
Thank you hero!!
That videos not on her page :(
What are her socials?
@Ms amazing365
Any wins of this bitch?
I think it's pronounced DIS bitch.
If you're a white guy or a white girl from the suburbs, then that's how you'd write it.
and if you're a nigger you would say bitch
Nothing worse than when a white man hates a white people so much, they deflect from the problems of white people and use imaginary black people as an excuse.

Stay strong. We'll fix things and finally get right.
Black people never refer to women as bitches do they?
And White men don't refer to White women as bitches?

If you want to play that game, what group of men don't refer to their women as bitches?

Here's a hint...there are none. So why single out black men for something that every group of men do?
OK OK. I'm a bitch , you're a bitch, she's a bitch. Now let's talk about some titties.
>If you're a white guy or a white girl from the suburbs, then that's how you'd write it.
What's good for the goose....
Those photos aren't on her onlyfans, where do we get them?
Anymore on these?
absolutely incredible. extremely impressive
Nothing from her still?

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