
Start working out. Gain 20 pounds. Dress nice. Smell good. Cut your hair every fucking week. Then and only then she will realize shit. Other women want this from him let me stop being a stupid bitch.
Not until you die first and I plow out your mom and grandmother
>>241195 (Dead)
Humans following rules. While life was created out of free will lol
Change the rules then. This doesn't break the rules.
I have nothing to upload from her except what I find on her Twitter. This is just an appreciation thread like so many here. Please, stop. This forum is in a VERY delicate situation that time and doesn't need that. Danke.
>just an appreciation thread
noted, no file exchange here.

>doesn't need that
by using this chan you agree to stick to the rules, and be fine.
Enjoy wak-a-mole, fag.
this forum will die before the end of the year
be correct and respectful, this thread is there to exchange, not to complain or beg, don't forget that Ema doesn't see anything, she lives her life as best she can, like all of us, she is not just a camgirl, she also has a life of her own with her problems, don't believe too much in your biased vision, just think and enjoy, you assholes😜
with all the respect I can give you, at least for the good people present, the others, question you about your unhealthy behavior and don't be imbeciles, Ema's fanbase is caring, I'm in, take care of yourself my friends and enjoy, without annoying
>>241168 (OP)
>about the most beautiful busty model that time
y'all cringe lmfao.. why not putting her name and keep it movin, simps are honestly the worst lol
assholes like you are the worst, why do you keep coming to criticize, if that doesn't suit you, find another place to piss off and fuck off, you're far from being knowledgeable
You sound like a fucking simp nigga, gay as a mf
(241 KB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2023-03-22-17h34m15s649.jpg) (347 KB, 1920x1080, snapshot-00007.jpg)
Share something or fuck off, you look like one of those simps in her chat, like Elf's shit eater, who seems to be Ema's gay friend, he's always in her chat talking about chicken wings and other stupid things that nobody should talk about in a chat about a cam model, that's what places like twitch are for.
Is that worms in her puss. Dude if so I'm gonna puke wtf!!!!####
you just forgot to say that the best of the chat room remains Sir_pt but, that doesn't matter😜

Old good times before weight loss. Missing those days....
Sir_petir is not more than a stuck-up french a-hole
New videos on:

Unicron. Professional. Part 2 she all grown up.
Is her pussy getting narrow?
Nothing there man. Try camslib.com and search busty_ema at the top. Have a good pop-up blocker.
(100 KB, 594x719, Stepson.jpg)
You've already here saying your bullshit Elf, it's not enough to ruin Ema's shows, you also come here to say your crap? damn.. you better go back to your room and keep shoving those lights you like so much up your ass, and no, Pt is not the only one who dislikes you, you'd be surprised how many people of the chat dislikes you, here take this, I'll leave you a picture of your boyfriend stepson, since you like him more than Ema, enjoy watching that freak while you fuck your ass with your lights.
With this thread and alot of threads on here its always does any have this and never let me post this or here's the content that I have.
For your knowledge this is so-called Elf, wolf's EMA.... He is Infatuated and obsessed with EMA... Just moments and I'm going to drop his twitter
(1.4 MB, 719x1107, award_contender.png)
With the high variety of valuable contributions to the community, this thread has been added to the list of contenders for the silver dustbin.
What happened to this place?
as OP said:
>This forum is in a VERY delicate situation that time

he was right, as demonstrated.
(467 KB, 1920x1080, 5 (1).jpg)
wolfs,Stepson are Ema's simps, but that Elf, also ruins Ema's MFC shows, when she tries to get horny, that asshole always tries to distract her by talking about anything stupid, that doesn't have to do with Ema sucking her tits or fucking her pussy, of all the simps she has, he is the most annoying of all them.
Is there new leaks on the way?
Anyone have an idea ? Is she stream online tonight?
You can follow her on Twitter, this way you will get a notification when she is online, because she always announces it on her Twitter
Awesome body but she always does the same for years just like LovelyLilith. Boring....
Sound I'm not the only one. I'm in the same page buddy. She's extraordinary but at the same time she's repetitive and Monotonous about her contents. Feel like she's stiff-necked old fashioned gal.
Maybe you should pay her to do something more to your liking instead of bitching about her content on a board full of people begging for freebies.
That was a bit of an over reaction.
i'm sure he just tried to express his sincere appreciation in this "appreciation thread". 😉
What's new about her ?
She winks with the other eye?
>What's new about her ?
i'm sure she'll do another standing-around-in-the-closet shot with another bra, maybe in april.
Im going to invite him over for our summer bbq then im going to punch him in the face. I can wait for that. Let me get my grill first.........
The girl is undoubtably stunning but at the same time very samey.
Maybe gain back some weight take some huge cock. Probably get her hormones going fix that face idk if youre horny or pouting
this is a sharing board, so i'm sharing your feeling . :-D
i trust karma to have the hardest punch on this sad doodoo guy.

dood / ds2play links are a money making scam. keep reporting them. thanks!
She's stinting on her fans new novel content. She's bankrupt of new ideas. Just sticking in repetitive show repetitive videos
There's nothing wrong with her doing the same shit. I just wish she would gain weight so her tits would get all inflated fat again, I miss those days =,(
Without jot of doubt she's gold digger
Why the fuck have all her threads devolved into the same few retards complaining, just shut the fuck up if you have nothing to share
By the way who have her WhatsApp?
because you think we're going to give it to you? you can believe in it as much as you want, you will get nothing
Just for god's sake
i got her phone number and she said every one here has a small weiner and youre gay
So it's +40**** who can to guess it ?
>"shut the fuck up if you have nothing to share"
>shares nothing
titanic post to sink this hollow thread
It's, I think it's the best that will happen to this thread full of beggars and idiots
and stop talking to yourself, find something else to do
Are you at this point? get treatment, seriously
i see you care a lot, you're already treating this thread so well. the more you help, the sooner it will be released from the torment. keep posting.
somehow he looked familiar. well observed.
Anyways…… anyone have a link to an Emma tele group ?
at least try to change your name, when you come, kisses on your hairy ass bitch😏🤷🏻‍♂️
when you're fantasizing about that sort of kink, try >>>/bhm/
>>241906 ..
>stop criticizing
>be correct
>don't forget
>don't believe
>stop talking to yourself
>find something else to do
>get treatment
>change your name
it seems that you would like to give orders. that doesn't work here.

>hairy ass bitch
>>>/bhm/ might be your kink
have you requested a consultation with a psychologist? stop drugs or alcohol, you'll see, it's fine without, take care of yourself baby, I kiss you where you love so much😏😈
in your ass, does it work? >>241908
what beautiful shit you give us, I'm blown away😍💋, kisses on your ass bb
If you're not sharing no one is caring
Both are 2 lazyass bitches in their current forms. But credit where it's due, you can always go back to 2017-2020 LL and enjoy a decently acted scene, with nice setups thanks to the greenscreen, multiple characters, etc. Ema was getting good in late 2022-early 2023 but seeing all the complaining, looks like she quickly fell off. Apart from that, is there any "memorable" scene (not cam clips/recordings) of BustyEma? I can name a few LL ones. From BE, I remember a succubus clip she posted on Halloween 2022. That one was excellent. The rest... more or less "the same"
Point of order. I believe in he who pays the piper calls the tune. I and everyone tipped EMA have right to say what he wants. She's monotonous and repetitive when it comes to her content. She's caring for her pussy to a fault.. she fucked herself sloppily She Addicted to clean. She's old fashioned.... As usual her minions spoil the show take Elf, wolf's EMA, sir PT, and Tommy..
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i'm under the impression that this Ema EMA worshipping is an insider cult. but I don't want to stand out, so I'll also do some name-dropping: Chuck, Napster, Trinity, Master Blaster.
For an appreciation thread this sure does have a lot of bitching and backbiting in it.
This thread shouldn't even exist. Clearly the OP rushed the whole thing thinking her older thread would disappear (it didn't). It lacks the obligatory file link...
I was under the impression that posted pics are enough.
anyone have today show? please
Not sure why I get the sharp edge of your tongue there. I read the rules, >>241937 did not.
>I was under the impression
i mistakenly thought that you said that here >>241939

to whomever is wondering: there's no need for (false) "impressions" about what the rules might be. read and follow them.

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