
>>232351 (OP)
Nice find. Love those dinner plate areolas. She on Of?
This is how low some of you guys are going now. Disgusting.
Gorgeous mama
It's not about going low, dude. It's about the love of big tits more than and in spite of anything else.

It must be a fucking nightmare for you to have to exist in a world where there are tastes and opinions that don't EXACTLY match your own. I'm so sorry you've had to see this, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

I mean this most sincerely: Shut the fuck up and if you don't like something then fuck the fuck off.

Lusting after some obese grandma is not "an opinion" it's mental illness
I'd rather they not be on an ugly old hag like that. Just no.
How bout YOU shut up? I don't care what you have to say, this ain't it, chief. Find someone else. Crying over this is insane.
Calm down children
What’s her Instagram? Socials???
Assuming somebody doesn't beat you to death for being an ignorant asshole between now and your 60th birthday, your life is going to be very lonely when all your options are some variant of "some obese grandma". if you don't like the post fuck off somewhere else and keep your mouth breather opinions to yourself.
Man, you're not gonna to shut anyone up for speaking negatively on this. If you can't take it, too bad. You're embarrassing yourself defending this. What a loser.
I don't find the woman attractive but leave the people who do, alone. How difficult is it?

what the fuck are you even doing in this website then?

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