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The third LL thread has been deleting in about a week or so, and the rest of her content channels suggest she's finally paying someone to manage her business. Her content was already pretty dull, but now she's finally gone fully down the path toward average.

At one time, she was one of the most creative models out there. Her stuff had personality and charm, they were often pretty funny, while still being sexy as hell. But, looks like that's over now.

Pour one out for Lovely Lilith. It's a damn shame.
>>238694 (OP)
I honestly think that once someone outed her for having a kid and threatened to leak her private information, she had to take these measures.
It sucks, but her and her families safety matters more than content being leaked. Hopefully we can still discuss her, but that is looking less likely as well with everything going on like you pointed out.
>>238694 (OP)
A bit dramatic no?
Getting some help with advertising so she can focus on creating makes sense, especially given the rather large following she has. She can either use most of her free time creating or try to balance advertising and creating and her personal life. Until we see her content worsen, this is just exaggeration and hyperbole. I know some folks don't love her recent stuff, and that's fine, I have my complaints too. But she's been in this new phase basically one month and people are already asking to pour one out lmao
Dox all of these cheating hoes. Fuck em

Go back to 2020 in her MV and look at her releases. Then start moving forward. Her content has come out less frequently and it has been of less quality. Sure, there is some high quality stuff in there, but it is the exception, not the rule. Now, most of her content is behind an OF paywall, and even that is just a series of 10 second gifs.

She's got AI writing her tweets, she's putting out lazy, basic content at a snail's pace, and she's leaning on her OF simps to pay her bills. This isn't the LL from her heyday - this is a person who sees the end coming and is going to squeeze as much blood from this stone as she can.

And, compared to the kind of content and creator she once was, that sucks.
That she has slowed her content creation down definitely sucks. I won't get into a quality argument, everyone feels differently about that and it's pointless to debate that.

I know most people won't like what I have to say, but she did get VERY sick with COVID and the pandemic has left a very massive, very difficult impact on people. Everyone's trying to act as if nothing happened (while still getting sick) but I see it with all content creators. Life has gotten a lot harder since then. We aren't machines, and even machines break down and need maintenance.

I still think it's too early to be this negative about it. You're allowed to disagree, of course. I'll choose to hold out a little longer to see what she's planning (and to be clear, I am not subbed to her OF, so I won't be paying while I'm holding out).
>>238694 (OP)
>The third LL thread has been deleting in about a week or so, and the rest of her content channels suggest she's finally paying someone to manage her business.

When will you muppets learn that this board doesn't do takedown requests?

If it gets deleted it's either because it's old, it's an ephemeral thing here, or because the mods whacked it. That's it.

So, why did the mods take down the two threads created in the last week? They weren't old, they were on topic, and relevant content was being posted.
Their playground, their rules. if they want to take their ball and go home that's on them

By that same logic, they could have decided to fulfill a takedown request.
Because the mods are jannie niggers
>she's finally paying someone to manage her business. Her content was already pretty dull
I guess she is one of moderators of bbw-chan.
damn, that sucks, i'm not really into all the incest/cosplay stuff she's been doing but the expansion and bra/tight clothing ones are FANTASTIC

was hoping someone was gonna up that of video she did with a bra swap, and honestly i would be happy just skipping through an archive of her old twitch streams to see all the casual jiggles (sure that doesn't exist though)
This one's gonna get deleted too. Remember the rules guys, 3 pics and 2 short webms in /tits in order for the thread to not get nuked.
good luck next time (now if you do it right and still gets deleted, she definitely is in a "DO NOT POST" list)

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