
(80 KB, 680x505, IMG_1595.jpeg)
Dropping my stash. Drop your chycha too!
Wow! Please post more of her incredibly diverse and varied content.
Why are you here then? Look at things you like rather than whinging.
I would but cunts keep posting this one trick pony.
I love Chyna's tits, keep em coming.
I cant stop fucking your wife. I explode every time with my huge cock that she loves
Ever thought of writing songs?
No, I was thinking ballads.
I know this idea is probably too much for your tiny smooth brain, but maybe, just maybe, don't click on the chyna posts if you don't like them.>>233641
Dude! You dense dense cunt!!! I hide them constantly but then some joker posts a fresh thread that consists almost entirely of the same fucking pose in pic after pic right a the top of the 1st page. It's like walking into a bathroom with really shit tiles every time you decide to get a stiffy. It's fucking boring, oh so fucking boring. Piss off with your shit waifu and her terminally shit content.
The fact you still click on them only to whinge shows that you're the dense person here. Go look at somthing else before your brain melts from over work.
I don't have to click do I?!! They're displayed without the need. My god you're fucking stupid.
You do realise you had to click to get here to post, right? Or does your brain not comprehend that detail? Either way, you bore me now, Don't like something, don't click on it and move on... better yet, get a life and spend less time on here.
Where did I say that I didn't have to click to post? I said my eyes were assaulted by your dire taste whether I like it or not.
>Don't like something, don't click on it and move on..
If I come here I have no choice but to see it. NO CLICKING REQUIRED Moron!

Go outside you absolute fucking crybaby

Literally no one cares what you don't like.

Jesus Christ, you entitled dense motherfucker.
Does it ever occur to reply guys that they aid in shitting up the thread?
I came here to see tits. But instead I see kids fighting each other for nothing. 😳
This chick is fucking useless, overpriced, full of makeup and pretentious. Please destroy her, her content is garbage, I don't even care about tits
Post-nut clarity hit like damn freight train lmao
Why every thread full of wierdos bitching and arguing over the dumbest shit. Like if shit makes u that mad go somewhere else damn! Everyone else is for titties not useless bs..
Trying to cum all over those fucking titis
Oh absolutely!
Man, it barely took any time at all for this Chyna thread to go to shit lol
Cos her content is beyond terrible.
this chick is terrible and her content is dogshit. titc are nice tho
>>233632 (OP)
Does anyone have the vid of her sucking this dildo or is she teasing a bj vid? Cause I don't think i've seen her do that before.
She didn't do a video sucking it, but she do a titty fucking video with it, though. You'll probably find it on Simp City.
God just take the mask off
And another camera angle. For the love of god.

My bad. It should be public now.
She is so fucking awesome if only she had a brain and made some actual decent content she would be the best out there
I am waiting for the day she does proper content
All these pics would've been great like ten years ago.
Could anyone drop her pump vids?
Anyone who can communicate with her please tell her to do something about her content. It's getting old, dry and mundane.
The fans you're appealing to think she's producing solid gold. Even if they could speak to her, why would she change and why would they say anything?
Why do you guys even fap to this? There are better pictures of better tits online
Did anyone get the naughty ms clause set. I couldn't get it.
I did but the hat is cut out the frame.
I got just some stuff
If I posted her Santa video with her "cc" tag on any part of the video, will it track back to me?
I don't think so, I've posted a few sets with her watermarks and I've never been blocked
I'm only asking because my last account got banned on fansly. Plus I'm looking for someone to edit the pics too
What do you need edited?
Look up video watermark remover and you should find one and just remove it yourself, also put a filter over the video

Same goes for the images lookup watermark remover io
But this is only if you wanna

You could just post the vid on gofile or sendvid
Because her content is DRY AND MUNDANE
Salesman and customer disagree. I on the other had agree with you.
Dry and mundane but everyone still checks this thread when it gets bumped cus y'all wanna see them titties.
The thread is there idiot. There whether I want it or not. You fans of the same old shit bump it and it's there. I click on and check nothing and it's there for all to see. Her content makes huge tits boring.
Try using the catalog. There's plenty of threads I see and don't click on cus I'm not a fan of the content. I suggest you do the same and quit bitchin.
Oh, I have to use the site how you want me to? OK then. How about you fucking off?
And I suggest you take a bullet to the head for shite taste too but we don't always get what we want do we?
Bro you are retarded. Chyna Chase is hot as fuck. You must be a gay little retard because you come to her forum and bitch. Fuck off moron faggot boy. Fucking chode muncher
She could be a literal goddess for all I know but how would we ever know with a mask on and her nipples squashed on the good damn lense in every single picture the creatively bankrupt bitch takes?
Except that he won't. 2 centuries have passed already.

30ish seconds of her glowing piercings. Also, can someone recommend a good DRM downloader? I'm sitting on content from her and iam.pandoraaa rn because screen recording causes my phone and laptop to skip, making the video shit.
Where can I get Iam.pandoraaa content?

Gentlemen... this beech will forever remain prehistoric. She will NEVER evolve.

Idk unfortunately. Noone really had anything for a while. I got the sailor moon vid, but I need a downloader.
Absolutely hate how she's running her nipples..
Bruh watermark remover io don't work on small watermarks lol
Does she have fat transfers or is she all natural?
Lol yeah sure, so diverse😂
If you need to ask this, you're a lost cause
It does just do it to the same image like two or three times.

Fat transfers and nose job.
Fat transfer, fisheye lens, angle trickery. Her natural tits from back in like 2012 were in the G cup range.
In addition to the fat transfer, she seems to have scars under her boobs at the base of her chest

Why? Fat transfers look pretty realistic
The nose job is so pointless. Why get obe if your gonna wear a damn mask all the time?

Idky girls do that. People hate that shit.
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Why lie on the internet? Lmao.

I’ll post more real content when I get a solid vid downloader because her shits hard to get via regular means.
That look he gave you was the stare of transition of power.
Anything new 🤔
Well, if no one is gonna say it. I'll say it, this bitch stinks! Her content is wack as hell! Half of the content I saw from her are basically all similar to one another. All that potential, yet all she does is do the same pose every gah damn time.

No video clips, not even a photoset. Or what so ever, just bunch of selfies with a face mask on and that's it. Other than that, absolutely garbage content. She's fucking hot and all but she is a waste of time. No wonder, no one uploads anything new from Chyna.
No one says it because it is said in every single one of her threads when they are created. Everyone is disappointed in her content because she has been doing the same shit for 10 years and just started showing nipples recently. It isn't like complaining about her is going to make her do anything better, so everyone just leaves it alone now. People care, just not enough to cycle the same complaints.
What that guy said. If she put in more effort people would be so dreary on her.
The problem isn't really her, it's the super simps who hype her up for mediocre shit, that's why she is so lazy and lacking variety. These simps even report and remove leaked content on the net as if she gives them special attention. When are these fuckers going to learn that she isn't that special and they are not going to get a piece of her?
Somebody please tell her to improve her content. It really sucks.
we should care and we should complain to her and boycott
otherwise she'll never change a thing
lol brother ... 99% of the people on this board arent paying for a thing. boycott her how? by not clicking on her bbw-chan thread? im sure she'll be devastated

Man just look at this shit! This is WORSE than all her previous content. 🚶🏿‍♂️
Thank you! Ppl on here complain wayyyyy too much over free(albeit stolen) content
Brace yourself gents. She's do this bullshit for 10 years more.
I suggested ideas to her, and a lot of guys are doing so, but she isn't budging.
Gents, we are going to get the same shit for another 834 years.
bitch needs to take off that stupid face mask already!
This useless thread needs to be nuked.
Using the word need without power is paradoxical

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