
Jesus fucking Christ please tell me there’s more and these are real
Her tits are not that big or not as big as they appear to be…She's obviously using the fisheye lens or she has her camera super close to her boobs, it's a cool trick, but it's not fooling anybody
Yes, and yes. No full nudity, no face, but plenty of topless stuff.
100% camera trickery. Def not that huge. Still hot af tho
Bruh, anon said "not THAT big", not that they are small.
Also with the video you posted you just confirm what anon said. They are big for sure, but not THAT big as they look in other pics.
I agree on the close up camera giving a some what false perspective of size, but if what she posted is accurate, she is a small lady 4'10, sporting
a pair of 32K(UK) boobies, I would argue this to be on the large side of things.

Look up more of her on coomer . su
(1.1 MB, 725x973, BustingMyButtons-OnlyFans (5).png)
had her of, it was decent. way more clothed than nude. also got custom content, was disappointed to not get what i asked for specifically, even with a drawing for reference. she could be so much better
No one said she wasn't big. They're just not as big as they're portrayed. She knows her audience.
Nah, he's right. I see what he meant. They aren't really that big as you would imagine.
these links are fucking cancer, kys faggot
You think these esluts are honest people?!? Lmfao
Why is everyone using this shitty host now? I can’t even close the ads and then the windows from those pop ups, before another one pops up.
They aren't it's just ad shills that get a cut from posting the same shit on other sites / this site on their paid links
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Amazing huge tits reminds me of Alaura Grey but seems she's Latina. She looks so incredibly hot in clothes too

Anyone got the second vid they can upload somewhere else that isn't that site
stop posting links on that fucking cancerous site
The site works just fine for me. There are no ads showing for me whatsoever and the video plays perfectly.

Do you know why that is? Because I have enough common sense to download a frickin adblocker.

I will never understand people who bitch about the "cancerous" video sites in some of these threads, but yet are simply too fucking lazy to take 3 minutes and set up an adblocker like Adguard.

Ive been on bbwchan for about 2 years. Do you know how many ads ive seen on the vid player sites (or any other site for that matter) in that amountof time?

Didn't ask
> install 3rd party ad blocker to use internet
> expect everyone else to
Amen, brother.

He's absolutely right. The site may be covered in bullshit ads and pop-ups, but if you don't know how to circumvent those, then you deserve to be pestered by them.
I'm sure you complain about youtube ads, too, but keep using youtube.
So you agree. It is cancerous then.
Why would anyone use a google product?
Because they are really convenient. And the inconveniences can be circumvented or outright eliminated. Complaining about them without doing anything about them is pointless. Enjoy the tits and shut up.
Dude why not just use gofile as a platform instead of that?
They refuse too. They think it's funny. People complain that they have real problems with it and they belittle them. Sad people.
I am also a 2 year veteran here at bbw-chan and this ds2play/dood.so is a complete utter bullshit
(1.5 MB, 2532x1170, IMG_1139.png)
You can shut the fuck up now and use a non shitty upload site like people have been asking.
Hahaha. "just install adblocker bro. you're a tard bro".


OK, now maybe try an adblocker that DOESN'T actually suck. If you're using a decent enough adblocker, it will have a feature built in that counters what you have going on in your screenshot.

I personally use Adguard. If im using the correct settings, it will prevent anti-adblocker popups fom appearing and the videos play perfectly!

Yes, you are a tard. Read my latest comments above
"Ackshually" Just stop man. Read the room.
She's a US 32KK. That means she's a 32HH in the UK.
You can't even download from that site. Why the fuck are people trying to champion it's use?
Someone knows her age?

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