
Someone link me to how to bypass OF's DRM and i'll bless not just this thread but many others

Bless us with more hand bras? Awesome, she's never done that before
Ihearttrenityy finally showed the goods for the holidays but this chick is still slacking on us as far as that's concerned.
you good with computers?theres a program called OF DRM on github that can download drm videos and one called OF DL for downloading entire profiles including drm vids,its difficult to run but there are tutorials available
I tried it and the code still came up invalid, there's gotta be a better way than learning to code to get this bitches stuff.
you can use right click enabling chrome extensions for the pictures,but for the videos the only thing that works are these programs, they are difficult to run but they work, everything else i've tried either is just a scam. The only other way would be screen recording but thats not ideal
its a pain in the ass but you can use bandicam screen record and record the videos....
This whore has such nice tits but horrendous content that’s inconsistent and she ruined her nice body and skin with her ugly as fuck tattoos for no reason, hate tattoos like this on women, they look ugly af
Shit content, why TF does she keep popping up here? She's never going topless
She pops up now and again. I think she's behind some of it.
She's attractive and I think it's weird that she has so much hate even if it's funny that she does tit jobs without showing nipples. Like, fuck me she is definitely one of the hotter women to be posted here in general.
I also dont understand the hate either. No need to be bitter that she doesnt show nipples. Simply just move on and dont post her anymore at that point. She looks greats and has nice tits.
Hard pass on the nigger lover
Can we call white ppl sperm. Since thats what they all look like blob of sperm
Only if we can call niggers shit
Her and her boyfriend know about this place and post here to keep her name out there and advertise her socials and Onlyfans.
Call white people whatever you want, they still own you
Not everything is a conspiracy bro, yes they know about this site but she's so fucking lazy she only advertises on her own socials like once a month.
Lmaoo why would she advertise here to people who hate and people that they know arent spending money anyways? you have to be retarded or something
You'd be surprised what people do homie
There are no "wins."

Just the different versions of the same non-nude teasing. Maybe with her boyfriend's cock in the picture if they think it will get them subs.

You use the word "conspiracy" but it doesn't mean what you think it does.

They know about this place, they've posted here before, her boyfriend took a picture of her in bed to prove that he was legit, and they['re both fucked in the head.
then post whatever is new, i would rather look at half naked tits than paragraphs of racial fighting and personal opinions. If you don't like the thread or don't like her, move on to other threads on the board.
That's you bro. If you want to see her content their coomer.party or her onlyfans which is 15 dollars a month.
It’s actually $9, coomer.party doesnt have any of the DRM protected content.

Im aware she knows about this site. Most of the girls on here that have some sort of fame, get informed about this site. But im saying why the hell would she ever make a new thread of herself to racist people that dont even like her? Theres no way you dudes actually think that.
Low expectations make for easy choices. They know how their threads go (and probably shitpost in them as well) so posting a few pictures to generate interest is just the "price to pay" so they can make money or whatever justification they make when they post here.

But actual customer service and follower interaction, whether it's complaints or praise or requests or just wanting to send a message that isn't for a PPV, that's the hard part they want to avoid. Because they know expectations are higher on her socials and Onlyfans and all they want to do is be lazy and collect the money and boost her follower count while doing the bare minimum.

She and her boyfriend will never please the racists and shitposters here, so it doesn't matter what they do and they can do the bare minimum and not care. But they know what it will take to please their subs (show nipples clearly) and they don't want to try or do more than the bare minimum.

They are dumb and lazy and hate is easier to deal with than adoration and expectations.
Thats alot of words man. We come here to jerk off not read a book. Go take your passion elsewhere
The reason I created the thread is cuz her of is 15 dollars a month lol, i wouldn't have a problem with that price but she posts like 8 pics a month and 1 3 sec video. I updated the coomer last month so im asking any other unfortunate mf that subbed to her to drop her new stuff or update the coomer. I wouldn't even be here if i didn't feel like i got scammed.
Can we call black people ape?

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