
hi I’m not sure how you got my photos. I guess they were stolen once again please remove them. I do not want them on the Internet. I am not a porn star. I do not want them on porn websites. Please delete them. I do not know how you had access to them thank you.
Bitch u active fuck out of here
hi delete my photos. I’m not sure how you got them or who gave them to you. I am not a porn star not belong on a porn website so I would appreciate it. If you would delete this whole file this whole website of me my name is Amber and this is embarrassing and humiliating so please take this off. Thank you.
I’m not sure how you got my photos or who gave them to you or who they were stolen by I did not want my photos on a nude website or on the website. Or on Google I want them taken down. I am not a porn star please remove my photos. I would greatly appreciate it thank you.
Is your onlyfans still active?
Please delete my photos. I’m not not sure how you got them, but this is embarrassing and humiliating. I’ve been trying to get my photos off the web for months. I am not a porn star and they do not belong on porn websites thank you. I’d appreciate it if they were deleted
Is your only fans still active ?
no I am not on only fans for you saying I’m active as fuck whoever the fuck you are I was only there for a few days but for fucking idiots that still my pictures and scatter them along the Internet I’m active on TikTok that’s it. you’re probably the one spreading them. i’m not an OS girl. I deleted my shit. I didn’t like it. I was gone got out real fast. I’m not that type of person and I don’t enjoy having my photos on the Internet.
If youre reading this I have all your nudes from your phone. I hacked your android & ios devices by you clicking onto this thread. Post all of it or I will no warnings just posting it
Once it’s online it’s there forever - think before getting your tits out you idiot.
stop posting. dont post anywhere. nobody hacked you. leave the internet and never come back, you wont win with these guys. you cant win, leave and forget about it.

just for this shit i'm gonna save these photos, dig up others, then keep posting them. you're a fuckin idiot. you shoulda thought of the consequences before putting them on the internet even for only "a few days". actions, meet consequence. i'd have a shred a sympathy if you were actually hacked or whatnot. You fucking volunteered to put them online as an adult. go choke on a guerilla dick. just wait until your kids or your kids' friends discover them.
Anybody can post more pics n vids of her
Considering the pics came from onlyfans, there is a fuckin watermark on em. Are you fucking retarded. I'm leaving this thread up
>> summer did that shit. Lol nothing u gon do
Case got dismissed now the attorney want that bread.
Devils advocate
Grizzly bears are super fast up close that fucking bite in your flesh.
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As promised, you stupid bimbo. Here are more of your pics floating about. You will never get rid of them. Fuck off dumb bitch. Given you shelling out your body to be a Trump billboard, yeah you prob only got 7 brain cells. That goes for broads that whore themselves out for any politician
Spiritual as fuck. Feel it before it happenz.
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follow up

They weren't stolen. Someone purchased a subscription and downloaded them. If I subscribe to something damn well I am going to save the shit. I'm not renting it.

Once you post something online, or even in a private chat/text/whatever, it's forever. Never expect anything to stay private. All it takes is one person to post it somewhere and it can be duplicated an infinite amount of times.

Typical stupid Trump supporter. He loves the poorly educated. To me, that also means how the internet works and a basic amount of common sense.
Yay! Politics in my porn.
Turn off safe search and google yourself. It's done. Just make better decisions in future.
I don’t know why women come on here and ask to take it down - don’t give us ammo. This thread would have died ages ago if you kept quiet! It makes us post more!
Amber! Baby! Don't be shy. Post more your nudes. This is great. We love you 😘.
Any vids
Oh yeah, Biden supporters are really smart...

maybe thats the plan sometimes? not saying it is here but...
Hahaha love it when they regret what they have done and it’s too late 😂 like what do you think would happen by doing what you did

Then they go off talking about “I’m not like that” stfu bitch the simple fact you even tried it should be enough to categorize you with the rest of the sluts.

Kids ganna get bullied for sure “tell your mom to show more of her asshole” 😆
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Kek. The comments in this thread.
Oh the ones that ring true?
Day-um she got those heavy hitters!!

They're fake. admittedly nice fakes, but the amount of money she surely spent they better be heavy hitters!
retired? retired from what? being a stupid ignorant cunt bimbo?

Or...did you just misspell "retarded"
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hi I’ve tried to talk to you nicely like you’ve asked in your BBW little photo why you pick me to go on the site? I have no idea I’ve done nothing to you.. The email address listed is not a real email address so there’s no point of emailing you.can you please remove my photos you left them up long enough for all your fans to see all my tits great great for them. I hope that made them so happy. I hope it made you happy. I had only fans for a few days. I did not like it I removed it, I’m not active . I have TikTok yay!! I do not do porn so can you please remove my photos? I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you. Amber
Just remove all her stuff guys - unofficial mod
You can't stick the toothpaste back in the tube and if it's not us then it'll be another site. You're going to have to learn to live with it.
Dcma have no power here
We do not do dmca requests or anything of the sort. You most certainly did make porn. Take a look around, it's literally a pirating site. No I will not be deleting
Really that’s what I’m labeled as on here 😂😂 and on a bbw website w girls
Play with fat stomachs and boobs talk really got me good ! I have 0 kids ! Ohh got me and on a bbw site ouch happy Monday y’all
No union card of membership? So bullshit union.
And if your job adds a real union. Kiss your job goodbye. Everyone getting replaced. Jokes on you.
Union of what ??? Wtf is a union ??is there some fat girl union that you’re trying to apply me to that I missed the memo sorry go back to bed retiree. and I was being nice saying please take my photos down, but since you’re not going to take them down, you are being investigated by the FBI so tootles better get those computers cleared out ha
Stick my toothpaste back where first off you’re not a motherfucking teacher and you’re not gonna teach me a goddamn thing I’m a adult and I’ve learned from my mistakes I was on only fans for a few days there are women that are on there for fucking years I’ve learned my lesson and I took myself off of there …..do you think that you’re gonna put me on a fucking BBW website and hurt my fucking feelings I’m just trying to take my fucking pictures off of there because they don’t belong on there I’m not a fucking porn star and I don’t wanna be on a fucking porn website or my pictures out there I don’t fucking have kids I don’t gotta worry about my kids see my pictures in the fucking future I just don’t want my pictures on the fucking website for dirty ass fucking men like you to fucking jack off to them so fuck you and as far as the FBI yes they are looking into you they are crawling your shit and a couple of other agencies are as well so go ahead and keep posting my fucking shit and talking shit to me because for the past month they’ve been looking into your ass into your domain into your fucked up website that is illegal you cannot have a revenge page I don’t give a fuck if you don’t comply with the United States. Thats why I have agencies outside of the United States looking into your stupid fucking ass so I might be quiet for a little while but I’m working I’m working hard on taking your fucking ass down these women don’t even know they’re on your website because you’ve stole their photos as well you’ve asked men to send photos and you didn’t purchase any of these fucking photos you dirty fuck you’re just sitting back jacking off you retiree you’re lazy as fuck on these stupid ass dirty fucking websites whacking your dick to these fat fucking women on here that I do not belong on this fucking website but you did it as a fucking revenge because you don’t like me cause I’m a fucking Trump supporter fuck you I’m not one to sit back and let somebody fucking think that they’re going to blast my ass or talk shit to me you’re gonna blast my ass for a little while but guess what I’m gonna have a fucking final word I’m gonna blast your ass 10 times worse so go ahead and try to clear your computer or you fucking pedophile because your shits already been taken care of your shits already being crawled as far as this fucking website it won’t be up for long I don’t give a fuck if it’s not in the United States or not it will be taken down you dirty fuck and I hope all your little fucking users members union whatever the fuck you’re talking about read the shit and sees what a piece of shit you are. You and your little friend that types beside you are after you are pings into your little fucking conversation he can go sit on a fucking dick and spin to both of you go fuck off together go jerk each other off go fuck off and have a nice fucking Monday so next time you think you’re gonna fucking talk shit to me I might be quiet for a little while but remember I’m working against you post everything you want about me but remember I’m coming after your fucking ass sit in your fucking house or your fucking basement fucker I got you bitch
Fbi dont give a shit they love ass &tities. And this isnt an fbi level investiagation nice try
Alot ppl use vpn on private clients. Good luck pinging users on here
👍 got you boo yes they do love them bc I am beautiful doesn’t stop them from an investigation idiot 😂😘
And why are you anonymous what are you trying to hide I mean come out of your shell you clearly you know who I am you seen my tits my ass cheeks A few pictures from only fans from nine days to get this much horrible treatment on a fucking BBW website this is fucking insane how do you treat your other women on this BBW website the ones that actually pose with her vagina out I would like to know.We are people mean to you in high school were you not loved
Nobody cares amber thats why youre fighting to get it off weeks later.....
That’s why you’re being investigated investigations take a while and no one cares that’s why you’re the only one riding on here and your little friend and myself when I have time because I’m busy I have a job no one writes on here you have no followers on this thread because I don’t give a fuck because I’m not a fat BBW I don’t fit your criteria so I don’t know why it’s up you’re just trying to do some type of revenge trying to embarrass me so I don’t know what the point is it’s just you not liking me I don’t know if you don’t like beautiful women that don’t have fat rolls I don’t know what your point is you’re just keeping it up to be a jerk my pictures are beautiful but no one is writing on your thread other than you and I and I really ride on them today I just had a few moments to take up for myself and let you know that you are being investigated not only by the United States but a couple of other countries and I’m not shitting you there are active investigations I just checked on them so just FYI do you think that you’re invisible and then no one can touch you poke you’re gonna be touched you can keep my photos up for a little while longer that’s fine but just know an active investigation doesn’t happen overnight have a wonderful Monday anonymous tootles
You dont even know who posted it. Shut up
Stfu & kill yourself you wont be missed. After 6 weeks of human body forgetting pain.
I don’t know who posted it and I don’t really give a fuck who posted it but when you’re being crawled and we could find out where it’s coming from I’ll know soon so with that being said you shut the fuck up goodbye I have shit to do today✌🏾 By the way I’m a mean ass bitch you think you’re mean I’m 10 times meaner so with that being said I will find out so if you don’t want to delete them that’s fine I will find out what computer what domain where it came from eventually exactly where it came from the sources that are helping me exactly know and they’re working on it…. So your little revenge site might be going bye-bye ha
You do realize how long the chan has been around for right.
If you didn't go full retard, I would have told you the only way to possibly get this deleted since I denied it.
Do you think this is the first time we had a crazy bitch here. You definitely won't be the last.
Only retarded liberals give a fuck that you are a trump supporter.
Now. Tits or gtfo
National security couldnt shut this site down. What makes you think you will. No one told you expose your body to the world dumb whore you posted it on the internet
Funniest part about all of this is that she is arguing with the schizo. Greatest thread ever.
No the funniest part her content is probably on devianart. Lol
Nice of you to delete the go kill yourself I’ve already screenshot that and the last post I don’t even know what that means… devianart..?

Why have a thread posted naked women is degrading and awful if we wanted to go onto a site that was private and that people had to pay for for nine days which you did not pay for because you were not one of my customers and I decided to delete because it is not my style or who I am and you think that you’re trying to teach me a lesson in person that’s going to teach me a lesson in Jesus Christ not you honey
This bitch is ill. Lol lost touch with reality we see
I will always keep dumb shit like kill yourself out of threads. It was uncalled for.
But you keep calling it revenge. Not in the slightest. Some dude liked the way you look and posted. Then you went full retard with threats and dumb shit. Had you left it alone the thread would have died by now
You done yet? I'll tell you how this works. We do what we like here, always have done and you type paragraph upon paragraph that only entertain us even further. Every time you post in your thread it moves to the top of the page which just brings it to our attention again. Those few days you were on OF has been extremely fruitful for us. You're far better off leaving us alone.
First off don’t call me a little bitch I haven’t lost any type of reality I know what I’m doing I’m a well educated woman I don’t want my pictures floating around a BBW website or any, Yes I made one mistake slapped me on the fucking wrist element to it should’ve never got on fucking only fans worst mistake ever Jesus will judge me for that not you no one else anyways
And if You say something and I don’t like it hell yeah I’m gonna fucking say something and if you don’t like what I say I don’t give a fuck so if it goes to the top of the rankings I really don’t give a shit at this point yeah man posted a picture it was a beautiful picture all my pictures look good the best pictures on this goddamn website so whatever they’re eventually gonna get taken down whether you say they are or they’re not. I’m not gonna sit back and let some man post my fucking pictures and not say a goshdamn word I’m not Susie homemaker I got a voice and I’m gonna fucking use it and I guess you don’t fucking like it which is fine I’m not gonna say anything else because I’m gonna let some people do some work have a good day I’m done
It’s my iPad talking I’m trying to get ready can you just delete my photos nobody likes them.You already have them just delete them please
You're not the first schizo model and you won't be the last. You all eventually get bored which is actually a shame.
I already told you no. The thread will stay up till it gets bumped off the board
I’m not a model I just have a pretty face hopefully it gets bumped up pretty fast because it’s lame the pictures are lame and so is this fucking form
And because you're relatively attractive you think stamping you feet like a child has some power over us like it might in rl. It doesn't. You're retarded.

Actually retarded. It's been explained to you that every time you post the thread moves to the top and becomes even less likely to be bumped off the board. Retarded.
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Stfu, your an adult, you knew what you did & got money for it, it's online, believe me dmca request that you think work, don't 100% of the time. It just placed where dumb ass models can't see em
Dont put your nudes on the internet? Simple.
The second you made an onlyfans, you can no longer claim that.
If only cup size was relative to intelligence. lol

What am I saying?! if that were the case we'd have no content here at all!

I must say I find this absolutely fascinating. The combination of naivete and entitlement is so intense! By this point, almost ANYONE would have realized they should just get on with their life!

I don't want to talk politics but it is hard not to link this with the MAGA picture above, isn't it?

Uh, I take exception to that. This ghastly Karen would have no power over me in rl.
Nothing happened to diddy. The person who posted it what you think will happen. Lol
Look where not being anonymous got you.
Doxxed herself with out value.
There are many right leaning people MAGA or otherwise that really aren't this dumb.
I blacked out.... what just happened ?!?!?!
Who is not being anonymous anymore? Definitely not you and you’re talking to yourself no one is replying to you have fun with your page.I do not even have an Amberdeliaofficial ig anymore no Calendar will be done.Those nine days it cost me hell and you have to go enjoy all of your other nudes and fat chicks goodbye
Soooooooo don't hold my breathe for pussy pics??
Hey, Amber, just had a wank to your pics. Cheers.
Her tits are better than her punctuation. Should have spent the tit money on education …
Thanks for the wank btw - I put my finger in my bum too

Oh, definitely, but it kind of fits somehow with her entitlement and stupidity. I'm not saying all right wingers are like that. Hell, I was one myself until Trump.
I hope your looks don't fade cos you're one world class dumb cunt. You have help tying your sneakers? Ffs you can't even navigate an imageboard.
You asked us why we were anonymous. Situations like yours are one of many reasons you should stay anonymous.
Oh and pssst you're on a fat woman board and your pics will come up again and again. When people google bbw in future your pics will appear in the results. You like that?
Super car with car payments lmfao!!!!!!!
First off I’m well educated! I was using talk text and it sucks!
You all are very rude! and I’m not BBW so I don’t care you’re not hurting my feelings by that part I don’t eat cake off my fucking stomach like the rest of these turds on here.
Enjoy the rest of your Monday
Not all of us are rude. I'm just very blunt. We will not bow down to anyone
I’m not one of the girls on here that’s going back down to you. I’ll go to toe with your ass 5 foot two Puerto Rican bitch I didn’t deserve to be put on here. You did it out of spite.!
Definitely wasn't me. I don't use the site for porn. Just clean up the messes
oh your Jesus now you clean up messes? You’re a trauma surgeon. What kind of mess are you cleaning up? I’m cleaning up a mess. I made the mistake. I’m cleaning up my own mess. You’re making it worse. I asked you nicely plenty of times to take it down, it didn’t have to get to this ! so by cleaning up a mess would be by being nice and taking it down. It’s been up long enough. You guys have fun with all of your chubby chicks. I don’t belong on here. I have a real life. I don’t do porn. I tried something I didn’t like it, I’ve been cleaning it ever since! I’ll pray for you!
Your content isnt getting deleted youre famous now woman
No. You went full retard. Why would I be nice. We literally don't have to delete because we don't do dmca. The threats make it stay. Simple as that
That much we can agree on schizo
There are no threats I tell lie there is a lie there is a file number for everything I’ve said. && Mr. Anonymous first of all you’ve deleted your threats as you’ve stated you should have never made, but I have screen shots of everything!I’m not famous. Just a girl with the pretty face goodbye
Wallstreet is illegally holding back all stocks!!!!!
oh my God I have to stop using talk text I tell no lie•••••
The threats are not me. Might wanna look again. It's nice that you have a file number but yeah. You are screwed
Not you right OK that’s why you admitted it and deleted the text . This isn’t me in the pictures. It’s someone else and Screwed ? I could not be arguing with a fucking troll name anonymous Jesus take the wheel .Boy bye
Same person all the way through. Admit defeat and bow down. Anon always wins. And there ain't no Jesus here. Have you taken a look around
Yes he’s everywhere. You’ll have to answer to him about your porn addiction. I’ve already asked for my forgiveness. You should too. and I don’t have an addiction. I just put pretty pictures on the Internet Internet, but obviously someone is obsessed with. and nobody even likes them on here because they’re not fat chubby rolls with spaghetti dangling off of them
Wall street holding back all stocks now you know
It's the tits board. We just like nice tiddies here
lol jesus take the wheel?

all y'all are exactly the same. i hope you don't ACTUALLY believe injesus and call yourself a religious christian. because we all know a TRUE CHRISTIAN would never whore herself out on onlyfans for nine days!

I bet Jesus Bar Joseph is looking down from heaven going "mmmm Amber got some nice tiddies". Daddy god did a nice job creating them. lemme get my cosmic cock out and pay some cum tribute to this magnificent creation.

who's worse? porn consumer or creator? wait...didn't Eve tempt adam into eating the fruit? isn't it always the chicks that leads the men wrong? OMG YOU made porn and are now leading men into sin!! Who will forgive you?!!!
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You're educated? Geebus fuckin hannukah. If you were educated, then you'd know what the Streisand Effect is. If you had just STFU earlier, then this thread would've just slowly faded away without any further incidents. But now, we're about to be taking bets on how long this will stay up because you keep fucking coming back. Stop acting like a lunatic. Go away. Shut up. Then this, too, shall pass.

But judging by your incoherent ramblings, you ARE insane. This website is registered and hosted in a place where DMCA doesn't apply. I see that you've gotten a lot of other websites to take your content down. Website such as TitsInTops, TheFappeningPlus, Nudostar.tv, etc. The fact this thread has stayed up, not to mention what was mentioned above, should inform you that this will not be taken down no matter how much you cry about it. My gentle recommendation is you let this go, sink away quietly, and the good folks here will eventually be bored and move on.

Otherwise, Amber from Jacksonville, FL, others might keep digging and find some other shit to post about you. Or should I call you Puerto Rican Judy?
Oh dont worry im coming for the church lady that speices was burden to get it. Like an extra card in the slot.
Hey asshole that was from my TikTok that they screenshot that was on my family’s boat for memorial day weekend so no that’s not from a fucking nude website that was from four years ago from my families boat a TikTok so people want to screenshot shit It’s a fucking TikTok of me standing on a boat that someone decided to screenshot and put on their page
no one fucking calls me, Puerto Rican, Judy that’s a fucking joke from a roommate from years ago I call her Helen and she calls me Judy as if we’re going to be old roommates in the nursing home get out of here. you’re too funny
Was close enough to boxing that I cleaned it out
Was close enough to doxxing that I cleaned it out
Why go back & forth with this dumb bitch
I reversed looked up her content on every search engine. She is famous
Why you tripping? I was unaware of you or your tig ol’s until this thread. Take the free press and chill.
>>247028 (OP)

don't know what that pic was but isnt your Tiktok public? So why you upset about it if someone saves it? just like your OF...you can't have it both ways you stupid broad. U can't have things public - or even private online - then expect things to not get out. Real "educated"
Thank God places like this still exist. You don't get to whore yourself out on the internet for money and then snap your fingers and have it all be erased forever. Never been how the internet works. Tough break you dumb skank
Case study in education and intelligence not correlating.

Uhhh you really are that dumb, huh? Rather than getting defensive and saying it's an "inside joke har har har", you should be taking it as a lesson that poeple can and will very easily find shit out about you if you're dumb enough to have things public...or in your case: exposed
Diddy gave all men confidence to whoop women ass for talking heat
She exposed more personal details just to own us. lol. Boy that really showed us right?

Of course the Fbi cares about this. Don't you know the old joke? Fbi is female body inspectors!
Fbi looking drug kartels they dont care about you slick mouth hoes
Blah blah blah I'm scrolling back to the top to see the forbidden titties lol
You know what I've come full circle, I love you Amber. Please show us more tiddies. We know you secretly love us too, that's why you can't stay away from us
High court lawyer here how can I help you good sirs with the FBI and CIA joint investigation of Mr Amber
HOLY SHIT this thread has been quite the roller coaster.
Is it known for sure that the person posting as "Amber" is actually Amber?

Hey "Amber," would you sick the FBI on me if I started texting your pics to all my friends?
Did she get bored? That's a pity.
Amber your bolt-ons look terrible and I'm glad you regret being am internet whore, however brief your tenure was
Ya that was fun while it lasted. wonder if she finally figured it out that keeping her dick sucking lips sealed is the better part of valor
Amber, this is special agent Jason Johnson of the FBI. I am gonna open a case for you about theft of personal image and online harassment. But I must know that it's you. Send proof, i.e., full nude pics, to my email jason.c.johnson.2@fbi.gov. I need the nudes to cross-reference your unique features and likeness.
Why do I feel like youre is trying to harass me every chance she gets. What profession is this
I dont understand why intentionally try to harass someone. Then deflect when they stand up for theirselves. Not cool. Not funny. Not healthy. But throw your stones from a glass house
She just needs to learn about the Streisand effect.

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