
>>246239 (OP)
>>246239 (OP)
She posted a video on her Fansly about that and yes, she's getting expanders (not going to overfill them to preserve as much natural look as she can) around June.
She doesn't already? Those things don't even sag little lol
Oh nvm then. Those things are so huge that i didn't think they were natural lmao
They technically are not natural. She's had fat transfers. There's no implant in them, but the doctors have helped push up their size
I think you are referring to the pics where she clearly had the saline infusions because normally, at least in my opinion, yes they sag.
Ass is huge bent over milk that shit for sure
Just cannot get over that face. Ruins almost every picture for me.
I cannot agree more, she's got a trailer park face
I know! Why is she being posted here on /face?
nobody gives a fuck about this ugly bitch with with two fake ballons and a wanna be diva complex so big that she marries gollum
yep getting expanders.

Also glad to see the people who seem to still hate me so much can pull their hand away long enough to keep posting the same tired old jokes. They're just mad I've gotten bigger (literally and figuratively) 🤣

Are the expanders supposed to lift your boobs off your abdomen (someone mentioned that), or are you trying to get bigger?
Ill fuck the shit out of you. Then rape your man for trying to act tough. Skinny weak nigger.
This is online terrorism kys
a.E. Becky posting the cp
It's a real shame she's getting plastic installed IMHO. Her boobs might be artificial but at least they weren't made of artificial stuff before. Feels like going from a lie to spare your feelings, to just lying because it's fun.

I miss the days of when people were decent to each other and didn't feel compelled to share every fucking stupid thought in their heads.

Go find something you do like instead of venting spleen over all you don't? Your empty lives must be exhausting.
Guys stop posting threads for her. She watches this place and her asshole husband gets this place shut down. Every time.
Plasic? Good luck on your journey.
Which I don't know how because dmca laws only apply to American law and this site is ran in another country. Regardless it gets shut down all the time and always comes back. Everyone knows that even her. I think she is actually one of the more pleasant ones to deal with but that's me
>thinks they're natural
about freaks, I prefer claudia marie. at least, she's funny.
incase you’re new and didn’t know already, she sees these.
She's good looking and I love how she's getting bigger. Big curves rock. That video she did where she was smoking the cigarette was red hot.
Any frame of reference for how big you're gonna be? Like will your size after that last infusion be your new default? Because that's wild lol
How much bigger are you going? (Praying for recollections, a guy can dream haha)
Does she ever suck her own tits?
The sheer weight forces my bras down in to my abdomen, I pretty much live in sports bras and they aren’t adequate obviously. The implant going to be deep and we’re shooting for 2k per side, which should help support the tissue above it as well as provide some herbal structure. It should look pretty much like my post 2k saline infusions, I showed the surgeon a pic from that and he was like that should pretty much be what to expect. Even with 2k implants that would be roughly 1/4 my total size. Oh and to the person who asked about sucking my own ninnies that’s not physically possibly; mine are to full to get them to bend in a way that would allow that.
Thanks for the details! I always dream of fat transfer in the old days when is was experimental --- thanks for the innovation and sharing your adventure! I was hoping you would continue with FT however your new approach sounds amazing and I am looking forward to the results --- just the description blows my ind, it is so over the top! Thanks!!
So happy to see you going even bigger! Will having the implants after future saline infusions? Ngl, I love the idea that once you're at a size thats comfortable day to day, you'd still be able to infuse to too-big-to-function size and get some content in
>knows but being a cunt about it
How do I get my wife’s tits to look like that?
1. Wife's got to want it more than you do
2. Find about $150k
3. Get the surgeon's name from Demora
4. Put a lot of time into travel and recovery
5. Enjoy!
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Buttface âś…
But the boobs are awesome!
Her VR videos are great 💦💦
Hey Demora
Curious about your next operation

I heard you were going down the route of more traditional implants and was just wondering why, what with how amazing the fat transfers look? Guess I'm concerned it'll ruin the natural look

Would you consider gaining weight to do another transfer? I guess your boobs would get bigger in the process, so it's like a win-win

Been a fan since your early days on youtube and every time I see you on twitter, it's like a reality check. Just amazing
I can answer these
A) she doesn’t have enough fat left to do another transfer- all the fat is in her boobs- which leads to
B) when she gains weight- it’s in her boobs because that’s where all the fat is now.
C) the procedure is to relieve the pressure from her boobs on her abdomen.
Pretty wild that you've gotten to the point that the procedure is less "let's put more in these" and more "we need to consider the structural effect these will have on your body".

Like you've entered a whole new tier of size.
That is super hot that your tits are physically too big to self-suck, pleeeease do some kind of lactation content, whether it be fake or real
This is 100% going to be another case of Foxy/Brittney E where she keeps flying closer and closer to the sun and will end up with infections/complications which ruin the already perfect size/shape her boobs already are, leading to nobody being happy.
If what she's saying is true, she's probably too close to the sun already.
Sorry that I don't like retards shitting up the board with retardation, Anon. In the future I'll try to encourage the retard-friendly environment you want.
I mean they seem pretty pliable. Brittney Elizabeth went the retarded approach of looking to overinflate them like dodgeballs every few months, meanwhile it's been a good long while and a few saline infusions since Demora last went under.

I feel like her chest has had way more time to stretch and acclimate to getting bigger.
Start with fucking off.
of course it's dangerous for her. one day will come with big complications but doctors don't care and this kind of woman is ready for everything for attention and to make money. it's not tits but just two bags full of fat. you can fuck a deep fryer, it's the same...
Brittney speedran a big titted bimbo transformation and butchered herself. I'm a little dubious of Demora going this route (but hey, the fact that she still wants to get even bigger at all makes me rock hard, so) but it's clear as day that she's smarter and more careful than some of the other chicks in this niche
That last sentence transformed a reasonable post to probably the dumbest post I've read on this site in years.
Meant to type last two sentences. Anyway Demora you're cool, live your best life etc love the tits and I hope more people follow your example.
about "dumbest post", congratulations simpy! you're a winner!
I've got some news for you about what most tits are full of. Dangers of BBL but for the chest are known, but man you just had to make your post weird.
What even is the official term for this anyway, breast graft? Fat graft?
oh that's nice dr. fucko. now keep simping. maybe demora will give you a signed pic of her husband. he's pretty.
Her face is so ugly but please please post more of those awesome gigantic fake titties

duuuude, i know this is the internet but still...
That is blatant bait, and you've taken it.

Next time, do not take the bait.
>>246700 went for a walk in florida smoked fucked you right in the bushes. Damn women are fucked up lol
What an outstanding human you are.
Don't mind him, he's just had a traumatic experience with deep fryers and was told boobs feel like bags of sand.
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U must gobble Walken dick daily
Can you explain the fryer thing?
Probably a reference to the fat transfer I guess.

I agree with the face thing tho.
This guy here >>246516 made an insane comment about fucking a deep fryer would be the same as sex with her, so that is where it comes from.
Is this supposed be encrypted? My 10 year old can decipher this
All the piercings look stupid. Why does every girl feel the need to do that these days? Looks terrible.
I'm about to make a cumtribute to her and send it. I hope she likes it
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I don't get what the two food fryers are.
It still doesn't make any sense. You do you though.

It makes sense if you don't don't have a room temperature intellect.
I don't know dude it does sound kind of stupid.
Piss off Demora. She does as she wants, lives as she wants and is responsible. So much this Girl has been through, I don't think you even know. You can only complain. She has fat, maybe she will have expanders. And that's about it.
If you don't like it, don't comment. She helped me and my Wife a lot with the choice of breast enlargement method - even though Wife is quite large natural 2x 2.5 kg (5.51 lbs each boob) ( European 90L, American 40J). She is very kind and helpful and is always honest. I will defend her.

Stan from Poland from OF( for Demory's information )
Too bad Hitler didn't finish you all off in 1939.
You must have a sad life to interject about Hitler and Poland in a niche chat room with big breasts on the Internet. I know that if I had more smarter people in my nation then no one would have jumped us. We were the ones who had the Underground State, we were the ones who saved London from the Germans, we were the Poles who captured Arnheim and Monte Cassino. Don't make any more statements, because you are making a retard of yourself.
Get a job faggot. It's 1 pm on a Tuesday
She has nice breasts, but what I hate about her is that she attracts the autists, as can be seen on this thread.
on a nicer note, Demora, i love your giantess videos. hope you're able to do more in the future
Sacrificed alot to make sure family is raised by smart ppl not idiots & ppl of proverty. I will be back soon.
Who said I got fired & banned talked to my god father last month HAHAHAHAA
The smoking video was fantastic.
Stop calling out of work every week. We know your parents didnt teach you good work ethic. If u want to be promoted stop calling out. Be like your friend.
Imagine being promoted & get fired for still calling. Thats the plan lol
She’d be hot if she showed vag. Her tits are huge.
Just watched a video she posted a while ago and she confirmed she's getting expander implants, but doesn't plan on expanding them as she wants to keep the natural look.

Surgery is late June.

>she's getting expander implants, but doesn't plan on expanding them

Can you erm expand on this? It sounds like why bother if they aren't getting expanded.
She explained it herself here>>246409 but for a summary, she doesn't want to continue doing fat transfers to make them bigger and would rather just put implants to keep them at the same size instead. It's much safer and easier for her.
That’s… not exactly correct. The doctor has told her she doesn’t have enough fat left elsewhere to do a fat transfer, for one. Two- the main reason she’s doing an implant is to help relieve pressure from the abdomen. The reason she’s getting an expander as the implant and not another kind is because that’s the implant type that allows her to keep her nipple sensitivity the same. Other implants would cause her to lose that sensitivity.
Let me clarify my clarification- you’re partially right- but she would do another fat transfer if a) it relieved the pressure on her abdomen, which it doesn’t, b) if it wasn’t so damn expensive (it’s crazy costly), and c) if the doctor would actually approve it- and he hasn’t because there’s not enough fat.
Man some get people get close but still so far.

Don't have have enough fat to do another, and it would only delay the issue. I am getting expanders, filing them to about 2k per side to give them some internal structure and keep them off my abdomen because currently I can’t stand to wear normal bras. But even adding 2k per side that would likely be around 1/4 of my total size so it should still look really natural.
Given all the hostility that she receives here Demora remains civil and well mannered in her interactions even when she's clapping back. You can't help but respect that. In b4 simp.
Could care less about that and break up with that loser already and work with better talent.
Cunt bitch. We can do this all day.
Demora is my fantasy woman. I personally think instead of her getting all this work done, the guy in her movies should think about an enlargement because his tool kills the quality of the video. She is far from ugly. If any man sees ugly when he sees her, I'm sure he has sucked a lot of dick in his life.
The internet brings out the worst in people.
I love to hear how the sausage is made, can you point me to videos or anything where you talk about them and what it's been like in more detail?
Seconded. I think the mundane/structural aspects of this is fascinating.
Does anyone have her saline videos? I'd curious to see her at her biggest all pumped up.
Indeed. It just never ends with these people.
Been done since 2016. Bitches never listen. Just keep forcing back in
What do you mean by sheer weight forcing down into your abdomen?
How is Demora mentally? You've been doing this for a decade and you've changed so drastically. Raising three kids and working is stressful enough so I would assume you've had some extra anxiety, how did you work through it?
Because it's her titties and she can do what she want. Enjoy the titties or go to another broad to look at.
those implants would have to be huge to make any kind of size difference
Exactly- she says 2K CC for each but even then it won’t be TOO noticeable.
Does Demora ever talk about what doctor did the fat-transfer? My wife has been interested in it and we've been looking for a good doctor.
Her flat face is perfect to be a cumdump. Bitch is ugly as fuck but at least you could cover it with cum and it will stay there until the next load. She also needs a good cock not that limp boyfriend.
She’s said her doctor has asked her not to say it publicly
Why do busty women always end up with guys who can't love their tits properly?
And what would qualify as “properly” to you?
why is she with a small white dick loser? fucking lame she has no confidence
holy shit they’re perfect
They look even better. I can't wait to see a video or her camming to see how they look naturally.
Good Lord, my dick would disappear in those 🤤
Every dick would disappear
Can someone make a before and after with her new size?
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Jesus Christ what has she done with herself? This is starting to get insane, this was FOUR years ago when she was already starting and that's considered big for a lot of people. How do you tell people that you did that to yourself? Like "Yup, 55K and I went from a D to a T in the same length of time as my kid went through high school". Do people stare? People have got to stare like fuck how can you not she turned herself into a P?
Well I'm glad her fetish is tit enlargement
I'm certain her husband saved a whole nation in his past life. Lucky mf
Not Cassie0pia's partner, dude is hung
Cool to see my own collage. I even know which forum I added it to.
what a shame, from looking almost 100% natural to 100% unrealistic plastic
Right, because she cut off her breasts and replaced them with prosthetics? When someone with massive boobs gets massive implants those boobs are 100% plastic? Is that how math works? The hyperbole some people spew is ridiculous.
It's not that she's 100% plastic, but she does LOOK 100% plastic. They're literally look like two basketballs lol
I mean, she did go from having them filled with fat to now being filled with plastic and less fat. Like he said, they just look like regular plastic boobs instead of natural looking fakes. They don't look bad at all though, just different.
The level of stupidity here makes it hard to decide which one to reply to… I love how I supposedly went 100% plastic or whatever.

I have implants in yes, filled to 1k per side…. Deep under almost 5-6k of fat (cause that’s not really accurately known but it is a rough estimate) that none of was removed.

So between 1/6 to 1/7th implant? Y’all need to learn basic math. Also everything you’re seeing is before internal swelling, the implant settles, and wearing supporting garments.

Basically, stop being little bitches and understand you have little clue about me or what I’ve done, go back to pirating my shit cause at least some of you were effective at that.
I think her tits look fantastic as always. Idk why people got so mad about hearing an implant thinking you were going 100 percent plastic. You stated many times it's only to relieve pressure and is only a small implant.
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Great role model for your child. Imagine all the comments they'll get in school talking about how they saw your mom's tits online or how often they jerk off to you and watch you cam shows lol
Fucking hell- leave her kids out of this. Every single time we have a thread on here about her, and someone mentions her kids in some form or fashion, her asshole team get this entire site shut down. It’s not worth it
Her kids are adults. So you can fuck off with that one.
What? No they’re not.
Just enjoy the tits. U don't like her or her tits or her lifestyle just move on. Plenty of other big tit women to get off to. Just enjoy if not go find the tits u enjoy.

Hey Demora. My wife is going through some weight loss and has expressed some mild concern about the deflation. She was a 36J when I met her, got some COVID weight and went up to an L. Now she's losing the weight and feels a little insecure. I mentioned your expanders could alleviate the pressure she feels from her bra on her sternum - after a day of walking around it's been rubbed raw from her bra. Where's the best place to pick your brain if you'd care to spare a few minutes?
Probably her Disc ord server- or her OF.
Shes fucking hot as hell. thats all.
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Someone please tell me there's videos
There is one but it won't let me upload it.

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