
(21 KB, 241x333, Untitled.jpg)
Does anyone have a collection of this woman? A zip? A torrent? Anything? I had to search all over the internet, just to find one gif on Reddit, but I couldn't save it, because Gfycat apparently doesn't even exist anymore, so I had to take a screenshot.

She has so much content though, I just can't find it anywhere. There's 3 different 4chan archives full of stuff, so I know there's a lot out there somewhere.




No actual links posted, just gifs/webms/pics. The one forum link and MLess links are all trash that lead nowhere. Probably just troll posts.

She goes by Some Guy's Wife or SGW, but I can't find a single thing.

Can anyone find anything?
Begging thread, anyways this sounds niche as hell.
>this sounds niche as hell.

Are you retarded?
3rom3 /a/Y022E19p
>>236716 (OP)
this woman was amazing, I forgot all about her. hope someone has the content

Yeah a big collection got posted ITT. This retarded website just word filtered it.

>3rom3 /a/Y022E19p

If you replace the 3's with e's and put a dot com on it, that's a huge vid collection.

It's a pain in the balls to download off that site though, so I'm probably going to upload this to Mega or some shit later. I downloaded all the vids already and am just gonna check for duplicates after I fap to it tonight, lol.
ah man that would be really sweet if you would. really appreciate it.

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