bro😂
True. I usually hate the all the hate this board has, but this one is justified. It's clearly a man... threads like this should not exist...
So how are you gonna explain the growth that you can still see despite the poor quality. Convince me, but I’m not buying the bought breastplates of smaller sizes previously. You can clearly see breast growth, all yous are saying it’s clearly a man with basically no basis
Bruh, that's a mexican with plastic breasts, probably named Carlos or Jose.
Th guy probably bought different sized prosthetics and use them over time to insinuate growth.
Hah i said I’m not buying that, if you use that as a reason you’re reaching far-fetched for a reason to think they’re not natural. You think some poor ass person from Honduras is buying multiple breast plates just to make it seem like there was growth? They’re real boobs it’s just her filters make her look like a ladyboy
Ok, do you have more content of Carlos with the prosthetics?
I'm not into fake gay shit, sry.
Hmmm. Reminds me of the days when the community couldn’t decide if Himiwako was legit or not…

I withhold judgement until we get pictures taken on a camera from 2015 or newer. XD

Let's be honest this being a stipulation to understand if its a man in prosthetics or a women should give you your answer. Even the ugliest of women nowadays are taking pictures clear as day, no beauty filters or shitter camera to hide imperfections.
Stop unnecessary Talking ! We only want to see TITS!
Are you that horny that you don't care if she's literally wearing a fake chest?
Rofl it's always the weebs falling for the dumbest scams
Bro you're just circling her neck fat 🤣
my guy those are clearly, and I mean CLEARLY prosthetic wearable boobs. It's immediately obvious. I didn't even have to read the thread I just saw the pics and immediately knew
Lmfao I didn't even know you could buy fake tits without having surgery 💀
Not that I care, I don't, but... do you straight guys actually wank to this bs?

Just a morbid curiosity question.

Everything is so wrong about it. WTF.
Explain her boob growth then? Her tits were big but they clearly progressively grew, it’s like you retards can’t read. No one has given a valid explanation to that. Plus her tits look like they could be natural, they’re just very firm and not saggy.
She brought another pair of breastforms to wear.
Shit reasoning, how many breastplates did she buy that they progressively grew?
Listen. I ain't gonna spam the topic much more.
These are not real boobs. I know boobs. I know prospects boobs. I have a lot of experience with both. I'm not saying this to have some kind of victory. I'm telling you 100% deadass, they are wearable fake tits.

You can continue to believe otherwise. It doesn't effect me. You can live in denial if it makes your cock happy. But for your sake, it would be beneficial to understand, they are without a shadow of a doubt prosthetics. It's not even a debate, they are. The way they look, the way they move, the way the surrounding skin moves around them, the filters/edited nature of the content. Ive seen it 100 times before it's not new. There's a decent chance it is a man using filters btw.

And yes, it is normal to buy increasingly bigger breast forms if you crossdress and you have a big boob fetish.

That is all. There is clearly no convincing you but you may want to see a doctor about a possible autism diagnosis.
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I mean I thought they were fake too, but your reasoning is so shitty, mr boobs expert, the increasingly buying fake boobs just doesn’t make sense, the growth was progressive it wasn’t just like one clip they are just way bigger, plus her nipples don’t look plastic at all, look at her areolas
Appreciate the question.

tbh I call myself straight and can wank to anime, so I guess reality doesn't contribute much, lol.

What really kills my boner is the forensics and hate on Internet forums like this one. I get that anyone can uncover facts that make someone unattractive to them, but I don't get why some neeeeed to have everybody change their opinion. Different tickles for different pickles.

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