
virus, scam and probably AIDS.
Stupid girl, she reduced her tits because she thought she would be better regarded as a lawyer, but she left her studies and then came back as a busty model with smaller, ugly and scarred tits.
I love that absolutely no one has read the description for this šŸ™„
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Thereā€™s no point in complaining anymore, OP specifically said not to anyway. Thankfully the universe gave a second chance because her tits became just as big again, believe it or not this is after her reduction
This is before her reduction, but yeah they did grow back quite a bit
She got big boobies again
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Why are you lying?

This is what she looks like post-reduction.
She's close to the same size she was, but her breasts will never look the way they did pre-reduction.

It is what it is.
Her tits do not look attractive imo
Dumbest titty queen since LDM. Absolutely despicable to cut off world class natural beauty and then come back as if anyone wants to see them
Everyone shush now and hide the thread.
Codi Vore officially has this title now, though. Probably the worst and most unnecessary reduction that I have ever seen.
You'd know all about unnecessary posting this.
Literally just wanted some new content, I don't care if she chopped them off
You won't find any interest here anymore.
>>251353 (OP)

Its so sad. This bitch is gorgeous, had a banging body with huge perky amazing tits, and then did this shit.

It's like winning the powerball lottery then deciding to throw away the ticket.
She had one of the best tits in the world and she paid to have those ugly scarred tits. What a dumb
sad to see. the doctors could have at least made both nipples the same size post surgery. I appreciate what we once had though.
Unbelievable creature. I remember first seeing her in a YT video like 8 years ago, it was some Vegas prankster that ran across her at The Strip. Wasn't a tits guy at the time but I couldn't believe my eyes..

Clearly, surrounded by imbeciles that can't read the description in the original post
You are the imbecile if you like those destroyed tits

No, I just don't care. Like I mentioned in the description of the post if you were literate enough to actually read it
Ok, you're a cuck with bad taste.
By consuming her content and giving her attention, you are encouraging other women to follow her lead. So fuck off, she should be shunned

That's a little strong, my dude. While I may stand with the crowd that says she shouldn't have done it, we have to also understand that it ain't up to us. I'm just glad we have stuff pre-reduction. Not many have given people that opportunity.
You're wasting your time by trying to be rational with irrational ppl. Most that are vocal against BR talk as if they own these women. But well said point I agree wholeheartedly. Not a fan of BRs of course but its ultimately her choice and we gotta respect it.
You posted defaced tits in /tits and we're having the comprehension problems?
You don't get it. We must post how we hate BRs ad nauseum on a site dedicated to big tits or people would not know.

You got the video this is from, don't think I've seen this one before?
Wrong. We do not have to respect them. We have to educate the idiots. I don't care if it takes a million stray messages. People like Jade should be reminded of their mistakes
Also you're a tripfag, Noh8m8. Could have made the request without needing an identity.
Tbh you should just make a t3l3gr@m or d!$c0rd channel for her. Would make everything a lot easier and less messy than on here. Would love more of her post-reduction content
So subjective. You really are a true believer aren't you. Exactly how many racks have you saved??
Just one and that bothers me. It's why I keep trying. Jade already did it so nothing to accomplish with a soft touch, she fucked up. I promise that I'm not trying to strong-arm women when it comes down to it.

Preventing unnecessary reductions is a matter of boosting body positivity. Women who feel good and aren't mentally poisoned by their peers/people in their lives don't seek out the excuse of health issues. That extends to helping people with ACTUAL breast related health issues not catch flack for making necessary life improving decisions.

Definitely a good idea. Helps funnel the content.
I believe that like I believe you've ever had touched a woman. You're a psychopath.
> Advocate for women feeling good about themselves and acknowledge that there are circumstances where a reduction is objectively the right decision.

Damn you're right, I'm a psycho.
Attempting to manipulate a person to live as you see fit? Yes, I'd say. you're no better than the jealous girlfriends. I actually think you could be worse.
It really is a shame but I still think it's hot that she grew the size back, just lost potential in general.
If you cry just a little more the clock might go back to before she had them lopped off.
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The sad part is that I think she liked her tits more than she let on. And liked doing content and her audience and being in this scene. It would have taken her longer to make the money she did and she would have had to go further in her content, but she probably would have enjoyed the ride to get there.

But she and her helpers had a plan to use her getting a reduction to make as much money as possible, and they got their way. People threw money at her to stop it and she made bank.

I just wish she would have stuck to her guns and went away completely instead of sticking around to keep on selling pre-reduction content and eventually post-reduction content.
Women get their tits chopped off from a lifetime of manipulation from henpecking women. ā€œMale gazeā€ is horseshit women see other women getting 500k views on TikTokā€™s about their breast reduction with the unanimous cheering in the comments congratulating on them ā€œdoing the right thingā€ . Inherently this makes women with huge tits feel insecure and ugly that theyā€™re doing the ā€œwrong thingā€. Itā€™s a much more sinister effect of social media and men ogling is barely a factor but the easiest to blame.
I think they do it just to piss you off, specifically.
I apologize for getting sarcastic with you. This is something that's closer to my heart than most perverts so I just heat up a little quicker. I'm not going to justify myself but all I'm going to say is, you're talking out of your ass if you think I'm trying to preach manipulating people for their tits.
You controlled for your fetish? Good! So this is true altruism then.
No offense but this comment doesn't work on a post like that, I know this is an imageboard which is full of psychos, but grow up lol
You suggest I join you in lamenting a BR? How grown up.
I'm just saying there's no reason to be a snarky argumentative person when I still think she's hot, but hey you've been arguing with everyone regardless of how they feel about reductions (with different post IDs). Chill out, take a rest.
Accept it and move on. Is that not the most adult position?
Oh and I'm sorry. Obfuscating ones identity runs into all my internet usage.

Gaslights users about BR whining over multiple IP addresses in a thread about a model who keeps going back to selling pictures and videos of herself pre-reduction. Don't you find this shit tiring? She doesn't care if you move on or not, she'll gladly accept your money for the subscription.
Where did the gaslighting take place? Did you just want to use a fashionable term?
I think the term they're looking for is "propaganda" and "propagandist."

As in "this propagandist is trying to promote their anti-BR propaganda"

This is my last post in this thread. I really don't care about the status of what she did to her body... BR or not. She obviously sees herself differently than how most people view her. This goes further with the work done on her face. If it makes her feel happy, good for her. I think she looked beautiful before the BR, I still think she looks beautiful now, she just looks a bit different. Just enjoy the boobs (I mean this is a bbw/bigboob fetish thread, and not a r/bigboobproblems thread)
>(I mean this is a bbw/bigboob fetish thread, and not a r/bigboobproblems thread)
Lol exactly haha. Fool thinks we care anything about that phoney rationalizing of a dumb broads worst decision as an adult creator. Just like in comedy if you can't handle the boos stay your corny ass off the stage. No one asked her to come back and show the botched surgery. I sure as shit didn't. Chalk that up. We're boob men here and for one of the best to fumble so badly is gonna absolutely warrant negative response. Cest la vie.
The Academy of Art University is one of the largest for-profit colleges in America and one of the biggest scammers. It's pretty much a diploma mill for rich foreigners looking for a quick and easy online degree. They were also running a real-estate scam buying up as much property as they could and they were abusing the FAFSA program to bilk the government out of millions.

They got sued for fraud after they got exposed for selling dreams and had to pay the government back for some of the FASFA scamming they were doing.
There will never be a thread on her without people being sad about her BR. Get used to it.
Her breasts will now and forever be a desecrated mistake. Get used to it.
And she's apparently attended as a student?
I have never understood why people never point out that she wanted to go to law school to be an environmental lawyer. She didn't want to go to practice criminal or even civil law, but to protect the planet. As noble and grandstanding as that plan was, she was not going to make NEARLY as much money doing that as she would have just doing OF for 2-3 years. Her getting a reduction because she felt that she wouldn't have been taken seriously in that field was worse than anything else, in my opinion...
And probably graduated with a degree in Communications. Or Theater.
anyone have that clip of her getting interviewed on the street by a youtuber or something like that?
i believe she studied law or smth
Maybe...just maybe...she lied about studying to be a lawyer?

Shocking, I know.
Nah those botched fake nipples are too distracting compared to what she had naturally, I'm out.

Yeah don't be convinced that the "I want to be a lawyer" excuse is the real, deeper reason she got the chop. Look how much other cosmetic fuckery she's doing to her face; clearly gotten caught up in a lot of the insecurity / body dysmorphia that tonnes of naturally astonishing women sadly get caught up in.

I hope she leaves the public eye, but do also hope she gets proper psychotherapy for how she feels about her appearance.
We were talking about the graduation picture she took at the Academy of Art. We weren't talking about her reduction.

And even if we were

Whatever is going on in her head starts and ends with her mom. But you're more than welcome to keep on doing armchair psychology and talking about "the chop" like it's another meme.

The chop? Are you 14? Just call it a breast reduction and don't try to be clever.
Isn't there a thread specifically for discussions?
Does she have any pre BR stuff like f.e. riding dildo or any other similar with visible pussy?
She just released a pussy video on OF, theres a teaser on her twitter.
Indeed she studied to be a lawyer. She also studied to be an astronaut and neurosurgeon too. šŸ‘
We need more of these social media photos out and about when she was still huge
Shit, even in that picture her face looks fucked up, what a bad ending for this girl, which leads me to think, how come there are better girls out there, there are still people who are interested in girls like this idiot, who despised the gift she had received smh.
Yes there was a pre-BR vid of her fingering her pussy briefly.
Yes there was a pre-BR vid of her fingering her pussy briefly.
She did that during her last OF live before she went in for the reduction. It was towards the end of the stream, and she was drunk as hell... It is probably floating around on some sites if you look for it.
Great news. If someone has it and would be so kind to post it hereā€¦ cheers!
I called her frankenchest in my messages and she blocked my messages
rofl at those pepperoni nipples.
anyone got a pic of her mom, she said her mum had even bigger breasts than hers but got a reduction
Her titties look like shit and her boobs are growing back which brings me back to the same question why get one in the first place or why didn't the doctor tell her that theirs a chance they will grow back and no iam not retarded.
Obsessed with whom? This chick? Get s fucking life bro.
measuring video if anyone's interested, tbf I don't think she's so deluded that she thinks they actually look better than before, just that the tradeoff of comfort was worth the sacrifice in aesthetics.
Right. I always got the idea that she actually did love them at their bigger size and thought they were a lot of fun. But just thought life would be more comfortable with a reduced size.
it is fucking insane to me that someone looking like her would get any work done at all. some folks don't know how good they got it
not trying to yapp too much, but to me, whatever work she had done on her face aged her 10 years immediately. not even talking about the shitty breast reduction here, she fucked up her looks in general. colorsofautumn did the same thing
Her boobs look like shit but it's nothing that she hasn't already been told a million times already in the last year and a half. She even said it herself that her reduction is going to cause her to lose money which it has but she's young and has no kids and isn't married so iam sure shes fine. Here's a file for you guys. Not uploading anymore of this chick because I can't even get off to her stuff anymore. https://gofile.io/d/iMTDmm
Definitely, I don't like it but i can understand the reduction reasoning, but considering one of those was to be able to work out more, the belly lipo should've been redundant but she got it nonetheless and somehow made her torso square. And yeah the face went from girl next door to girl next door's alcoholic aunt
She talked about how she really loved them even more after she started making content before she had the reduction, but I feel like she was just too far ahead by that point to change her mind for personal reasons. She either had to see it through or change all of her plans completely in the moment.
Yall get any more of those post reduction videos?

Before I get hate, I'm just seeking more content. I miss the old boobs too, but I enjoy jerking off to her as well so...
You gotta be an incel if you still donā€™t find her attractive
>>253603 To be honest if you find her botched tits attractive then you probably are an incel.
pretty face as usual but her boobs are destroyed, like your brain
sorry but her natural look was literally perfect. i would have changed absolutely nothing.

face nose and lips, cut tits, and a completely unnecessary belly lipo were objectively huge mistakes, this girl was world-class beautiful naturally so it's very depressing to see
they're growing again she says in the measurement video. anymore? what a great pair
I wanted to thank her for sharing when all her content first came out.. post reduction are almost the same cup size theyre just lifted
this shit's so hot.

ultimate fantasy is her at her peak, but add 60lbs. i can't believe someone who looked this good thought they should get work done
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She was perfect pre-BR. I was wowed when I first saw her. She could've been at the top for years as the big tit queen. But unfortunately (for us) that would not be the case. I personally don't like the way her tit look now.. nor the pointless surgery on her face. Shame.
she looked so good leanings towards chubbier, it was such a good look with her face. such a shame
Has anyone got the Youtube candid video where the guy met her in the street and couldn't believe her tits were real. Great content, was about 5 years ago.
that girl was a gem before her BR. very pretty face, nice body and she was hot and sexy. and now, it's over.
Kinda funny that her tits grew back - imagine thousands being spent, having surgery to mutilate your body, further fucking it up with lipo, for absolutely no reason and coming back looking objectively worse.
Huh? She was a fat, out of shape piggy with a face that looked more worn out than a 20yo catchers mitt. Bitch was too lazy to get in shape so she got the tits permanently mutilated.
One of the most delusional post on this board ever.
absurd lmao

i've never seen such a small woman be so huge, and that was hot as fuck

is the smoking video new but taken before her BR? i went through my pre-BR collection and didn't see this one at all.
>>254076 You must be really starving for attention to make the stupidest comment ever on a board like this. Congrats
Damn, those look awful, she was amazing and she ceased to exist.
Dont be mad at the truth. You must be either blind or 300 lbs yourself if you cant tell if this mindless whore used camera manipulation and heavy filters to alter the way she looks
>>254708 Your truth. What's your point anyway? She didn't bullshit herself with filters at least pre BR, but believe what you want. And I'm not blind, 175 lbs
wow those melons are growing back!
Can only imagine how massive they'd be if she didn't take the knife. Still she's starting to pique my interest again since her frankentitties are filling out again
>>256756 This is the one I know of... but I saw segments of your clip that are not part of the one I have here. I'd really like to see the 'full' version too... she get nude and shows it in your clip. ANYBODY?

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