
this is the first chick who was so fucking retarded I literally cant jack off to her anymore

and you wont either when she removes her tits soon.
She already did that back in late February unfortunately.

Might as well enjoy the content in which she still has em.
great for her now she is just a random retarded bitch

enjoy the retirement clown
Now she just looks retarded instead of a bimbo, i try to dig out my hard drive for some content will be a weekend upload
Oh wow she is enormous in that video! Do you have any more of her at that size? I've never seen her bigger

Ah, didn't realize you were legitimately illiterate.

Sucks dude, I'll pray for you.
Oh god, this looks terrible. Those tits were her moneymaker. Were they really such a big deal? I understand big tits can be a pain, but almost every woman with big tits who gets them reduced also never exercised their back to make them feel better to carry around. This kind of decision always seems shortsighted and lazy.
Up until this time you were definitely gonna fuck her. I get it. Tainted now.
no they werent a problem she litterally got gaslit by other females to do it

OMG yes queen you will look so good omg quuuueeen these tops will look so good on you will feel so much better your body composition wasnt natural now it looks so much better

and she fell for it lmao these bitches prayed for your downfall and you took it
Is there an O/U for how many months before she goes the Rachel Raxxx/Lolo Savo route? Whatever it is, I'll take the under any day of the century😂😂
Exactly what makes it both the most and least surprising reduction ever. She literally just listened to the wrong people that didn't truly have her best interests at heart.
Women have convinced themselves that big tits are another one of the pitfalls of womanhood and that having them chopped off is liberating themselves of the male gaze. In reality yeah, it probably has a lot more to do with jealous bitches and troons trying to bring naturally sexy women down to their level

I guess I can understand it if you just work in an office, you've locked down a man, and they're just a general nuisance to you But to be a porn star who got famous for having big naturals and do this is just next level retardation. At least Siri had deluded herself into thinking she was gonna retire from porn and just be a Mia Khalifa influencer type, this dumb bitch did it just because and she thinks she'll just continue doing porn now without missing a beat
It was the producers at Brazzers that pushed her to get a reduction and lipo.

Go take your culture war bullshit somewhere else.
This bitch deserves no more attention. Zero. Not one word.
You gonna bring a law suit?

Just wondering where that came from. She's was hinting at a br for ages before she did the chop.
the incredible codi....
Why does any of this matter? All that matters is material where she's not mutilated herself. The rest is bullshit.

Lie. She straight said when she did a scene with Siri that Siri convinced her it was a good idea. Which is why her tits look as bad as Siri now because she went to her Dr
I can understand you were wanting to relegate his comments as "interesting but not helpful", however our boobhound friend was merely pointing out that it's warranted to be skeptical of Codi Vore's expertise on the topic when the extent of research was "SIRI GOT HER TITS CHOPPED OFF. ME WANT THAT TOO."
How does this self pitying nonsense turn back time or prevent any of them doing this in the future? Does it make you feel better?
She knows her tits are the reason she has her audience and knows what would happen if she got a reduction. And if she got it and quit, it would be one thing.

But she tells everyone she's not quitting and that the one woman who got it and still works is the one that "convinced" her to do it?

Someone she did maybe one or two scenes with. Where the only thing they have in common is that they get booked by Brazzers, one of the top companies in the industry. Where the majority of the women, including the top girls, are b or c-cups. And the women with huge tits are either e or f-cups, which Codi just so happens to be now.

I can believe her self-esteem is low enough to do it, but you don't last for as long as she did by being stupid and I refuse to believe that she would risk losing her income as a porn performer on because one woman "convinced her."

But producers from Brazzers telling her that she'll still get booked or get booked more because she looks more in-line with their top women...

I can believe she got the number of her surgeon from Siri, but Siri's comeback has her being "generic porn star #12" so I doubt she took business advice from her on how to have a career post reduction.
Yeah why would like-minded people have a conversation that upsets them on a message board? You're asking great questions and making worthwhile contributions here friend
Bitch is dumb as fuck, she had no real reason to get a breast reduction, period.
And again and again and again and again and again and again..........................
Fuck I want the mall to do it. All of them. Anything over a C and it's bin time. You fragile baby.
What the fuck are you talking about?

If she wanted to cut off her tits, that's on her. But she got her career because of her tits, and huge tit porn is one of the few places in porn where you can have a career long into your 30's, 40's and beyond so long as you have your tits. Not just big tits, but her natural tits.

She cut her career short, fucked up her income, and ensured that she would be forgettable to everyone but the most simpish of her remaining audience. And all she's getting out of it are lipo and BR scars and a good chance she'll go back up in cup size and make it even more pointless.
All of em. No tits for no one. GROW! UP!
Who knew poetry grew back tits?
What do you gain by coming here to post stuff like this?
They just want to troll and replying to them is taking the bait.
I come here for the tits. Not grown men crying over shit they have zero control over and no business in. Something that hasn't occurred just once but many, many times. There is zero trolling, only absolute, total disgust and revulsion for you spineless faggots. If the same copy and paste responses to a BR didn't occur I might be able to stomach it, I may even be able to stay quiet but what drives you to cry also drives me to "troll". As you blindly dismiss it. Look to yourselves as to my motivation. /weep this is not.
I see.

Show me on the doll where the bad words touched you.
too bad she didnt do hardcore bdsm like her friend summer hart
You know, part of me understands when a random onlyfans-esque woman with big tits gets a reduction. Like sure, you probably just wanted some quick cash and didn't plan to make a career out of porn- but if you're an actual notable pornstar, why the fuck would you want to look like every other no-name brazzers convinces to do a shitty porno once? Like her tits and her body were her career selling point, not competing in the overcrowded space of average blonde women with D cups.

Whatever, there's plenty of other women with massive tits out there.
She always hated her tits pretty sure she was traumatized by being made to feel ugly and fat as a kid. She always wanted to be the skinny blonde.

Holy fuck!! WTF is that garbage??

Looks like chopping down her tits made her dumb AF
I've got some bad news, anon

She was always retarded
why is this thread still here? unless old stuff is being posted then is has no purpose. it's just full of butthurt children.
It's even gained a pig ring. lol
I've seen worse jobs, stil sad to see those udder cut in half.
True. Why it is always like this: women having big natural tits=> reduction.
Having small tits=> boob job and ugly implants
i believe it's because these women surround themselves with haters pretending to be friends who slowly over time convince the busty attractve woman to hate her boobs and her body and get a reduction for various reasons
You've said. Several times.
(1.7 MB, 3024x4032, F9-j0XWaoAAw9jp.jfif)
WTF did I just watch? I want those 30 seconds out of my life back.

Anyways, I used to jerk off to her all the time, once I saw that first picture of hers showing the zipper tits I haven't been able to - not even to her old stuff.
Her old body was insane, threw it all away to look like a much worse version of everyone else. She looks fake, unnatural, and plastic now. So much for “body positivity”.

Surgeons must laugh all the way to the bank easily manipulating these women.
Oh look a Chyna thread. Same old shit being posted.
this is body positivity
Also, why tf are these plastic surgeons always putting the nipple/areolas so high? Seen only a few natural girls with them that high and everyone else is further down. Have fun with them clopped up pepperoni poking out of tops now.
There was a lengthy study conducted and it was discovered that this height would be optimum for ruining the breast.
Some breast reductions function as or are paired with breast lifts. So when they resize and reposition the nipple, they tend to put the nipple higher to make the breast look perkier like they would with a breast lift.

They're probably counting on the nipple going lower and looking more natural as the scars heal and the breast fully recover. If they put it in a more natural area during the surgery, there's a chance that the nipple might go even lower as the woman heals.
>>250928 (OP)
How long we gonna be opining over old laces out here?
it's a shame, they don't look half bad, only thing i have a problem with is the nipple placement is so high, it never looks good.
I would chalk a lot of it up to body dysmorphic disorder. It's a thing, and when you add constant societal reinforcement that you have to have huge natural boobs (but not too huge) and a flat stomach, it's problematic.

My sister was a GG after she had kids and was a fitness trainer. Got a reduction because of back issues and it seriously complicated her job. They went down to a C and then grew back to a D (yes, they continue to grow into your 30s, esp with some of the new birth control). She said she was happy but it wasn't my call because it's her body and I didn't honestly care.

Siri got it to work for her because she went into full PAWG mode, got her tubes tied so she could do creampies and janked to more fetish propertes. I don't see Codi having the type of body to take it out a new door, I just think overall she hated her body, whether internally or reinforced by the public or industry.

I just remember having a reduction went SO well for Lindsey Dawn McKenzie that she went back and had huge implants put in and a ton of facial surgery. Again, body dysmorphic disorder is a Real Thing, in the DSM-V as a type of OCD. Not white knighting her, just sad it came to this.
Wow this bitch is so fucking dumb might as well delete socials at this point all her selling points involved her fat tits, nobody should be protecting these dumb bitches that do this and, in the porn industry??? those followers went down hard 😒
Anyone in this thread understand the concept of bodily autonomy?
no one cares, she looks like shit now.
IDK do you? Do you have the same opinion when it comes to BBLs that kill thousands of women, or circumcision, or women having their feet bound to fit a beauty standard, or self harming? Or do you only have that opinion when you’re simping?
You do realize that breast reductions are generally going AGAINST sexualization/objectification, where as BBLs, bound feet, etc. are things that REINFORCE sexualization/objectification?

I do think that chucking everything into into a "bodily autonomy" bag is a flattening of the discussion that helps no one, and unfortunately nuance is difficult to have in online spaces where context gets collapsed so much. But blaming "simping" in this case is also lacking nuance.

I do think Codi has some body dysmorphia, she's talked about having certain gender feelings that I could definitely see being hard to deal with when you have a normative curvy female figure. And some of the reasons she cited are things that are society's fault ("people treat you different when you have a large chest"). Ultimately I don't think it was an impulsive decision in her case, but I do think in a kinder world where people with larger busts are better catered for clothes wise, aren't treated differently, etc. it maybe wouldn't have happened. It sucks for those of us who liked her figure, but there's other models and plenty of stuff that she recorded before her reduction. Grieve whatever you need to (without taking it out on others) and move on.
“going AGAINST sexualization/objectification” that’s debatable, you yourself said how the fashion industry and media doesn’t cater to larger busts, that is still enforcing a beauty standard, forcing conformity. The first things Codi posted after her reduction was celebrating cute outfits she could fit into, ie. completely 100% aesthetic. If it’s not about beauty standards and objectification how come they always fuck up the areolas by making them small and high, and not a natural placement with their natural size? If it’s not about objectification how come Codi got liposuction too and fucked up her waist? It’s just a coincidence she looks like every other porn star now is it?

IF we lived in a world that didn’t have unrealistic beauty standards, had a clothing industry that catered for women’s natural sizes, that didn’t deliberately misinform women about bra sizing, that didn’t judge women on the size and shape of their tits, and someone STILL wanted a reduction then fine. But we don’t live in that world, and a woman paying thousands to be mutilated to “fit in” is toxic AF and not a cause to celebrate.

I liked seeing a relatable woman like me successful in porn, but that’s okay, I guess I can go back to feeling disgusting.
Everyone crying in this thread are babies who've had their binky taken away. Borderline misogynists that only care about their next load. The womans welfare is furthest from their thoughts despite protestations to the contrary.
>Do you have the same opinion when it comes to BBLs that kill thousands of women, or circumcision, or women having their feet bound to fit a beauty standard, or self harming?
Related to Codis tits how? Shut up clown.
And if the woman fucks with her own welfare of her own volition, then what? Shrug and praise her for being "empowered?"

If this was a random off the street, that would be one thing. If Codi was getting out of porn and found a job somewhere else, that would be another. But this is a woman who had her job in porn because her body looked a certain way. Because she had huge, natural tits. And for whatever reason, she thought she could significantly alter the thing that made her money and got her her fans/customers, and somehow still hold onto them like nothing really changed. Or some "they're still big" type of thinking where she ignores that most of her audience liked her as she was.

I'm not in her head and I don't know what is going on in her body. But if she was going to get a reduction, then she should have had the wherewithal to leave the industry and do something else. Or go behind the camera and direct or do something that doesn't involve being on-screen.

But she wanted to eat her cake and have it after. So be it.
Why do you care other than her ability to make you hard? Look deep now. Is it anything more than that?
As a customer/viewer/fan, why does it have to be that deep?

I'm not going to ignore if the chef is having a bad day or treat them like shit for it, but I still want my food cooked as I ordered it.

I'm not in Codi's head. I don't know what's going on with her. And if things were bad, then I'm not going to just treat her like shit for it.

But I still want my food cooked as I ordered it. And if she can't do that, then she should find another job.
Are you shopping at her place anymore? Are you giving you the oxygen of your attention?

No way a dude wrote this lol
why are you still posting? It's done
To make fun of her. That's the only reason.
Because she needs to be here in order for people to shit on her for getting a reduction?
I don't know if there's ever been a good breast reduction, but I've seen worse than Codi's and what she got is not that bad. But that doesn't mean that her breasts look good post-reduction either.

It's the uncanny valley of tits where they don't look natural enough to pass or fake enough to ignore the new and unnatural shape of her breasts. If she wanted to stay in porn, she needed to wait longer. Not only for the scars to heal but for her breasts to settle into a more natural shape. Or she should have committed fully into the Bimbo aesthetic and made them as fake looking as possible and do Bimbo porn.

Oh well.
Damn I lost track on this chick a long time ago. She doesn't look THAT bad now, she still has a good figure but yeah, you look at her top half and it's... unbelievable lol It's a shame but I've seen WAY worse cases
You're arguing with people that agree with you
I'm not sure I am agreeing. There are people who are making this into a bigger deal that it is or treating all breast reductions like the women are waging war on the God of Tits and Fapping. And I don't want to do that because putting that much energy and time into porn is just sad. Find what you like and go and nut to it. Just don't stick around to get into internet slapfights over women you aren't fucking. Or dedicating time to being a fuckwit because you think that liking porn empowers you to be a fuckwit.

It's her body and she can do what she wants. She knew what was going to happen if she got a reduction, and she did it and it is what it is.
But it is what it is and she did what she did.
Why post the same sentiment repeatedly? How is a thread this stale still up?
its fucking insane they do this to themselves
I really don't understand how chicks with huge natties like that will go under the knife to remove them. Eva Notty, Siri, Vore, the list goes on and on and on. Siri had a complete mental breakdown when her onlyfans plummeted after listening to all the yesmen and indians on twitter, these bitches are insanely stupid
say it one more time and the truth will be revealed. if not, try again
(4.4 MB, 854x480, strictfaintseaurchinBackup sd.webm)
Because it bears repeating.

Why are you looking for content in a thread that's clearly dedicated to shitting on Codi's decision and breast reductions in general? Are you so hyper-fixated on getting content that you can't see what's happening?
No more material suitable because off her actions and the thread descends into more of a discussion. Really belongs in the simp thread if it belongs on this site at all.
God forbid the rules were enforced here.
I... I didn't even know...
Sme made 2 of my favorite vids T.T
>skinnyfat from the armpits up
>misshapen cross-eyed tits with giant visible scar running down the dead center
>saggy tummy
Legs are nice but fuckin hell it's crazy that she thinks this looks good compared to >>252384
“it's crazy that she thinks this looks good compared to before”, TBH I kinda doubt she does, but it’s too late now, so will have to just double down and convince herself that it was worth it. You see it all the time with sunk cost fallacies, it’s easier to trick someone than convince someone they’ve been tricked.
She probably does and you don't come into her thoughts at all.
I don’t expect her or any model or remotely famous person to think about me at all, or you, or anyone here, and never have, so I don’t know what this is supposed to mean. Do you think that is an insult of some kind?
True tbh

It's such an obvious pitfall these girls fall into where they want to reduce their chests (instead of just going to the gym) or get out of the industry (which they could always just do if they ever wanted to get a normal job), but they end up wanting to have their cake and eat it too. They'll get a BR because they don't like being objectified, but then think they can continue just making easy money in an industry where ones success is 100% dependent on their ability and willingness to be objectified. Then their career drops off and they're left realizing that the couple lbs of fat they had chopped off represented the vast bulk of their marketable skills. That they were never uniquely talented or savvy or clever, they just had big tits and now those tits are gone.

I almost feel bad for them, it's gotta be a hell of an ego death to be getting all that money and praise and attention, only for it to all go away after changing one cosmetic detail about yourself. But they always lash out after the fact, it's like an aesop fable or a Greek myth. Cutting off your tits to spite your face.
Breast reductions are bad.
Not surprising.
>Never shaved
>Coalburner gangbang
>Taking trannies dick
>Chopped her tits

It's only a matter of time. Degradation and mental illness goes hand to hand.
Why do guys like you constantly have to come to ever forum discussing these dumbass decisions and defend them? Its like you're being paid. She fucked up her body (which she relies on for work) because of the mainstream porn industry creating retarded beauty standards were every woman has to be a stone tittied bimbo. This shit SHOULD always be criticized. Women paying to destroy their bodies is goofy and only exists to line the pockets of cosmetic surgeons. If YOU don't like the talk, no one is forcing you to discuss or see it. Let me turn this shit back on you, why put some much energy in arguing against comments you don't like? Go jerk off to frankentits if you truly want.
You look like shit now.
I wasn't defending her decision.

Huge tits are niche in porn, both in the amount of women who have them and in the audience paying for that content. Codi knew what she was doing and what she could lose if she got a breast reduction, and she made a gamble that she could go more towards mainstream porn audience despite making her living and building her career doing niche porn. And she's probably going to lose that gamble, if she hasn't lost it already. It is what it is.

But there reaches a point where there is no point in criticizing because all you're doing is slamming your head against a brick wall. The women are going to do what they want, and all you can do is just walk away and support the women that you like. And it's just better to give your energy to supporting the women you like that than to slap your head against the wall in the hope that it finally comes down.
You have to hold women accountable or else they'll never learn codi, if you're reading this you're a lolipop scarred giga retard who spat in god's face and now you can retire because nobody gives a shit about you anymore except me and that's just to take a big dump on your decisions.
If she was a scammer or she scammed me personally, that's one thing.

But I'm not going to "hold to account" a woman I'm not in a relationship with for shit that doesn't affect me personally.
Is this utterly retarded thread still here? This woman has nothing more to offer and is just using up server space.
Why do I feel like she did the reduction to cover up her liposuction? Her stomach got flat after surgery and she has always said her stomach fat was hard to lose. There seemed to be a small scar appear on her stomach as well after her reduction, just seems odd she hasn't made any content on sites yet of her new size, onlyfans is the only thing.
she said she got lipo at the same time as the reduction, I doubt one to cover up the other. She also said she's waiting until the scars fade or some bullshit like she thinks they'll ever look good
In her announcement video she said that she read a liposuction would help make sure the reduction was more successful. IDK how true that is, the human body is weird and other models who have had that done along with their reduction still experienced regrowth.
>>250928 (OP) Before she destroyed herself w/ plastic surgery and reductions did she ever do an anal video? My search has come up empty.
IIrc fat cells don’t regrow, so those removed via liposuction don’t come back. That’s why the waists of women who had it often look unnatural and weird, and kinda ‘square’, to me.

So I would have thought liposuction would have made the potential regrowth worse, because the fat that would’ve gone to her belly now has to go somewhere else. That’s partly why Leanne Crow’s breasts grew enormous after her liposuction, I remember talking about how she regretted it in a livestream with Tessa.
Yes, if you have lipo the cells they eliminate don't regrow. But they don't necessarily remove all of the cells, depends on the procedure.
Fat distribution isn't easily manipulable like that so I doubt a lipo would do that. At least some of it is hormonal and genetic. Codi's brief growth before her reduction and lipo came on from a different hormonal birth control she started using.
Anyone have her breast growth bra modeling video?
this is so fucking funny

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