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English hottie
What exactly is the problem here? The rules are pretty vague. OP shared, he's not begging, so what's the issue?
"It is the responsibility of the OP to share something when they create a request thread.
The share must be roughly the same size as the request. For example, if you request videos but only share a handful of pics, that is NOT a fair share.
The share should ideally be the same model/theme as the request, but if that is not possible, as long as it pertains to the board it is being posted on that's fine.
Creating a request thread without sharing content will result in the deletion of the thread and possibly the banning of the individual."

tell us exactly which part of those rules are "vague" to you?

something to keep in mind: by using this chan you agree to stick to the rules. it's not difficult. if you believe that the rules don't apply to you, feel free to leave.
referring to yourself as "he"...?
yes, up to this point this is NO request thread. hence the information >>241189 "in case you want..."

too many sneaky individuals have tried creating a generic "admiration thread" without any uploads and then started asking for videos. this doesn't work on a SHARING board.

tell us exactly which part of those rules are "vague" to you:
"It is the responsibility of the OP to share something when they create a request thread.
The share must be roughly the same size as the request. For example, if you request videos but only share a handful of pics, that is NOT a fair share.
The share should ideally be the same model/theme as the request, but if that is not possible, as long as it pertains to the board it is being posted on that's fine.
Creating a request thread without sharing content will result in the deletion of the thread and possibly the banning of the individual."

something to keep in mind: by using this chan you agree to stick to the rules. it's not difficult. if you believe that the rules don't apply to you, feel free to leave.
You claim that the OP making a request further down in the threat immediately makes it a request thread. Incredibly bad faith interpretation of the rules.
>bad faith
>OP making a request further down in the threat
it happens way too often.

where rules get ignored, information is needed.

the alternative would be to sit still and watch the thread for the first request, then simply remove it. do you believe that would be better? (rhetoric)
>You claim that ...
careful there

>bad faith
>OP making a request further down in the threat
it happens way too often.

where rules get ignored by too many, faith doesn't work out of the box. information is needed.

the alternative would be to sit still and watch the thread for the first request, then simply remove it. do you believe that would be better? (rhetorical question)
>>241213 (Dead)
If you don't respect the rules then how are you to expect anyone else to? Change them. Don't bend them.
>If you don't respect the rules
you're walking on thin ice.
explain in detail where i didn't respect the rules.
>careful there
I read what you posted before you or one of you deleted it. It was posted maybe three times in as many threads.
You threaten me like it means something. If you had confidence in your argument there would be no threats.
yes, i added the warning
>>You claim that ...
>careful there
>You claim that the OP
>If you don't respect the rules
who's threatening whom?
explain these sentences
>You claim that the OP making a request further down in the threat immediately makes it a request thread.
This is not in the rules.
>you're walking on thin ice.
If this is not a threat then what is it?
1. make it very clear: where did i claim OP would make a request later? these are your words.

>If you don't respect the rules
explain in detail how i didn't follow the rules.

i suggest you stop attacking me with made-up allegations and stick to facts.
Attacks? These are facts and I read your posts. I didn't take screenshots but I shall in the future. The posts have been conveniently deleted as you well know.
answer to point 1 and 2 with quotes on where i have said that (according your "fact").
Where in the rules does it state that the OP making a request further down in the tread make that thread a request thread? Please point it out to me. You have pointed out rules for other anons.
okay, you choose to deliberately ignore my questions. and now you want to start discussing the rules. you have the liberty to take this to >>>/gen/ or discuss the rules with the site owner.

take your screenshots, since this off-topic discussion will be removed.

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